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Dont get me started on the bermuda triangle topic !!! I live there !!! When ever there is unexplainable stuff at sea or in the skies, I simply answer with the same phrase every time " ITS BERMUDA TRIANGLE S..T " if you want to really get into it then search A.U.T.E.C. Atlantic undersea testing and evaluation center. We had property for many years on mangrove cay, andros island bahamas. This AUTEC chain of facilites run the length of andros and is considered the area 51 of the ocean. There facilites are highly secure and the fences are electric. All sorts of top secret undersea testing going on in the tounge of the ocean . God knows what there doing no one from the bases ever said a word to us. Seems everyone I ever met from the base just mowed the lawn, or took out the trash, or was just a cook. You get my drift no one knew what was going on. What ever there up to takes place at 10000 + feet in the tounge of the ocean. It gets stranger with massive magnetic anomalies in this area (you compass will spin like crazy in certain areas) then there are the stories on andros of the chic-charney small little camouflage creature that lives in the pine hammocks on the island. They are said to snatch small children in the night. And dont forget the lusca part octopus and snail with shark like teeth and jaws, it creeps out of the blue holes on the island and hunts the shore line with its tenticles they are said to be quite large. Many islanders swear these creatures exsist. Whatever is really going on here you can rest assured that autec is in the middle of it !!

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Hello. I'm working on giving it.....I live on a Spanish visited island and seeking someone to help me start detecting by supplying equipment in exchange for an agreed upon split of findings. People who know me consider me honest above and beyond. Anyone want to pitch in? Maybe not much found, but I'll give it.... Gold chain link for currency found in this general area of South pac.

Any takers?!!?! :happy1:

Hello. I'm working on giving it.....I live on a Spanish visited island and seeking someone to help me start detecting by supplying equipment in exchange for an agreed upon split of findings. People who know me consider me honest above and beyond. Anyone want to pitch in? Maybe not much found, but I'll give it.... Gold chain link for currency found in this general area of South pac.

Welcome to TreasureNet.

Sorry it violates our rules to try to solicit funds or equipment.

Sweet looking ride you have there. Bet if i saved all my money for a month I could afford to warm the engine up.
Maybe ill catch a fish to post on my fishing pic thread tomorrow holepuncher. By the way nice sturgen you posted recently.

Sweet looking ride you have there. Bet if i saved all my money for a month I could afford to warm the engine up.
Maybe ill catch a fish to post on my fishing pic thread tomorrow holepuncher. By the way nice sturgen you posted recently.

photo-1024.webp yup im making some scrapes and signs in trees. Eventually ill bury a cache, its ready !! Problem is I havnt figured out where to bury it ?? Im having fun making marks right now. These marks will lead from gumbo limbo tree to gumbo limbo tree, just as pirates did before me. There is a master key of symbols im using but ill keep it secret for now. Obviously this one means look down. Other symbols lower down will lead to the next set of symbols. This is just the first cache !!!

Been doing a little smelting too !!! Practicing with some copper before I pour some silver. I like the crosses better than the bars....gives a real treasure feeling.


Good idea on the smelting....we have a couple of guys on the Canadian forum who melt down their lead finds for diving weights.

Way more profitable than just selling for peanuts at scrap value.

Crude but effective just what I want. This one is 3.9 oz

When I was a kid, I had a plan. Actually, it was a bucket list before I ever knew what one was. If I was ever diagnosed with a fatal illness, I was going to first visit Montana. I don't know why, but I've always wanted to go there. Then I was going to the rest of the U. S. Then off to see the world. Then, I wanted to go to outer space. And finally, if I was still alive, I wanted to go through the Bermuda Triangle and figure out the mystery.

As an adult, I have realized that everyone has a fatal illness so to speak. I have barely put a dent in my bucket list and I know I will never cross it all off. But I am working on what I can. I still haven't made it to Montana. And, now, I am more afraid of crossing into jeff-gordon's CWAZ than I am of crossing the Burmuda Triangle. :laughing7:

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