"skepticism is a belief system in itself", hmmm, no
skepticism is a position, doubting Thomas if you would; all propositions will be tested (nothing on faith)
for me skepticism is a methodology
"A fine line between Genius and Insanity?" picture a globe, inscribe a line; that's it in your head - slowly revolving
life is kinda like the tides, back and forth, up and down; many years ago I got into this psychic stuff, ever hear of Silva Mind Control ?
heavy duty meditation, theta NOW; then lots more, viewing etc. etc
for me a different universe
it is questionable which drugs may enhance "psychic" communication
ahh, I will state it if you wish (some mixed wording coming)
I live/reside in/on a spot on that globe I referred to above, a mixture/blending of forces defines the location.
I have a bias, intentionally; and it is slightly negative - always. No accident, premeditated, volitional.
Why am I purposefully somewhat negative? Dead tired of a lifetime of disappointments, wrong info, bad info, blah blah blah
If my suspicion is that I have another load of crap, and it is sunshine I am ecstatic. More crap I just pitch as normal.
I understand neutral, science is not a matter of opinion (lived and worked there 40 years, expert witness for attys).
Every time I pick up a document my bias prepares me for more junk.
With time on TN I can drop that bias if I recognise the poster, I'm sure we all do the same.
so did you ever encounter Silva Mind Control ?
you are using its new name so you have Wikied it
I took the week long course 3 times, it was super foreign to everything within me. I did learn to meditate and could sit around in theta for hours (they had a cheap brain wave detector). The course progresses through remote viewing into healing, probably the major goal of most I met. I never saw squat nor healed anything, but I did not stay with it.
I would recommend it for those wishing to learn to meditate, which is quite worthwhile to center oneself and relax.
40 years later I can still count myself down (into meditation).
McKenna had his favorite. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=terrence+mckenna+dmt
DADS, interesting similarities
do blood types have associated characteristics ?