
i under stand how you all feel about what has taken place here over the last 10 years .. i can not say some of it is not worthy .. but if you dont want all that time and effert wasted you should hear what i have to say at the Rendenzous .. i do plain to end the legend of the LDM on the 22sd ..
the legend well be over but the history of waltz and LDM will live on it or not i found the LDM in 2006 and i was alone . i have one chance to go back and get the samples i want from the mine . its not a walk in the park .. its dangerous and it will be hard work ..some of my family are comeing up to help me ..mike j. knows very little about the mts or the legend ..

the realities at this ..i locate a exstreamly hard to find mine and it is very dangerous to even get close to it is almost total hiden and unsee able till you are right up on it ...

can i prove this is the LDM yes . the samples i collect in front of witnesses will match the LDM ore ...the expoloration of this mine will prove the legend of waltz gold mine was true ..IMHO

this will be the best Rendenzous ever .. its a one time event . and i am sorry but i will never see another event most likely ..

dont freak out if i am not at the LD state park on the 16th .. we do not know how long it will take us to get there that why i made my reservations for the whole week .. ashes are dog will be muzzled at the Rendenzous i dont like getting bit any more then anyone else dose niece will be there the morning of the 22sd to watch Helen for the day ..

it all comes down to one day and a last hike into the mts there gold there ,yes . is the vane what waltz said it was . IMHOI i beleive it is .. just by what i have seen with my own two eyes ...

i have a lot to do and i leave day after tomorrow ..

i have a lot of road to cover and i hope and pray things go well ..GOD willing ...

i will see you all at the Rendenzous .. i have not wasted your time or my own ..

if i fail i did it on my own . and if i am correct i stand alone at the top of a mt of people that have given so much to this legend ...

lets find out if the mine i have found is the real LDM and if it dose have the Gold vane waltz spoke of .....

thats all i can do is try ..

I'd be (edit) impressed if you used spell check on
your posts and just took the time to spell
Rendezvous correct,,,,,,,,, ONE TIME!

pronghorn said:
I'd be (edit) impressed if you used spell check on
your posts and just took the time to spell
Rendezvous correct,,,,,,,,, ONE TIME!

i dont really care about what you think about my spelling ,has that dawned on you yet ... :coffee2:

Like it or not... care or not... a certain part of being taken seriously involves being able to effectively communicate.

First he doesn't care about the people he is trying to communicate with.

Then he tries to convince everyone that he cares deeply about all of mankind.

Next, he hates all of mankind, and could care less about their well being.

Then he is worried about the feelings of all Dutch Hunters, and outdoorsmen everywhere.

Then he is back to not caring if his miserable spelling gives people headaches or not.

Then he doesn't care if anyone believes him or not.

Then he is desperately trying to convince everyone to believe him.

Then he is going to leave the forum forever.

Then he is back, starting a new thread, promising to be good.

Then he is deleting his thread.

Then (go to top of list, and continue).

OMG, I'm getting dizzy!

Oh, I forgot, somewhere in there he goes to other forum sites and tells people how he is making fools of us all here, by leading us around in circles!

What to do?


Oh yeah, I forgot---

He says his spelling is so terrible because he is dyslexic.

When requested to simply use the spell checker, he says he is legally blind.

Then he wants people to follow him into the Supers? Is he going to be tapping a white cane on the ground the whole way? That sure sounds safe.

And he claims to have such a keen eye that he's found all this stuff that everyone else just passed by?

Yet with such a keen eye, he can't focus a camera?

Next, he will tell us that he welds by Braille. Ouch!-oh-ooooh-ouch!

Anyone ever heard of a master code-cracker who was dyslexic? And blind? Right.



Well, not to cut this thing to fine, you also left out the part where he personally spoke to Montezuma....face to face. Of course we never determined, if it was Montezuma I or II that
bb met, as far as I remember. :dontknow:

It would, of course, make a huge difference.

Take care,


P.S. He claims to have had advanced schooling in the military. You can't pass training like that in the military if you can't even spell. You can't even get into the military like that!

(Whew---I think I'm done now. I feel a little better.) 8)



If it was both, would that qualify as a "full Monte"?


Cubfan64 said:
Like it or not... care or not... a certain part of being taken seriously involves being able to effectively communicate.

i ask joe a simple question he did not answer did he ...?

Cubfan64 said:
Like it or not... care or not... a certain part of being taken seriously involves being able to effectively communicate.

i ask joe a simnple question. and he did not answer did he ...?

i think thats communication..

As I have read through bb's posts over the years, I always think of this empty prospect hole that someone was so sure it was the LDM, that he tried to get a permit to work it. It's not even in the range:


People deluding themselves in the LDM game is all to common. In the case of the above picture, it was really very sad.

