Post Your Pet Pictures

I still can't get over not hearing him talking and laughing. Kace

I had to pause through several reads of your post Kace. How could I like this post, too sad. But I should because you shared part of who you are.

Mom had a cat Leroy living here by herself here up the holler. Then 4 years or so ago when I retired, I had two cats - Bowie and Missy.

Leroy was 19 when he passed, Missy & Bowie were 17 or 18.

They passed, all three, one after the other and we were crushed. Mom just sat in her chair crying, for several weeks.

One of my pleasures here is the local Farmer's Market - I made friends there. Of course during our grieving, I talked about it at the Farmer's Market. Our very decent town counsel rep at the market, found 3 kittens found outside in the wild, probably 8 weeks old, one very sickly one separated from the healthy two, and I asked for all three.

I didn't tell Mom, just walked in with all three in a cage. Opened the cage and the healthy two immediately climbed into Mom's lap - and as I type this one of the two in on the back of Mom's chair, and the other in her lap. The sickly one adopted me, lives upstairs with me asleep on my bed right now. He's my little buddy from the picture I posted.

I'm completely convinced those kittens are here with us right now - they are the reason Mom is now 92.

This is what our pets can mean to us. Grief is horrible, but sometimes our pets mean more to us than we can imagine. Those two downstairs? Mom is loved, and that made a difference.

Keep the faith!

DeepseekerADS, you said it perfectly. When Simon and Max passed, I grieved as much as I did when my parents passed. My companions, ( Simon and Max ) were just like my own flesh and blood kids. I gave Kace a "Like" as well even though it did not seem appropriate, but she did share her personal story which was a like. I glad to see the sicker one is doing better ? Thanks for sharing DeepseekerADS. It is an honor that those posting on this thread have opened up to us. I know it was EXTREMELY hard for me to do with everybody pretty much being a stranger. But you folks make it easier to share and sometimes you can only hold back so long and sharing with friends helps. Again Thank you everybody who has posted. The pain has not gone away, but I don't feel as alone now.:notworthy:

I had to pause through several reads of your post Kace. How could I like this post, too sad. But I should because you shared part of who you are.

Mom had a cat Leroy living here by herself here up the holler. Then 4 years or so ago when I retired, I had two cats - Bowie and Missy.

Leroy was 19 when he passed, Missy & Bowie were 17 or 18.

They passed, all three, one after the other and we were crushed. Mom just sat in her chair crying, for several weeks.

One of my pleasures here is the local Farmer's Market - I made friends there. Of course during our grieving, I talked about it at the Farmer's Market. Our very decent town counsel rep at the market, found 3 kittens found outside in the wild, probably 8 weeks old, one very sickly one separated from the healthy two, and I asked for all three.

I didn't tell Mom, just walked in with all three in a cage. Opened the cage and the healthy two immediately climbed into Mom's lap - and as I type this one of the two in on the back of Mom's chair, and the other in her lap. The sickly one adopted me, lives upstairs with me asleep on my bed right now. He's my little buddy from the picture I posted.

I'm completely convinced those kittens are here with us right now - they are the reason Mom is now 92.

This is what our pets can mean to us. Grief is horrible, but sometimes our pets mean more to us than we can imagine. Those two downstairs? Mom is loved, and that made a difference.

Keep the faith!

I Completely Agree With You! Animals of Any kind give folks a reason to live...they love unconditionally and don't judge anything!

Here's a sad story with a happy ending and hard to imagine but it shows All animals can and do feel and show love. We were putting up new fence in a section of the farm using hedge and some cedar posts that were cut the year before and leaned against a big oak all the way around and about 5 rows deep.

My uncle's cattle dog, Bo, an Australian Shepherd who's super smart was there as usual. Well, when my cousin reached for a post in the row closest to the tree...Out came a Very Mad and Protective Mother skunk who had just delivered a litter, charging my cousin. Bo, being protective like he was immediately jumped in and killed the mama skunk to protect my cousin. We didn't know there was a skunk or litter there or we wouldn't of disturbed those posts. We all felt horrible when we saw these 4 hairless, newly born babies. It was sad. Bo never went after the kittens, I think he even felt bad.

My uncle took them into town and left them with the vet for a few days...We fed them by bottle til the vet said they could go to chow and then had their scent sack removed as soon as possible because the Dr said that with the cats around the house and the babies eyes hadn't opened yet, they would more than likely think they were cats and not skunks. He was right.. they do! As pets they live longer than in the wild and these guys lived between 5-8 years.

