RANDOM CHAT THREAD - Chat about anything or just hang out - ALL are welcome.

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Okay...what do you think? I'm not sure men are really conditioned to hold back their feelings as much anymore. And as far as that goes aren't women feeling like they got to be careful in the workplace about showing their emotions lest it be seen as weakness?
Guys will have serious talks with their friends. But don't you think guys tend to go right to figuring out how to fix a problem because they are just guys?
I kind of agree with your first statement. As for the women, at least in my workforce, they held back nothing. These women also jumped in with serious talks, so I guess it depends on numerous factors not to forget: age, topic, peers, and probably more. This has been my experience and I have been in upper management for 40+ years, AND the doghouse for over 46 1/2 years.

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But...guys. About this sharing interests thing.
Do we really want our wimmin looking at wimmin with us?

When I was younger, there was no problem. The wife was happy that I was NOT dead. Now days, I would probably end up DEAD. :BangHead: "Mirror" sunglasses have saved my life many times. :laughing7:

But...guys. About this sharing interests thing.
Do we really want our wimmin looking at wimmin with us?

Well, I've been in a relationship so long....Neither of us care anymore...I'm no Brad pitt and she's no Angolena Jolie....SO, of course we look!:laughing7: Heck, she even points them out for me if I miss something!:laughing7:

I'm not sure if that's what you meant? :laughing7:

Since I am old, ( says one member ), I kind of agree with your first statement. As for the women, at least in my workforce, they held back nothing. These women also jumped in with serious talks, so I guess it depends on numerous factors not to forget: age, topic, peers, and probably more. This has been my experience and I have been in upper management for 40+ years, AND the doghouse for over 46 1/2 years.

I was thinking more of crying. o well I need to gather my thoughts on this.
Why am I not shocked you spend a lot of time in the doghouse? :)

I was thinking more of crying. o well I need to gather my thoughts on this.
Why am I not shocked you spend a lot of time in the doghouse? :)

You may be right...Guys will just throw temper tantrums and maybe a women will shut the door and cry? I have no clue...I've seen some guys throw hissy fits on the job. Where you wanted to get them a manpon.:laughing7: On all levels and all education backgrounds. Guys will also play games to create "problems" so they can try to look good when they solve them. That is usually a man game. Part of our job was to eliminate the fake "problems".

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Well, I've been in a relationship so long....Neither of us care anymore...I'm no Brad pitt and she's no Angolena Jolie....SO, of course we look!:laughing7: Heck, she even points them out for me if I miss something!:laughing7:

I'm not sure if that's what you meant? :laughing7:

I was joking about them watching more than women walking down the street.
Your wife is pointing them out for you or is it more like wow she is hot and you think she is pointing them out for you? ;)

You may be right...Guys will just throw temper tantrums and maybe a women will shut the door and cry? I have no clue...I've seen some guys throw hissy fits on the job. Where you wanted to get them a manpon.:laughing7: On all levels and all education backgrounds.
Sometimes their hissy fit does have value. It was usually always my final decision, but I stayed open to almost all options. Sometimes a hissy fit got my attention, sometimes it did not. It mainly came down to how they put on their show as to how much thought I would give. Some of our "Leads" were women and it was funny how many guys would run up to my office practically crying. At times the women leads did appear to use their position to put down a guy, but I had to listen to each one's story first before I made the final decision. :occasion14:

Sometimes their hissy fit does have value. It was usually always my final decision, but I stayed open to almost all options. Sometimes a hissy fit got my attention, sometimes it did not. It mainly came down to how they put on their show as to how much thought I would give. Some of our "Leads" were women and it was funny how many guys would run up to my office practically crying. At times the women leads did appear to use their position to put down a guy, but I had to listen to each one's story first before I made the final decision. :occasion14:

That had to be funny at times, I bet! Did you have a hard time keeping a straight face while listening? I use to hear complaints working alongside people, and some of the stuff was so trivial.:laughing7: Or I would go to an office and people would start unloading about the company....Some of it was so bad, you thought to yourself"no wonder this office is falling apart.":laughing7:

"Then he yelled at me for pulling the truck in when HE wants them backed in..It's just not right!!!". "I only got a 14 minute break on Tues. and I'm entitled to a 15min break!! So what they gave me an hour overtime when I only worked a half, but it's just not right!":laughing7:

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There is the really stupid stuff too....They had a guy that took on his self to fix some equipment in the field. He pulled out a small pocket knife and started working on it on the spot. He managed to keep it working but cut himself. It was a small cut and he didn't care. But his boss made him go have it checked out. no big deal. Anyhow, the company fired him because "no weapons at work". It had nothing to do with me, but I even told them a pocket knife isn't a weapon and in that case it was a tool. That one sucked because he was a good worker and was doing what most wouldn't do. Most others would have left it sit and not told anyone.

