we are all (too) familiar with stories of mediums and glass balls communicating with . . . insert whatever
and ghosts too are familiar to all; but why do some see or hear while others do not?
is communicating with spirits a particular skill?
or a specific individual trait?
or perhaps a chosen tribe for a specific spirit?
or perhaps a specific spirit for certain functions?
is communication one way, and if so - which way (up or down?, hot or cold?, light or dark?)
if communication is 2 way, is an answer (or guidance) always received?
can more than one participate?
all of the above questions can be answered, debated, and/or rejected; but the question posed here is a bit different
-> can one improve, enhance, or augment the ability to communicate with the other world? (as its commonly referred to)
we have history to guide us; shamen have been talking with the gods, excuse me I ment spirits, since before written history; and in places the activity is an unbroken chain to this day
it seems to be reasonably accepted that an essential step towards communication is to reduce/suppress the outside influences/distractions of the moment (noise, light, etc.) to facilitate concentration - and there are lots of ways to do this
it seems desirable to highly stress the body physically to induce a light-headed trance like state - and this is done routinely by depravation of food or water or sleep, bloodletting, self-flagellation, extreme exhaustion, etc.
so what happens if the receiver won't work?
you listen intently . . . . . but nothing (other than the wind in your ears, or tinnitus)
is there help for the deaf ?
indeed there is, the path has been delineated by the shamen over the ages and every continent; use the mouth to open the brain
and the list of stimulants, intoxicants, hallucinogenics, et all is stupefyingly large containing the good, the bad, and the poisonous
note that government has defined many of these to be illegal, but one can visit Central or South America and puke your guts out there
does such work?
yes, but not for the mentally weak who may (and do) go nuts, suicide, go into a coma, etc.
it seems unstable people are prone to breaking (who wudda thought?)