Priming the Pump to Communicate with Spirits

O would seem probable
pg 36, Table 5 gives the RH data - but I cannot understand anything
a clue ??
(we now have 4 O-, way outside probability)

appropo nothing; my second wife was 1/4 Cherokee, nice woman

the moon is a point source (relative to the sun) so the edge definition is sharper; in sunlight the edges get fuzzy and I just kinda fa d e a w a y

REBEL care to read Dit's paper ?

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O would seem probable
pg 36, Table 5 gives the RH data - but I cannot understand anything
a clue ??
(we now have 4 O-, way outside probability)

Not necessarily. Depends on what your study group is. If comparing it to all members of Tnet, it's well under the statistical norm. If using only the posters on this thread, you have to account for such factors as 'interest in this topic' in order to draw them here, level of boredom (which is actually a seeming trait for 0-, one for the plus side), the fact that at least 50% of people don't even know what their blood type is. And the possibility that people with rare blood types might be drawn to this subject more so than normal blood types. Many variables.

But is does seem odd, doesn't it? :icon_scratch:


the moon is a point source (relative to the sun) so the edge definition is sharper; in sunlight the edges get fuzzy and I just kinda fa d e a w a y

....... that case....

neck collar.webp

that would collar my attention, doesn't look Cherokee to me (and we had moonies in SF, different)

without a doubt the subject group is skewed and the reason is precisely the question
is psychic susceptibility or psychic sensitivity a more appropriate term?
or merely psychic interest

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that would collar my attention, doesn't look Cherokee to me (and we had moonies in SF, different)

No Moonies, borrowed from my aboriginal sisters. Just in case. :wink:

And speaking of Kace....where is she, I need a St. Raphael medallion.

without a doubt the subject group is skewed and the reason is precisely the question
is psychic susceptibility or psychic sensitivity a more appropriate term?
or merely psychic interest

Figures, now we're all skewed. :laughing7:

Indeed, possibilities therein... :icon_scratch: :icon_thumright:

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I am O RH- too./ also/ likewise

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a poll would be fascinating
Maverick1 says 'it' is a trait, ya got it or you don't
yet here we have an apparent grouping of O- (and O+ also ? not clear)

anyone good at designing a poll ?

O would seem probable
pg 36, Table 5 gives the RH data - but I cannot understand anything
a clue ??
(we now have 4 O-, way outside probability)

appropo nothing; my second wife was 1/4 Cherokee, nice woman

the moon is a point source (relative to the sun) so the edge definition is sharper; in sunlight the edges get fuzzy and I just kinda fa d e a w a y

REBEL care to read Dit's paper ?

that would collar my attention, doesn't look Cherokee to me (and we had moonies in SF, different)

without a doubt the subject group is skewed and the reason is precisely the question
is psychic susceptibility or psychic sensitivity a more appropriate term?
or merely psychic interest
LOL! Cherokee...? Powhatan/Monacan myself... Monacan Pow-Wow THIS weekend (17th-18th) in Elon, Va. Gonna get some FRY BREAD... YUMMMM! I like to watch the girls dancing; wife is NOT amused...

NB I am not qualified/experienced to design a poll - any poll designers out there ? . . . . . hello ?

some thoughts as to the poll:
do not want some randomized poll of a cross-section of the universe
limit the poll/pool to those who have had psychic (kinda) experiences, use their intuition, voices, visions ??
(a 4 distractor question that would enable sorting kinds of psychic stuff/traits)
so the poll could be open as there would be a method to separate the non-psychic responses

blood type/RH would be a mandatory response (or pitch those responses w/o the blood info)
past psychic experiences would also be a mandatory response (how to sort those in whom we are interested)

am soliciting psychic poll questions
please respond

thanks to REBEL, some candidate questions

% native American (indigenous) - 100% 50% >0 and 0
groups ? so many, no idea how to group

Do "Native Americans" have to be on Tribal Rolls...? My Grandmother Bowling was NOT on Monacan Tribal Rolls in the Shenandoah Valley of Va. My father was a "half-breed", and a fighter; older brother & I were "Quarter-Pounders", he was not a fighter. I was & known as "Quarter-Pounder with Cheese" (b/c of naughty jokes, that I would tell)… heh.

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Mountains are GREAT for "Re-connecting"... JESU did it. Wife & I have a "Secret Place" on the BRP.

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we are all (too) familiar with stories of mediums and glass balls communicating with . . . insert whatever
and ghosts too are familiar to all; but why do some see or hear while others do not?

is communicating with spirits a particular skill?
or a specific individual trait?
or perhaps a chosen tribe for a specific spirit?
or perhaps a specific spirit for certain functions?

is communication one way, and if so - which way (up or down?, hot or cold?, light or dark?)
if communication is 2 way, is an answer (or guidance) always received?
can more than one participate?

all of the above questions can be answered, debated, and/or rejected; but the question posed here is a bit different
-> can one improve, enhance, or augment the ability to communicate with the other world? (as its commonly referred to)

we have history to guide us; shamen have been talking with the gods, excuse me I ment spirits, since before written history; and in places the activity is an unbroken chain to this day

it seems to be reasonably accepted that an essential step towards communication is to reduce/suppress the outside influences/distractions of the moment (noise, light, etc.) to facilitate concentration - and there are lots of ways to do this
it seems desirable to highly stress the body physically to induce a light-headed trance like state - and this is done routinely by depravation of food or water or sleep, bloodletting, self-flagellation, extreme exhaustion, etc.

so what happens if the receiver won't work?
you listen intently . . . . . but nothing (other than the wind in your ears, or tinnitus)
is there help for the deaf ?

indeed there is, the path has been delineated by the shamen over the ages and every continent; use the mouth to open the brain
and the list of stimulants, intoxicants, hallucinogenics, et all is stupefyingly large containing the good, the bad, and the poisonous
note that government has defined many of these to be illegal, but one can visit Central or South America and puke your guts out there

does such work?
yes, but not for the mentally weak who may (and do) go nuts, suicide, go into a coma, etc.
it seems unstable people are prone to breaking (who wudda thought?)

Well, DON'T think it is "unstable" or "mentally weak" ppl; some ppl with various disabilities have been known to be "sensitive" to "other than the 'norm' & some are even trained to "do this". Example of the later "case" would be Operation Star-Gate Remote-Viewing (US Army - CIA) with Joe training "Law Enforcement" to become "LES" (Law Enforcement "Sensitives". Once Know as PSYCHIC DETECTIVES. I knew two of 'em in Charlottesville, Va.

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