That is what Bart called it. And I was. I got so overwhelmed by my real world stress and I turned my pm’s back on and requested my account be deleted. I had seen somewhere that “they “ wait 30 days before taking action to make sure you are serious. So I stayed off. Idk about 37-40 days later curiosity got the best of me and I tried to log in. To my surprise I was still a member. And, I had several pm’s. Obviously I didn’t turn them back off .
One was from the mod explaining my options. Never login again, change my password and lock myself out, or request a lifetime ban.
The others were from gb, Tom, and kcm. Checking on me and reaching out.
Now, this whole time I have shared everything with my real world friend. And after much discussion I made a choice to come back.
So kcm, that meme about choices was kinda about that. Ultimately it was my choice period.
Now, I have already acknowledged gb with a “Thank you “ but I have not said it to kcm and Tom.
Thank you my brothers! Your genuine concern is appreciated.
Now, I cannot give you a hug gif like I did gb because I fear your wives might hunt me down and kick my butt.
So, this is for you. (however gb is going to like it too. LOL)