Pot Head Detectorist

You are a gold miner, haven't you done a lot of grinding, sanding cutting, chipping, smelting, or cutting of stones or rocks in your profession/hobby? All produce crystalline silica which is a major cause of COPD.
We can go on like this all night, I'm pretty sure I wore saftey equipment in my job, it was pot smoke for the last time, it's like you can't admitt to yourself that weed could cause sickness it's not a big deal. Unless your me the one who's illness was caused from pot smokin..
Anyways good debate maybe some one else could chime in on this subject...

We can go on like this all night, I'm pretty sure I wore saftey equipment in my job, it was pot smoke for the last time, it's like you can't admitt to yourself that weed could cause sickness it's not a big deal. Unless your me the one who's illness was caused from pot smokin..
Anyways good debate maybe some one else could chime in on this subject...
I never said it can't, what I am saying is it is far more likely it was caused from something else.

On another note, have you looked into Himalayan salt rooms, they do wonders for lung ailments. I suffered from chronic bronchitis for years, my lungs were tested by a pulmonary doctor because of my concern of COPD and told I didn't have COPD, that my lung capacity was over 100%. I just could not get rid of it, after a year of salt room treatments 3 to 4 times a week bronchitis went away, and I have met people who used it to treat their asthma and allergies.

Researchers were doing studies on miners and lung ailments when they discovered that Himalayan salt miners did not have respiratory ailments and diseases. You might want to look into it....


From the National Institute on Drug Abuse, so they will never be pro pot....​

Breathing problems. Marijuana smoke irritates the lungs, and people who smoke marijuana frequently can have the same breathing problems as those who smoke tobacco. These problems include daily cough and phlegm, more frequent lung illness, and a higher risk of lung infections. Researchers so far haven't found a higher risk for lung cancer in people who smoke marijuana.

Well you guys lost me in the drug trade.. I never smoked more then 2 joints all my life going back to 1968. Many of my friends smoked regularly and daily. As time pasted they ended up dying before their times. I lost two friends in their 40s. Both loved the weed. Since weed was illegal they got the weed from who and when ever they could. My background is environmental. I managed disposal of many chemicals used in the farm industry that contained DDT and other cancer causing agents. These were the standard of the illegal pot trade. The growers wanted the finest weed possible and they could have but with a huge cost that would not show up for 20 years. They used herbicides, insecticides, pesticides that were recalled in the early seventies after the agent orange issues. The growers did not care. The weed looked great. They dusted most of the weed back then with outdated dioxin related chemicals that were smoked on a regular bases and inhaled into the lungs. I know what your thinking .... you feel fine like smoking cigarettes' gambling, drinking its the luck of the draw... Did my buddies pass because they smoked weed ? We can't be sure but it did not help .... enough Said...

From the National Institute on Drug Abuse, so they will never be pro pot....​

Breathing problems. Marijuana smoke irritates the lungs, and people who smoke marijuana frequently can have the same breathing problems as those who smoke tobacco. These problems include daily cough and phlegm, more frequent lung illness, and a higher risk of lung infections. Researchers so far haven't found a higher risk for lung cancer in people who smoke marijuana.
Your right reasearch hasn't found higher risk SO FAR but they have probably not done any reasearch on folks like me who were into heavy pot use, all day smokers. Give em another 10 years to reasearch and we see just how bad it is for you..

Let's all remember here this is a family forum lots of young impressionable minds read this stuff glorifying pot smoke for the sake of being an activist for legalization of pot is kinda silly.
I mean really do you want to see your kids or grandkids tokin the stuff..
Remember weed can lead to the use of other drugs that are far worse for ones health..

Im speaking out against pot because of my experience, I now have many health issues because of the using pot daily.
Worst isn't the COPD it's the damage smoking has done to my heart.
I also have 3 hernias due to coughing so bad from lung inflammation, my front teeth are gone, it was gum disease from smoking.
But like I said worst is the heart damage it keeps me from doing so much of the stuff I loved to do in my past.

I now work very little at my job of being a carpenter and building things for people, this is because I simple don't have the energy to do so, I can no longer do those multi mile hikes up steep mnts or sling my jack hammer around in the hole any more digin for gold, can't tote my buckets of ore to the truck just don't have it in me do do it. I still do minin but have to have someone babysit me and carry all my gear for me, I can manage 4 hours work before I am exhausted and forced to take a nap..
Hard to make money when you can't work but tommorows another day right ..

Everybody's free to do what they want, I'm just giving my input as a hardcore ex pot head and what I learned first hand tokin the weed,
Folks can be activist for the smoke that's ok too, but let's not hide the truth that it is bad for you...

Like I said I wish I never smoked the stuff if I would of known back then I never would of started
So my last words on this matter is I hope that at least one person reads these words of wisdom and doesn't start smoking or quits because nothing is worth ones health not even a pile of gold...
Gt ...

