Found this gal or fellow high stepping across the side of the bed of my' metallic black F-150 because the metal was sooo hot. It was in the low 90's and the truck's bed was getting direct sunlight. I quickly relocated her or him on a limb of some bushes.
There was a report of a Great White around Provincetown Massachusetts,was up there for 4 days and I saw's safe ya'll can go back in the water now.
Another Atocha silver bar and various coins...
Some early American gold and some silvers as well on the live internet auction this Saturday at 4 IF anyone is interested.
On a trip few years ago to Connecticut, we went to a beach near Rhode Island, and
watched this couple far way, and acting kinda strange. She was detecting, and HE was digging her targets....!
Didn't meet them to see how they were doing, but COOL to see someone else having PROPER fun...!