Priming the Pump to Communicate with Spirits

Interesting thread, I can relate to the topic well. When it come to spirits one must be careful. Yes there are ways to communicate with them . That part is easy. They can hear you. The hard part is you hearing them. Tree communication is scientifically proven. We all have a frequency. Meditation is a way of changing yours frequency. I've never thought about blood type. I'm both left and right handed and type O. I've always had this feeling when things were not right. I just called it my Guardian. I have a high magnetic field. I also have a high iron blood. I don't know if that has anything to do with it. I don't try to talk to spiritual being. Only the one I call the Father. Is Opening the proverbial third eye is what you seek? I will warn you be careful. Maverick knows what I mean. Certain places have a stronger spiritual presents.
Speaking of remote viewing, It works. The first rule is believing. You will not get no where if you doubt. Your just fighting yourself. Feeling others energy can be a drain. All of you know if there is a person who has bad energy. They can effect others. Anger begets Anger. It's my belief that we all have this ability. You have been programmed not to believe in things you can't see. The power of our minds is unlimited.

Sigh, even if I wanted to add anything else to the above statements, I could Not.
You're spot on.
I wish, others could see it that way too.

But hey, can wish in one hand, and ..........(you know the rest):BangHead:

three O- posters in the same thread ? eh ?
not a high probability - unless other factors at play

Very interesting question?
Is is a (-) negative or Blood type thing A or B or O or AB?
I'm curious because I'm A- myself.
Listening intently

ok, how many posters on this thread ?
and that 3 would be O- ?
not probable on the face of it, unless . . . .

(REBEL, I know less than nothing about blood, etc.)

ok, how many posters on this thread ?
and that 3 would be O- ?
not probable on the face of it, unless . . . .

(REBEL, I know less than nothing about blood, etc.)
U can learn...

I don't know about the rest of you but being organized I'm not. Well maybe in my own little ways. As long as nobody else touches my stuff I know where it is. Lol

Hi Bob, another O
sounds as if your organization is sufficient for you
I live in the midst of chaos, but I can go to anything (small house, eh)

Bill are you still in Costa Rica? I love the place. We use to go fishing every other year. Last time I was there we had a break in at the house. Some guy with a knife was robbing the other guys. I slept through the whole thing. They came and got me after the thief left. It was probably a good thing. At least nobody got hurt. My son and I was marlin fishing when a big one about pulled me off the boat. I was going to put it in the holder when it hit. It snatched the rod right out of my hand. That was more exciting than the night life there. I paid the guys for his rod. We did catch A lot of fish. We got a local family cook it up for us and we gave them all we caught. Great time and people down there.

Bob, yea live in Drake overlooking the bay - nice place (and gold all over)
where were you fishing?

Puerto Jimenez. Was the place. Really not far from you

I'm all ears
so what have you heard of the significance of O- ?
the word did not make it to CR

edit: Dit, you know about blood types? (seem very well informed)

All I can tell you with certainty is that you are obviously not a Vampire. Type 0- is a Universal Donor....which means your blood is good for every other blood type. But the only blood you can suck/receive must come from another 0-, like yourself. :laughing7:

Isn't it handy that you now know at least three others you can hit on for a transfusion in a pinch? :icon_thumright:

P.S. You DO cast a shadow.....don't you?

Her Hineyness

I'm also O-. I never knew it until I went into the military.
Mediation can be very different. Like the attentiveness of Zen mediation compared to being lost in an oblivious day dream.

King Saul couldn't get a word from his profits so he found a sleuth sayer (sp) for help. She awoke a dead Samuel and his response was "Why are you disturbing me!?" Saul got into a lot of trouble with God for loosing faith in his profits. I would leave sprits alone.

But as mind expansion goes, if someone has an inkling for it, go forth but beware. There are entities on the other side that devour fresh meat. Not brain eaters but mind eaters. Not kidding. Of the important things to have before going on a mind trip is an ability to hold your attention and concentration. A person tends to follow their thoughts in that realm so thoughts have to be near perfect. Psychotropic substances can help or hurt. Set and setting are the key to going where you intended.
Don't lick your rocks unless you know them well.

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