RANDOM PICTURE THREAD - Post ANY of your favorite pictures here to share with Tnet...


Simon... are those your cars ?

That is actually a really cool picture... in a few ways...

The one is a Trans Am and the other a vette ? correct ?

Yes, those are two of my cars. Thanks for the compliment AARC.

Hmmm not sure if posted this one already...

If so ... too bad... look anyway .... :P


Future stash.webp

For some reason the wife doesnt approve of my grooming choice...... that is if the pic loads....

Sagehen canyon0006.webp
Making a long dust in the desert.

Desert Rock Art, Sage Hen Canyon near a spring.
Sagehen canyon0002.webp

Sagehen canyon0003.webp

Sagehen canyon0004.webp

Ok folks...
Here is the deal on these... I was looking up something and ran across a bat picture... one of these actually...
I was intrigued and did a few searches on bats and saved these to share with you...
I feel tht the bat is an overlooked creature that is not commonly seen or known...
they are a very strange creature...
And we never see them...
They are all around us... everywhere. heh

0c6498795027afec4b78cb96f80cf076.webp9-bat.webp046.webp305-6508-Edit.webp312004.webpanimal-stereotype-3.webpAustralian Fruit Bat.webpBat-Animal-HD-Wallpaper.webpbat-face-crop-990x593.webpbd8f224e2f513125198e39ee8b5085f8.webpbig-brown-bat-rabid-bats.webpbonnetted-bat-okeechobee-florida-photo-ark_93736_600x450.webpcincinnati-zoo-9-5-13-269.webpGreater-Short-Nosed-Fruit-Bat.webpimagesHR7LL5VZ.webpmammals%20bats%20black%20background%201920x1200%20wallpaper_www_animalhi_com_13.webpm-tricolor_10879_600x450.webpVampire Bat.webpVampire_Bat_003.webpwide-eyed-bat-hanging-upside-down-602x402.webp

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