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The more I think about it I see I didn't really explain myself well. But I'll try later lol. My brain hurts.
I just want some chamomile tea and my fuzzy slippers ;)

That sounded like a good employee. But with all the red tape and stuff now days management wants it reported. Even what they consider a "near miss" has to be reported. Where do you draw the line on that ? An airplane flying low over our facility, a bird flew in the dock door ? Then the paperwork required to fill out and report these near misses was so long. I broke my finger at work and rather fill out hours of paperwork, I had a "lead" put a make shift splint on it and went on. Somethings just are not worth the trouble.

Lot of jobs we were lucky to havea pocket knife for tools.

The more I think about it I see I didn't really explain myself well. But I'll try later lol. My brain hurts.
I just want some chamomile tea and my fuzzy slippers ;)

Not "furry" slippers :dontknow:

The more I think about it I see I didn't really explain myself well. But I'll try later lol. My brain hurts.
I just want some chamomile tea and my fuzzy slippers ;)

I completely understand...I did it in the other thread..I started out with a few thoughts and by the end they were all jumbled together and I went in a different direction....I went back and read it and said.."the heck with it, I'm not even going to try to sort that out. I mean I ended with the neighbor hitting her bowl. Where did I think that was relevant?:goldbar: I do that a lot.

Lot of jobs we were lucky to havea pocket knife for tools.
Ours was strict. We worked for the United States Postal Service and everyone had to be searched with a "Hand wand " before entering and then leaving. Post Office did not want people going through the mail and taking stuff home. Even cell phones was banned except for management as we had to be available in case postal inspector called.

I completely understand...I did it in the other thread..I started out with a few thoughts and by the end they were all jumbled together and I went in a different direction....I went back and read it and said.."the heck with it, I'm not even going to try to sort that out. I mean I ended with the neighbor hitting her bowl. Where did I think that was relevant?:goldbar: I do that a lot.

Sounds like a clear case of "Multi-Tasking" :laughing7:

Here's one I get into discussions with people over......Is upper management more likely to use alcohol and drugs on the job or job related. I say yes! Cocaine and alcohol seem to be the choices in what I saw. More than a "lower" guy smoking pot or drinking on the job. They called them "hourly" and they were always looked down on in the upper management. Which I never thought was right either.

That sounded like a good employee. But with all the red tape and stuff now days management wants it reported. Even what they consider a "near miss" has to be reported. Where do you draw the line on that ? An airplane flying low over our facility, a bird flew in the dock door ? Then the paperwork required to fill out and report these near misses was so long. I broke my finger at work and rather fill out hours of paperwork, I had a "lead" put a make shift splint on it and went on. Somethings just are not worth the trouble.

You are way too right on that! To do things by the book at my work I have to spend more time filling out paperwork than doing half the jobs! Feild risk assessment, energy isolation paperwork, hot work permit, working at heights permit, harness inspection, manlift inspection. All that just to go up and weld one small piece on!


Sounds like a clear case of "Multi-Tasking" :laughing7:
That could have been part of the problem. When I was trying to write I kept jumping off to help my wife with our son. So that did happen a couple times and I probably just kept on rambling.:laughing7:

You are way too right on that! To do things by the book at my work I have to spend more time filling out paperwork than doing half the jobs! Feild risk assessment, energy isolation paperwork, hot work permit, working at heights permit, harness inspection, manlift inspection. All that just to go up and weld one small piece on!

Technically, at our job, no one was supposed to put a vehicle in reverse without a "spotter". I got yelled at or written up a few times on that. Didn't matter who you were they came up with this spotter rule. :laughing7: For passenger cars and small trucks! I'd tell them, I've driven dump trucks with trailers, don't worry about it. I never got fired though!

There was a "safety Department" If they weren't creating rules and writting people up, then they wouldn't be doing their job. So, they did come up with some nonsense. They they ran around looking for people breaking their rules. One was an ex cop and he took his position way tooo serious!! He wore his costume and thought he was busting major criminals or something. He would even video tape like he was on a stakeout. He would set people up too.:laughing7: Towards the end of me being there they had to make him chill out a little.

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