After they got bigger, they stayed in the yard (very rural country) and the house... used a litter box inside and were really well behaved. Two of them loved riding in the truck with my uncle and Bo who was very protective of them all too. Their cats took to them and they had a great life and added to the lives they touched in an amazing way.

I'm glad you brought those kittens to your Mother.. They needed her and you like she needed them! I wish more people would do things like that.


Very sad Kace that the mom lost her life trying to protect her babies, but as you said, it did have a happy ending.
A few years ago we had a very mellow orange cat take up residence on our front porch. We called him "Mittens" because he had HUGE paws and the reason for that was he had 6 toes. We already had Max and Sneakers and no room for a stray even though he was adorable. He was a big cat with a very soft voice. I took him to the Animal Rescue League and followed his progress and he got adopted. A short time later, a very cute and small grey and white female cat started hanging around our porch. We put out food and water as the cat was shy. Eventually she warmed up to us. It was starting to get into winter weather here so My son and I caught her and placed her in a car carrier. Boy, she went ballistic and I opened up the carrier door to try and make sure she was not going to hurt herself and she flew out that door and ran across the street. My son went after her. She climbed through the garage window of the house across the street. The owner saw what was happening and he came out and opened up his garage door. They found the cat, she was huddling over newborn kittens who still had there eyes closed. So we made an area in my son's room and brought all them over here. There was 6 kittens and 4 of them had 6 toes, so we knew who the father was. After a month or so we took all them to the Animal Rescue League and my son requested he get first right of adoption on the mom and also on any of the babies not adopted. After the quarantine period my son was called and said he could pick up the mother and that all the babies were being adopted out. So, everything worked out fine. A couple months later a big orange cat showed back up on our porch and he was friendly. Upon inspection, we noticed he had 6 toes, it was Mittens ! A day or two later I took him back to the Animal Rescue League and explained that this was the second time I had brought this cute guy in. They were surprised with the story. Since he had been adopted out, he had been microchipped. They read his chip and looked it up and the people who adopted him kept his name of Mittens for him. The Animal Rescue League said it was not policy to disclose pet information but that Mittens had been adopted by a family only one block away. Our city has a population of 218,000 and to think he was adopted by a family so close was amazing. Sorry for the long story, but I love happy endings for pets.

This happened in Iowa and was very disappointing. They ALL are sooooooooooooooo cute. Wish I had a big place because I love these dogs.

170 Samoyeds.jpg

Samoyeds pups.jpg

Here's the Newest Member of the Family...He's 2.5lbs...Maybe 3lbs after discovering he likes Turkey!

He THINKS he's a Full Grown Tiger and is trying to establish top spot in the pecking order. So far he's Not being taken seriously At All! haha.



Thank You Simon! He's A Pistol! No Fear of Anything.


Sorry to hear of his passing itsmewhitney. They are hard to get over as everyone here will agree. What kind is he ? Feel free to post his picture if you are comfortable with doing so.
Welcome to TNET. :hello:

Here's our Bichon Lilly...


And our Calico Ollie...


They are both really cute. Very nice. :notworthy:

Simon1, I apologize. I haven’t had time to search photos and scan them. I do have a couple of Otis on my phone. He is the pug I referred to on the RCT that had nine lives. One was spent when he ate the tray of buckeyes I had just made. Several were because he had a bad habit of marking his territory. First he marked MR Wd’s pillow and me and the kids had to save him. Then, he marked my sons pillow and my son jumped sides and was hollering, “ Kill him, Dad!” Otis hid under the bed and MR Wd literally scared the poop out of him. So I had 2 messes to clean up. Then we were doing some remodeling and it was the wee hours of the morning and I just took a shower and laid down in bed to find he marked my pillow! I was ticked!
One evening, we were at a town meeting and he got loose. He came home all messed up and my son came and got us. We didn’t know what happened but assumed he got hit by a car. He was actually my daughter’s dog and she was working. So me and MR Wd took him to an animal hospital where they determined he was bit by a bigger dog and his insides were tore up. MR Wd got soft hearted thinking about putting his daughter’s dog down, so he opted for the surgery. He got through it. We put a mattress in our laundry room and for 6 weeks my daughter and I slept with him. I don’t think he would have made it if we hadn’t.

