RANDOM CHAT THREAD - Chat about anything or just hang out - ALL are welcome.

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Good afternoon Rook.

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I can't believe I can't find a bigger picture than this, for free. To get a bigger one, costs $79.00 a year.

This is my 3x great uncle Elias Trautmans service record or something like that.

Family legend says that he was shot point blank in the chest, during the battle of the wilderness with a shotgun. He jumped over a trench, and a rebel was at the bottom waiting, and he pulled the trigger. Regimental history books just say he was severely wounded, and not expected to live. He lived to the year 1900 I believe.

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[Port Royal Island, S.C. Coosaw Ferry; battleground of January 1, 1862, in the distance].webp

Soldiers from Company A, 50th PA on picket duty along the Coosaw river. My uncle was a soldier in company A at the time.

Contents of the package, from a gentleman who graciously decided to help me out with my battle collection:


Fired regulation minie ball, Vicksburg Mississippi


Rare, intact Spencer cartridge, Dalton Georgia


Williams cleaner type III, Chickamauga Georgia


Fired regulation minie ball, Corinth Mississippi


Fired regulation minie ball, Shiloh Tennessee


roundball, Fort Blakeley Alabama. Note the very poor field casting.


Fired Enfield Prichett, Franklin Tennessee


Ringtail Sharps, Mufreesboro Tennessee

The news showed major backups at the gas stations already in Florida.

I was just defending Florida on another forum. Some "yankee" from Minnesota said that Florida was nothing but a slave state where white men sat around eating catfish, and still is like that today. I told him in as nice of terms as I felt, and said, "Keep quiet about states you don't live in, and know nothing about." Several Floridians told him in much more hostile terms, to shut up, to which I promptly posted the Bonnie Blue Flag.

Life's good. :laughing7:

Image-1(2).webp and were out of water....glad I got mine

This for you Rusty watch out for them Walmart girls...:tongue7:


I was just defending Florida on another forum. Some "yankee" from Minnesota said that Florida was nothing but a slave state where white men sat around eating catfish, and still is like that today. I told him in as nice of terms as I felt, and said, "Keep quiet about states you don't live in, and know nothing about." Several Floridians told him in much more hostile terms, to shut up, to which I promptly posted the Bonnie Blue Flag.

Life's good. :laughing7:

Sho is. Especially when you're eatin fried cat, hushpuppies, sliced onion, cold slaw, ice tea with lemon and lemon pie. Damn that's good.

The news showed major backups at the gas stations already in Florida.
Several gas stations in my area have had long lines and are now pumped dry.
Still at this point it is not known where it will land in Florida, but a Cat 4 is serious , and the Gov has recommended a evac for the barrier islands on the East coast.
Inland, wind and rain are always a problem, and with a saturated soil, the shallow rooted 100 year+ Oak trees just fall over on houses and cars.

"I would not call 2/3 a overwhelming majority. (majority yes, overwhelming, no)
Especially not considering that many of that group was still dependent on slavery. Rented slaves or sold good to plantations or in other ways worked in a profession that benefit from slavery.

And if that was why, then they are the most stupid people in history... all they needed to do not to have government troops in their backyard, was not to start a war in the first place."

Dude from Denmark of all places said this.

I said this:

And where did you get the 2/3rds number? 2/3rds among the wealthy population? 2/3rds among the planter class, or the entire south as a whole? Numbers have ranged from 3% to 30%, and facts are twisted to fit an agenda. The modern agenda is to vilify the southern confederacy and the soldiers who fought for it.

Dude from Minnesota said this:

"You put the cart before the horse, Ethan. Had the white Southerners not rebelled (to protect slavery) no Northern armies would've come south."

I said this:

Had the Northern states stayed out of it, the South would have left peacefully and that would have been the end of it. Actually, it would have only been a few states because when Lincoln called for regiments to be formed, and an army be readied, states like Virginia and North Carolina and such took it as a threat. The yankees would have to march through them, to get to the seceded states. Only the original seceded states would have left, not all 13. Lincoln created a bigger enemy when he called up for more troops.

I do not excuse the Southern states politicians and planters racist behavior at that time. However, I refuse to let the common confederate soldier, the lowly privates who fought so bravely, be mocked, shamed and ridiculed by modern folk who want to end the story of the confederacy. Whether you like it or not, they were Americans, they fought as Americans and died as Americans, and for one group of Americans to be portrayed as evil because of the actions of a few rich men, is shameful. God bless the boys in blue, for preserving the union, for freeing the slaves, and for I am descended from those who fought for the Union. And God bless the boys in gray, who fought so bravely throughout the war, who stood up to the government and died trying to protect their states and families. God bless the soldiers of the Civil War, blue and gray.

And they are still throwing up numbers that I think they are pulling out of their butts. 40% of Lees army were slave owners?? Since when could poor farmers afford slaves? What would doctors, lawyers, teachers, shop owners do with slaves? It was the cotton planters and the tobacco planters that used them, and exactly how many plantation owners left their money making plantations to go get themselves killed? It doesn't make sense, and it is an effort to vilify the republican South, plain and simple.

Hey crew...

Meet Dorian.


I got this feeling we may be meeting Dorian on much closer terms.

Daaang I got ripped off mine was 350 grand lol

Ooooops, I did not realize that was you Toecutter. :dontknow: I bought it for 125,000 before I sold it to you at 350,000 ?
Oh well, as the invoice stated: " All sales are final " :laughing7:

I can't say anything that hasn't already been said by everyone here, wish you luck and be aware of your surroundings.

Good morning everyone.

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