Well you guys probably think I have it made traveling around on yachts, fishing, diving, and treasure hunting. Well heres a behind the scenes story to give you an idea about some of the not so fun work. There is one thing everyone who owns a boat dreads......a sewage system failure !!
View attachment 1711729 the only way to even see the pump for the sewage tank was to take a pic because it's dark back in the bowels of the boat. This sewage waste pump had to be replaced and it was almost impossible to get to. I was forced to lay on my side and squeeze my shoulders through a small hatch and lay on top of pipes and wires that were bruising my ribs. I new there would be some fecas and piss involved in the removal of the pumps hoses, but I didn't realize the system was under pressure !! Now keep in mind there are 2 engine mechanics also working in the bilge. As soon as I undid the hose clamps the hose blew off with a big blast of raw sewage !! I tried to escape but was stuck in the small opening of the hatch. Resting on my elbows the first gag reflex came and I knew I was gonna barf. As I started to throw up I could here the mechanics starting to gag, cough, and cuss. About that time all the carbon monoxide and co2 alarms started to scream. By the time I got myself out of that hole I had thrown up all over my arms and was dripping vomit, s..t, and sewage off my elbows. One mechanic threw up in the bilge and the other just made it out of the boat before he vomited. I came bursting out of the boat and jumped straight into the canal fully clothed like a man on fire. Jumped straight in with wallet, phone, and keys. It was not pleasant and took 2 days of bleaching to clean it up. The boat had to be aired out for 3 days, and I had to squeeze back in the hole and wire plumb and mount the new pump. It was a week long effort to get this one pump done and I'm bruised and beaten from the struggle. That's just to let you guys know that it ain't all tropical paradise, clear waters and sunsets. Nooooooo not the crapper pump !! The most dreaded job in yachting. I hope none of you ever have to go through that hell.