Skip forward to when hen my daughter moved out. She didn’t take Otis because her boyfriend didn’t want a dog. MR Wd didn’t want the little marker in the house. So he put up a kennel and a dog house and that’s where he lived all year long. I tried dressing him up but I cut off his circulation on his feet several times. Finally, my now son-in-law, decided they would rescue him. He spent his final years being pampered by my daughter. I think he was 22 or 23 when he died.



He is soooooo cute WD ! Such a story with a happy ending, ( you know that is how I like the stories ). It is good to know that he got to live out a happy life, and a long one as well. Thank you for sharing Wrightdigger . :notworthy:

Ok I took some pics of pics. Buddy is the German shepherd mix. He was my brother’s dog. Mom said they would have to lock him up when they were going to discipline my brother. LOL! He took a shine to me and would sleep in my room. One night he climbed in my bed. Freaked me out! I didn’t sleep the rest of the night. I told my mom the next day and she said he was probably just cold. So from then on, I invited him on up. I don’t know how old he was, but he ended up getting tumors on his hips and they would burst. Poor guy! It got so bad that they finally put him down.
Frosty is the poodle. She was my mom’s. Frosty and I had a mutual dislike for each other. I didn’t abuse her, but I would torment her. She would viscously snap and growl and bark at me. LOL
Then, we got Charlie. He was the coolest cat ever! I would play fight with him. He lost a few teeth in my hand and always came back for more! He was so into the fight that I could stand up and click my fingers and he would jump all the way up and I would cradle him in my arms. The fight was on! At night he would get a wild hair and would attack our toes. No one was safe from the attack cat! He even tormented Frosty! Cat after my own heart. LOL! In the picture, that is him in his attack stance waiting for Frosty to walk by and then he would swat her tail. He disappeared one day. My brother went out searching for him. He found him up the street under a pine tree, beaten and the wood weapon laying next to him. Mom took him to the vet and he survived. But he could never jump as high as before so I had to stay on my knees. Oh, and he always thought we set up the Christmas tree for him. Hahahaha!






Here are my fur missiles the incomparable Mr.Wilson and Schatzie the nazi the blitzkrieging doxie!


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Ok I took some pics of pics. Buddy is the German shepherd mix. He was my brother’s dog. Mom said they would have to lock him up when they were going to discipline my brother. LOL! He took a shine to me and would sleep in my room. One night he climbed in my bed. Freaked me out! I didn’t sleep the rest of the night. I told my mom the next day and she said he was probably just cold. So from then on, I invited him on up. I don’t know how old he was, but he ended up getting tumors on his hips and they would burst. Poor guy! It got so bad that they finally put him down.
Frosty is the poodle. She was my mom’s. Frosty and I had a mutual dislike for each other. I didn’t abuse her, but I would torment her. She would viscously snap and growl and bark at me. LOL
Then, we got Charlie. He was the coolest cat ever! I would play fight with him. He lost a few teeth in my hand and always came back for more! He was so into the fight that I could stand up and click my fingers and he would jump all the way up and I would cradle him in my arms. The fight was on! At night he would get a wild hair and would attack our toes. No one was safe from the attack cat! He even tormented Frosty! Cat after my own heart. LOL! In the picture, that is him in his attack stance waiting for Frosty to walk by and then he would swat her tail. He disappeared one day. My brother went out searching for him. He found him up the street under a pine tree, beaten and the wood weapon laying next to him. Mom took him to the vet and he survived. But he could never jump as high as before so I had to stay on my knees. Oh, and he always thought we set up the Christmas tree for him. Hahahaha!

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They are adorable WD, Buddy looks like he was so easy going. Sorry to hear he had to be put down. The big dogs do have health issues unfortunately. And Frosty, she looks cute too. I can relate to your feelings about her. When I was younger, my SPOILED younger sister wanted, and of course got, a purebred French Poodle with about 10 names to her. And this poodle was spoiled as well. She was a barker ! And then Charlie. He looks soooooooooo innocent. He is cute. I can also relate to the "toe" thing. In my high school years my parents brought home this huge , ( he seemed huge to me ), orange cat. Very pretty, but kind of wild. Toes always seemed to be his target so we had to wear socks and preferably shoes when he was in the area. He loved to hide under the couch and wait for someone to walk by with their toes bare. Thank you for sharing those, they brought back some memories for me as well. :notworthy:

Here are my fur missiles the incomparable Mr.Wilson and Schatzie the nazi the blitzkrieging doxie!
Thanks BLK HOLE for sharing. Cute dachshunds ! They know how to pose for the camera don't they. :notworthy:

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