Priming the Pump to Communicate with Spirits

"skepticism is a belief system in itself", hmmm, no
skepticism is a position, doubting Thomas if you would; all propositions will be tested (nothing on faith)
for me skepticism is a methodology

"A fine line between Genius and Insanity?" picture a globe, inscribe a line; that's it in your head - slowly revolving

life is kinda like the tides, back and forth, up and down; many years ago I got into this psychic stuff, ever hear of Silva Mind Control ?
heavy duty meditation, theta NOW; then lots more, viewing etc. etc
for me a different universe

This is a belief system.

This is Science.

A scientist must remain NEUTRAL in his belief system, not assume a "position", in order to conduct and evaluate valid investigation.

Faith or no faith, suspension of 'belief', a place in between.

And that place is also where the phenomena you are researching and asking for feedback on, lies. It's where a lot of other gray area phenomena, like I allude to in the Tuning In thread, lie as well. How do you separate your skepticism from one phenomena to the other? Cognitive dissonance?

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ahh, I will state it if you wish (some mixed wording coming)

I live/reside in/on a spot on that globe I referred to above, a mixture/blending of forces defines the location.
I have a bias, intentionally; and it is slightly negative - always. No accident, premeditated, volitional.
Why am I purposefully somewhat negative? Dead tired of a lifetime of disappointments, wrong info, bad info, blah blah blah
If my suspicion is that I have another load of crap, and it is sunshine I am ecstatic. More crap I just pitch as normal.

I understand neutral, science is not a matter of opinion (lived and worked there 40 years, expert witness for attys).
Every time I pick up a document my bias prepares me for more junk.
With time on TN I can drop that bias if I recognise the poster, I'm sure we all do the same.

so did you ever encounter Silva Mind Control ?

ahh, I will state it if you wish (some mixed wording coming)

I live/reside in/on a spot on that globe I referred to above, a mixture/blending of forces defines the location.
I have a bias, intentionally; and it is slightly negative - always. No accident, premeditated, volitional.
Why am I purposefully somewhat negative? Dead tired of a lifetime of disappointments, wrong info, bad info, blah blah blah
If my suspicion is that I have another load of crap, and it is sunshine I am ecstatic. More crap I just pitch as normal.

I understand neutral, science is not a matter of opinion (lived and worked there 40 years, expert witness for attys).
Every time I pick up a document my bias prepares me for more junk.
With time on TN I can drop that bias if I recognise the poster, I'm sure we all do the same.

so did you ever encounter Silva Mind Control ?

We all have bias, Bill, you are right.

And, no, I never studied the Silva Method. Wanna share some insight from it?

you are using its new name so you have Wikied it

I took the week long course 3 times, it was super foreign to everything within me. I did learn to meditate and could sit around in theta for hours (they had a cheap brain wave detector). The course progresses through remote viewing into healing, probably the major goal of most I met. I never saw squat nor healed anything, but I did not stay with it.

I would recommend it for those wishing to learn to meditate, which is quite worthwhile to center oneself and relax.
40 years later I can still count myself down (into meditation).

you are using its new name so you have Wikied it

I took the week long course 3 times, it was super foreign to everything within me. I did learn to meditate and could sit around in theta for hours (they had a cheap brain wave detector). The course progresses through remote viewing into healing, probably the major goal of most I met. I never saw squat nor healed anything, but I did not stay with it.

I would recommend it for those wishing to learn to meditate, which is quite worthwhile to center oneself and relax.
40 years later I can still count myself down (into meditation).

No Wiki, I Googled it, lmao. You know there's a 12 step program for Wikipendency. :laughing7:

I have my own method for meditation that has served me well over the years, why fix it if it ain't broke. And I agree, it's very beneficial.

But I will look into the Silva thing, I believe I saw a pdf of his book online, thanks.

according to the USN
does this mean I am eligible to speak with the gods?

edit: I hear no spirits, drink 'em ok

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I have O- blood as well, and I spend a whole lot of time alone. The talent Our Father gave me was sensitivity, I can "feel" things. I know an enemy immediately upon first sight, and a friend as well. It's like I catch "vibes". I've met a whole lot of people who wanted to immediately be my friend, and I felt a "dread" about them. It has worked all my life and I've avoided a whole lot of bad situations.

And, that's one of the reasons I isolate myself, and just go through each day just simple entertainment - whole lot of Youtube. I'm "safe" - though it is difficult to make friends. I do have friends, and some of them on here I've met in person - good people, talents I admire, and connections in beliefs.

Hiding up the holler helps a lot!

DADS, interesting similarities

do blood types have associated characteristics ?

DADS, interesting similarities
do blood types have associated characteristics ?

I don't know really. It's just in the last few years I've heard of the significance of O-. I always thought I was just a universal donor and not some psychic novelty.

I'm all ears
so what have you heard of the significance of O- ?
the word did not make it to CR

edit: Dit, you know about blood types? (seem very well informed)

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Rebel, did you almost hint that you are O- as well?

three O- posters in the same thread ? eh ?
not a high probability - unless other factors at play

Interesting thread, I can relate to the topic well. When it come to spirits one must be careful. Yes there are ways to communicate with them . That part is easy. They can hear you. The hard part is you hearing them. Tree communication is scientifically proven. We all have a frequency. Meditation is a way of changing yours frequency. I've never thought about blood type. I'm both left and right handed and type O. I've always had this feeling when things were not right. I just called it my Guardian. I have a high magnetic field. I also have a high iron blood. I don't know if that has anything to do with it. I don't try to talk to spiritual being. Only the one I call the Father. Is Opening the proverbial third eye is what you seek? I will warn you be careful. Maverick knows what I mean. Certain places have a stronger spiritual presents.
Speaking of remote viewing, It works. The first rule is believing. You will not get no where if you doubt. Your just fighting yourself. Feeling others energy can be a drain. All of you know if there is a person who has bad energy. They can effect others. Anger begets Anger. It's my belief that we all have this ability. You have been programmed not to believe in things you can't see. The power of our minds is unlimited.

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