Brad and I were almost friends when he brought up his "find". With my unqualified eye, I pretty much pegged it from the start. I told Brad that I could present the picture to some well known archaeologist that I had made contact with in the past. He asked me to do that, and this was the results:
I have been a fan of ancient Mesoamerica for a number of years now.
In that time I have had more than a few questions, for which answers were varied and at odds. I had the good fortune to have a few of those questions answered by some well respected archaeologists.
"But lets face it, if this is Spanish, and it really does look to be, then it is definately more than 150 years old, but not more than 500 years old."
This is the opinion of our "local" expert.
One of the people I sent your pictures to was, Dr. Michael E. Smith,
Professor of Anthropology, University at Albany. This was his response:
"This looks like a piece of modern junk made to fool tourists."
That's a strong comment from an archaeologist. In my dealings with them, they seldom make such definitive statements. There are good reasons for that. In archaeology, one turn of the spade can destroy what has been accepted fact for many years. They will usually leave themselves some "wiggle" room. You will notice he said "looks like", not "is".
For me, his opinion is enough. I would have preferred it was the real thing.
This was the beginning of the end for our friendship. Brad spent the next few years trying to prove me wrong on.......anything. The results of that is still to be found on the LDM Forum. I understand that, as it's the same thing I evoke in many people. I am just too sure of my conclusions.
Believe it has even turned you sideways a few times. Don't know how I can change my nature at this late date, but I consider you a friend and would hate to be at odds with you.
Take care,