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Interesting this is still going
Yes,isn,t it? I still say if you want to smoke,do so.If you don,t want to,don,t. Don,t try to keep those who want to smoke from doing so just because you don,t want to,or encourage those who don,t want to smoke to smoke. It,s called just leaving people alone.Try it sometime,works real good.

Well you guys lost me in the drug trade.. I never smoked more then 2 joints all my life going back to 1968. Many of my friends smoked regularly and daily. As time pasted they ended up dying before their times. I lost two friends in their 40s. Both loved the weed. Since weed was illegal they got the weed from who and when ever they could. My background is environmental. I managed disposal of many chemicals used in the farm industry that contained DDT and other cancer causing agents. These were the standard of the illegal pot trade. The growers wanted the finest weed possible and they could have but with a huge cost that would not show up for 20 years. They used herbicides, insecticides, pesticides that were recalled in the early seventies after the agent orange issues. The growers did not care. The weed looked great. They dusted most of the weed back then with outdated dioxin related chemicals that were smoked on a regular bases and inhaled into the lungs. I know what your thinking .... you feel fine like smoking cigarettes' gambling, drinking its the luck of the draw... Did my buddies pass because they smoked weed ? We can't be sure but it did not help .... enough Said...

OV..great song, and ya gotta love anything with Jay and Silent Bob.

Ever watched the movie they were in called "Dogma"? Early work from
Matt Damon and Ben Affleck..it's hilarious. :laughing7:

Gold Tramp, what proof do you have that pot caused your cancer? I first smoked in 1969 For over 50 years since I had the first toke I have never known or met anyone who got cancer from smoking pot.
If it weren't for my pot, the cancer should have killed me by now.
It certainly feels like it is killing me everyday.
Its the only thing easing these gut spasms.

Just feel a little nostalgic.
Way back when I was a teenager, folks would go to prison for a single seed!
Fast forward.
Now I can open my browser on my phone.
Place an order for my weed and 15 minutes later its at my door.

Thank You compassionate voters.
No pill poison for me!
"Way back when I was a teenager, folks would go to prison for a single seed!"

Took em long enough... too long... to grow a brain and realize.

How many lives were set spiraling in other negative directions and ruined due to this retarded mentality ? ? ?

BUT... and with a great sigh of relief... many like yourself are able to feel like a human able to make a decision for yourself... regardless of WHY you make it.

Perhaps the big picture will become more visible now to those who have had huge blinders on. Blinders made / woven from the materials provided by the greedy and politically motivated.

I have never had any unmet needs which required alcohol or drugs to cope with. In 1975, I was in college and in Criminal justice class, we had to do a term paper. I chose to compare alcohol sold by my state, with marijuana. In one state, on marijuana cigarette got you life in prison, but alcohol was sold by my state.

The instructor was a 10 year veteran of police in California. He said, that will be a great topic. I hit the college library. No data; just all sorts of propagandizing on how harmful it was. did I say, no data?

I went back to the instructor. He suggested I look at JAMA, medical journal. Same crud; no data, He said when are you going to figure this out? I did some serious digging and found two major studies. One in India, by the India Hemp Drug Commission. They recommended not cutting off marijuana because it was much less harmful than liquor.

The other was a similar study by La Guardia, mayor of NYC. It said do not force them off marijuana on to much more harmful booze.

Consumer's Report (do not bore me with unfounded claims of incompetence or bias) did a report in 1975.Pure marijuana, not contaminated by dealers trying to hook you on the hard stuff, had little problems. And in California, I think it was Haight Asbury the hospital had many overdoses of many things, but not one ever for marijuana.

There are two real dangers with marijuana. First, you are often buying it from hardened criminals who think nothing of lacing it to get you addicted to more dangerous drugs. And, second, in many places it is illegal with all the life affecting results of a drug bust.

I am very risk averse, so I don't, period. I think it is disgusting when the cops have a beer party to celebrate a pot bust.

> First, you are often buying it from hardened criminals who think nothing of lacing it to get you addicted to more dangerous drugs.

I really liked 99% of your post. But that part is pure "Reefer Madness". Most buy it from a friend, and no drug dealer is going to "lace" pot in hopes of getting you addicted to more dangerous drugs. It just doesn't happen.

I get a kick out of people that bash anyone that smokes weed and claim that they never use drugs themselves. Yet they drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes.......two of the most addictive and damaging drugs on the planet. My daughter works with recovering addicts and says BY FAR, alcoholism is the worst addiction. I am not knocking booze because I do like my good sipping bourbon, tequila, craft beer and wine (not all at once :laughing7:). But on the grand scale of harmful drugs, weed is hardly worth the mention.

In the 50-some odd years of association with Pot, I have never seen a "harden criminal" selling, never bought any that was laced with anything I was not aware of.

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