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Here's a slice of a termite nest that I filled with epoxy. Been building a lot of furniture and pouring epoxy river tables. I took the termite nest and sliced it into cookies, now when I have leftover epoxy I pour it into the termite nest slices.


Bart, that´s looking fantastic!! :icon_thumright:

Just imagine a complete table like this.

Do you have any epoxy in the US yet that did n´t change the color to yellow after years?

Btw. On smaller pieces you can avoid such bubbles if you put the pieces soaked in epoxy in a vacuum chamber which is quite easy to build. The vacuum soaks out the air and the epoxy can float into every open space.
We do it on iron which is not to rescue to get out all air and preserve the pieces with epoxy. Works well.

So much for "Southern Charm", Smoking a cig over the sink of dirty dishes and sporting a Tattoo :BangHead: .

True you got to make her quit smoking. Or help her lol.
I don't like tattoos. A pretty girl doesn't need them.
There was a fake reality show about a tattoo place.
So like a girl who was way overweight would come in and want a tattoo of her grandma's face on her butt to honor her because granny raised her and taught her life lessons. So maybe I am exaggerating about the butt placement but the show was awful.

Miller Table morning haul,think its time for a Miller:occasion14: 012.webp

Didn´t know you got Ninja Turtles in the US :laughing7:

It's a good thing snapping turtles cannot run fast. They are mean rascals.
We lived out of town at one time and I would run around on a mini bike on the dirt roads. One day I saw a snapping turtle crossing the road. I picked him up by his tail and decided to take him home.
Had my hand on the handle and he would swing close to my leg and snap lol.
Don't know why I took him home.

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Tom are you on This?

"The Templar's Main Vault is at Questenberg, Germany."

I have hunted in that area before, and yes legally.

But when that user posted dig a hole, crap in it put a flower on it. I figured it was another troll. Seriously, in Germany its cool to import hundreds of thousands muslims, even known terrorist, its cool to rape white women, it is highly recomended to blame everything on Americans and rip them off while they are there.

But it is not cool to go crapping on their history. Real fast way to get messed by locals who would likely blame it on an American who was not even inn the area, while some asylium seekers rape local women. LOL

I have hunted in that area before, and yes legally.

But when that user posted dig a hole, crap in it put a flower on it. I figured it was another troll. Seriously, in Germany its cool to import hundreds of thousands muslims, even known terrorist, its cool to rape white women, it is highly recomended to blame everything on Americans and rip them off while they are there.

But it is not cool to go crapping on their history. Real fast way to get messed by locals who would likely blame it on an American who was not even inn the area, while some asylium seekers rape local women. LOL

Did you hear about the young German lady who was part of a video welcoming and extolling the virtues of the asylum seekers? Not long after she took a train, a guy got off and followed her. Raped, beaten and murdered. You know where he came from.
The post is interesting by this guy. He knows where this stuff is, he says. No proof. Brings the four horsemen on.
I'm asking questions but whatever. Seeing the same stuff you see with Beale, Oak island, whatever.
I think we are headed for sporadic bloody violence, maybe a reset. And 99% of people will look up from their fb page and be caught flat-footed.
Want to check something about foreign aid.

I have hunted in that area before, and yes legally.

But when that user posted dig a hole, crap in it put a flower on it. I figured it was another troll. Seriously, in Germany its cool to import hundreds of thousands muslims, even known terrorist, its cool to rape white women, it is highly recomended to blame everything on Americans and rip them off while they are there.

But it is not cool to go crapping on their history. Real fast way to get messed by locals who would likely blame it on an American who was not even inn the area, while some asylium seekers rape local women. LOL


Buddy, who blames what on Americans? Believe me, those who are woke up (and this are MILLIONS now!) know exactly which special group is behind everything and this are not our common American brothers!


gold boy,

One of the home remedies I used when I came down with a cold was quite simple. Squeeze the juice of a good sized lemon into a large glass or mug fill up with hot water and add some honey or sugar to take the edge off. Drink and hit the sack with extra covers you'll sweat like a pig but odds are it'll help your system burn through the symptoms faster. If that doesn't work go to plan B and do what Roger suggested.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

good morning i woke up with a sore throat go figure i was sick around Christmas last year


Buddy, who blames what on Americans? Believe me, those who are woke up (and this are MILLIONS now!) know exactly which special group is behind everything and this are not our common American brothers!


German Police, State Attorneys Office and most of those living around the NATO Military Communities.

German Police, State Attorneys Office and most of those living around the NATO Military Communities.


so those who are part of the c:censored:l system :laughing7:

btw. this NATO Bases are c:censored:l too! People here don´t want it for good reasons! But you know the entire story. Get rid of the Khazarian Mafia in the US and all this 800 military bases around the world are no longer needed. The American people don´t have a single enemy :icon_thumright:


OUCH :laughing7: Looks real like a lot of fun... for those who can put fire on the gunpowder :laughing7: :headbang:

Go now an check if my wife has any open wounds so I give it a try :laughing7: If it don´t work, we still have the tree resign balm LOL

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