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This world is FULL of dumb ass's !!!! How hard is it to cut a piece of lumber EXACTLY 20"x44" ???? Thanks Home Depot .After a 2 hr. round trip the stinking brain-dead employee is off 1/2" over the length of only 44". I'm so pissed I can't even type. :icon_scratch:???:tongue3:

I needed a platform for a fabric hunting blind 48 inches square. Exactly.
Gave the lumberyard the dimensions.....And recut them at home. As usual.
At least they were over on size , and not under.

Different folks working there than years ago when they messed up my shed floor stock...But I've come to expect having to check,recheck,and double check.

Next time I'll measure before they load it in the truck!:icon_thumright:


Our neighbor brought over some micro greens as a gift so guess that'll be our healthy side dish with our pizza tonight.


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I agree we're on the metric system in Canada and because of my age I still do the mental comparison because Imperial was the measure I learned in school as a kid.

Fact is metric is all based on 10, 100 parts, etc....so much easier conversion than imperial for sure.

Just a simple thing like farenheith why is 32f the freezing point and not 0 like the metric measure.....:BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:

Temp I do not even bother with trying to convert; our ranches, everything was metric and when that gauge read 35 degrees, that meant its going to be hot, not freezing of near freezing.

Besides, when my suv or car hits 300 or 320 KMH, it is just way cooler than some low gay number.

Hey Rook. What area of Mississippi do you live in? We passed through the state on our way to Alabama years ago.

Pretty close to where the King of Rock and Roll was born. "Thank ya, thank ya ver much".:laughing7:.I also detect in Alabama and some in Tennessee.

HEY Tom.Check this dancing machine out.1329015ed135156e2c626c658f752228.gif:laughing7::laughing9:

Another hold my adult beverage and watch this. C29C878F-B52F-4C90-8DF9-B485D64A5B06.gif I just don’t understand kids these days.

Another hold my adult beverage and watch this. View attachment 1655069 I just don’t understand kids these days.

Not one to laugh at someones misfortune; but in such cases where stoopid tards knock some sense into them selves thn I am going t crack up.

Rook, Yep they're bursting with nutrients they almost give you a buzz when you have them as a salad....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Our neighbor's aunt has a business supplying restaurants and health food stores and always gives them way to much so we get some care packages every so often.

Turns out it's their son's 2nd birthday so I brought over a mint 1945 mercury dime in a nice plastic holder as a gift/keepsake and as a thank you for the micro greens.

Look healthy Bill.


I kind of wonder how people like that manage to make it through life and the scary part is they procreate and vote....:laughing9::laughing9::laughing9:

Not one to laugh at someones misfortune; but in such cases where stoopid tards knock some sense into them selves thn I am going t crack up.

20181125_160551.webp chasing the man-o-war birds all day. Only caught one small shark, but...boy was it beautiful !!

No.....do tell hillbilly ??

Have shovel, will travel, did you say treasure ??


Our neighbor brought over some micro greens as a gift so guess that'll be our healthy side dish with our pizza tonight.

Feldsalat, Cornsalad or Valeriaanella. no matter what you call it in which ever language, it is one of my favourite salads. I like good mix of this with some Rucola (Rukola, Rauke, Arugula); about a 50/50 mix.

Another good one that you can use that most people just discard of as a pest plant is Urtica, its a stinging nettle. But take the leaves from that, wash them really well of course, shred them really fine and you can mix it under with all sorts of salads, greens and meats; but I like to make frikadella with mine or even better dried sausage.

Some very lean hog mixed in with some moose liver fat that has been boiled down and cooled, take that top layer off the pot and that is what you mix under, then mix in your spices, dont forget the Urtica, blow all that into your castings, then smoke it, cold smoke it, heck cool dry it. Just let it age for a few months real nice.

I am a metric sort of person. Standard just makes no sense to me at all, I can convert it in my head on the fly, but standard still makes no sense.

Funny part is all the people who claim down to the inch is far more accurate than down to the millimetre.


Buddy, why is it more accurate? You can claim down to a 10th or 100th or even more of a millimeter too but it is way easier! It is also easier to imagine something or just make math in your brain instead of a piece of paper!

In my opinion the imperial has much more space to make errors because you have to deal with fractions. An inch is 2.54 millimeters - what has the 4 at the and do do there? This is not an even measurement :laughing7:
A Gallon has 3,78541 Liters - what has the 78541 to do there?! :laughing7:

The metric system is based on physics and on clear and easy to use numbers :icon_thumright:

The imperial system is based on very old and not exact units of measurements. As example, the Egyptian used the ell, that was the size of the lower arm from hand to the bow. Apart from the fact that every body has different sizes, you also find different sized ancient ell´s so also they didn´t had used all the exact units. Every single ancient ell that was found has different sizes so on WHAT is the imperial real based ??

As example the millimeter is based on a constant wavelength.

Anyway, the only ones who real still love this B/S are the Freemasons and those who build machines that be sold to other countrie swith metric systems and they can sell the expensive tools for the machines right with every deal... :BangHead:


PS: Good morning Buddies!!

Gosh... such discussions right after opening the eyes and no fresh hot coffee in sight :BangHead: :laughing7: :coffee2:

Feldsalat, Cornsalad or Valeriaanella. no matter what you call it in which ever language, it is one of my favourite salads. I like good mix of this with some Rucola (Rukola, Rauke, Arugula); about a 50/50 mix.

Another good one that you can use that most people just discard of as a pest plant is Urtica, its a stinging nettle. But take the leaves from that, wash them really well of course, shred them really fine and you can mix it under with all sorts of salads, greens and meats; but I like to make frikadella with mine or even better dried sausage.

Some very lean hog mixed in with some moose liver fat that has been boiled down and cooled, take that top layer off the pot and that is what you mix under, then mix in your spices, dont forget the Urtica, blow all that into your castings, then smoke it, cold smoke it, heck cool dry it. Just let it age for a few months real nice.


You real like Rukola?

I can not get friend with it´s very special taste! I even can not real describe it, so I simply call the taste "brown" :laughing7: Years ago we got a HUGE monster cricket into the heater of our car and this critter burned very slowly over weeks on the heating cables. The smell of it was very close to the taste of Rukola!!! :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

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