Joe Ribaudo

Blindbowman said:
i dont really care about what you think about my spelling ,has that dawned on you yet ... :coffee2:

I deserve that!

Will you be video recording any of your discovery?
Will anybody be videoing any of the Rendezvous?

I would pay good money to see the moment when
you silence all the non-believers and their jaws hit
the ground, or to see what you do when it* dawns
on you. I do wish you good luck!

* (reality)


"In the case of the above picture, it was really very sad."
I remember some of those claims,and the debates which followed.
Even received a few messages from Brad (Lazarus) regarding or hinting of his discoveries.
You identified the mine,which he claimed to be the LDM,as one of the mines on Coon Bluff.
A HAZ link to the area here.......
Can't remember the mineral (barite?),but it would be interesting to know the history of these mines.
Also never got to see the "Mine Deity" carving that Brad claimed to have found in his mine,but I recall some disagreement over it's age and provenance.


...he could have saved himself some aggravation by reading this...

pronghorn said:
Blindbowman said:
i dont really care about what you think about my spelling ,has that dawned on you yet ... :coffee2:

I deserve that!

Will you be video recording any of your discovery?
Will anybody be videoing any of the Rendezvous?

I would pay good money to see the moment when
you silence all the non-believers and their jaws hit
the ground, or to see what you do when it* dawns
on you. I do wish you good luck!

* (reality)

yes i will be video tapeing the the expedition and hemit cam the full investigation of the mine along with nikon L110 PICTURES ..

i hope i can camcarder some at the camp fire as well as a voice recording ..i also hope to do a endoscope video

i am sorry i dont know how much of this will be made public but i will try to make some of it public here at TN have to under stand i have a large investment to cover and i would like to enjoy the rest of my life wealthy if i can .. but not to wealthy

if it is the LDM the footish would be worth millions ..and a lot less red tape ...

i would like to see those that have put up with me all these years enjoy the rewards as well ..

i would like to enjoy the rest of my life wealthy if i can

I was under the impression that you adamantly stated a number of times you had no interest at all in wealth/financial gain from this venture? Being interested in gaining wealth isn't a bad thing at all - just wondering why you changed your view?

Cubfan64 said:
i would like to enjoy the rest of my life wealthy if i can

I was under the impression that you adamantly stated a number of times you had no interest at all in wealth/financial gain from this venture? Being interested in gaining wealth isn't a bad thing at all - just wondering why you changed your view?

its not for me , ..i dont really care much .. its for the people i do care about ..


Brad and I were almost friends when he brought up his "find". With my unqualified eye, I pretty much pegged it from the start. I told Brad that I could present the picture to some well known archaeologist that I had made contact with in the past. He asked me to do that, and this was the results:


I have been a fan of ancient Mesoamerica for a number of years now.
In that time I have had more than a few questions, for which answers were varied and at odds. I had the good fortune to have a few of those questions answered by some well respected archaeologists.


"But lets face it, if this is Spanish, and it really does look to be, then it is definately more than 150 years old, but not more than 500 years old."

This is the opinion of our "local" expert.

One of the people I sent your pictures to was, Dr. Michael E. Smith,
Professor of Anthropology, University at Albany. This was his response:

"This looks like a piece of modern junk made to fool tourists."

That's a strong comment from an archaeologist. In my dealings with them, they seldom make such definitive statements. There are good reasons for that. In archaeology, one turn of the spade can destroy what has been accepted fact for many years. They will usually leave themselves some "wiggle" room. You will notice he said "looks like", not "is".

For me, his opinion is enough. I would have preferred it was the real thing.



This was the beginning of the end for our friendship. Brad spent the next few years trying to prove me wrong on.......anything. The results of that is still to be found on the LDM Forum. I understand that, as it's the same thing I evoke in many people. I am just too sure of my conclusions.

Believe it has even turned you sideways a few times. Don't know how I can change my nature at this late date, but I consider you a friend and would hate to be at odds with you.

Take care,







I've got no dog in this fight Joe, but making an accurate archaeological statement of "fake or authentic" via photographs doesn't sound like something I would hang my hat on. It may be a qualified opinion by an archaeologist, and certainly better than anything I could state about the item, but it's still just an opinion - and one not based on an "in hand" examination of the item. It still leaves quite a bit of question in my mind.

If I remember correctly, Brad had it looked at by "his expert(s)," and I thought the outcome was different - I also thought I recalled that he wasn't willing to have other experts examine it. I haven't gone back to all those old threads to check them out, so I may be incorrectly remembering.


I gave my opinion on the thing well before I heard back from Professor Smith. Working from a picture, which is all we had, he said what it looked like to him......same as I did.

I advised Brad to keep researching it, but Professor Smith's opinion was good enough for me.

Brad asked me to pass the pictures along. I did the best I could with them. He would not name his "expert". I did.

Take care,


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