RANDOM CHAT THREAD - Chat about anything or just hang out - ALL are welcome.

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ha ha ha ha! Bill I was expecting this when I first seen the post.


Rook, pppaahh-lease stop posting my pic! I don’t want to pick up a cyber boyfriend. :laughing9:

Rook, pppaahh-lease stop posting my pic! I don’t want to pick up a cyber boyfriend. :laughing9:


Are you sure sis??

I increase my offer :icon_thumleft::icon_thumright: :wav:

515399292-kamelherde-kasachstan-kamel-tier-steppe.webp dagobert-duck-geldspeicher-exit_610x407_oc.webp ferrari-testarossa-l-01.webp Museen-Vor-20-Jahren-wurde-in-Trier-ein-Goldschatz-entdeckt.webp vehicle_ad_standard_image_92f935ed9786ed9c044468e39e1deb6e.webp Property-3fd700000000035c00015b29f48a-56416063.webp ec1.webp

but wait.... if your hubby finally takes my offer, I will be a poor man and you will go back to him....

OK, let me think again about the deal for a while....

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Evidence Scott's wears nothing under their kilts :laughing7:

BEST Queen pic I´ve ever seen LOL


I'm tired.
I haven't slept or ate anything in two days.
My goal is 96 hours... I don't know why though.
I don't know why I am here... Where is here?

Have you ever felt trapped within yourself?
I'm being tormented by demons.
What makes me so important to single out?

Top of the morning to the crew. AARC...AARC where art thou?...:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:



About time you got your duff on the deck matey!.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Good morning peoples!
And we have sunshine...almost. I'll take what i can get.

BC. It's what they do, your job is to not give in. We're here for you. There's strength in numbers.
Deep breath, clear your mind. Drink water so your not dehydrated (that causes bad things to happen.)

Sent from my VS810PP using Tapatalk

Good morning everyone.
Good morning Msbeepbeep, yeah the dehydrated, I tend to forget to drink enough water.
When my sides aka kidneys start hurting lol

Sorry about my midmorning rant.

It is a strange thing, the more I try to strengthen my faith, the more that I am tormented.

I knew from a very early age that I specifically had a mandate from Heaven that I help bring people to the Door.
I can't make that choice for them, just show them the door.
I'm not very good at communicating online, but in person, different story.
Stay the course and hold the line.
Someone has to do it.
Mankind is falling from the Grace at an increasing rate.
Prayers for Chris and anyone else who walks that line.

I love that I can talk openly about my faith here.


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