

Hero Member
Jul 5, 2013
is it fair to say that most of the high mountain have fissures in them? is it also fair to say gold follows water? with these questions in mind if i find an old dried up creek bed coming down off the mountain and i dig in the right spot i can get what im looking for or has it nit made it down off the side off the mountain yet(ie not reach the creek yet)?

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this is the creek im thinking of. i will walk up the middle of the rivene and dig up a few bucket and take down to the creek? would the gold be down to bedrock this high? how far down to bedrock do you think it is in this ravene that high?


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well i understand that but this spot is about 175 miles from my house. i cant just take off in the morning and go up there. im trying to get as much info as i can because im planning a wk trip to this area in august.

and i want to utilize my time there. if its not going to do me any good up higher then then ill stay lower. if its better to go higher then ill spend my time transferring the high stuff lower(buckets of classified material from up high down to the creek) if its better to stay low then ill concentrate on the creek.

i live in colorado and there are several placers in the area. about 30 miles away from me is the famous mining district of tincup. the colorado rockies are have a gold belt running right threw the middle of it. ppl have found gold in the south plate river right in the middle of denver. thanks for the info about where to find more info. lol

Nobody, that covered it like a blanket, Tweeta I will look and send claims filed in the area for you, though not nearly CURRENT, if you like maybe that will help scratch your itch.
But youll half to send me (PM) the LAT - LONG of your area. And no im not interested in taking your spot. Great info from above.


nobody... i have been going to that area sense i was a kid just fishing with my dad and even if i dont find one speck of gold i will enjoy myself as i love the mountains. you seem to come off kind kinda harsh. and i dont remember posting a pick of my truck.

ive seen that video. i understand the concept of finding it in the river/stream, im trying to find tips on finding it before it gets there. 30 minutes for you because you know the area. someone from cali or nevada wouldnt have such an easy time. besides if there are a few more ppl there then i have some one to bullshit with or drink some beers by a campfire afterdark.

will gold fall out behind a rock in the river even if its not sticking out of the water?

ok so i watched a vid and the guy refered to the gold as 50, 100 and 200. what does this mean? size?

will gold fall out behind a rock in the river even if its not sticking out of the water?

Yes. If the rock disturbs the flow stuff will settle behind it most times.

ok so i watched a vid and the guy refered to the gold as 50, 100 and 200. what does this mean? size?

He means classifier mesh size: -100 means small enough to go thru a mesh with 100 holes per inch...those are tiny holes! But as you know gold can be very tiny!

FYI, where I frequently prospect, half the gold (by total weight) is plus 50 (gets caught in a 50 mesh screen) and half is minus 50 (falls thru the 50 mesh) so clearly that little stuff adds up in the pan!

oh i see... this is my lil spot. me and me boy already dug this hole out once about 2wks ago. it got filled completely back in, redug it again and got 4 5gallon buckets from behind this rock... i dug down about 2 1/2ft. a before and after. and this is the rest of the creek.


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oh my son found this when we were classifying our material.


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dude there is soooooooooooooooo much information out there.... I promise if gold was mined in the area where this ravine is there is some information about it online....there are numerous bullitens that have been search certain key words like gold...mining.... placer.....claim....and include the name of the creek and or any nearby town or old camp...and start from there. How far away has gold been found? if you are wanting to try prospecting why are you so fixated on this spot? you are in Colorado there are places to go and find color.Research and knowing how to research are very very very important tool to a prospector....more important than recovery equipment even. Its not always what your taught....its what you learn that counts.

this is just a spot close to my house that i can go to in 30min. this spot is just a lil down stream from central city/blackhawk.

and out of those buckets you got no color?

this is just a spot close to my house that i can go to in 30min. this spot is just a lil down stream from central city/blackhawk.

...which suggests to me that it would most likely have gold...does it?

i havent went threw my cons yet. i just picked up a jobe power head for my sluice today.

how many buckets of 1/4" classified material can i put threw the sluice before i need to clean the sluice?

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