Post Your Pet Pictures

2018-07-27 22_19_09-Good Max 01.01.2011 good.png

Max 10.JPG Max 13.jpg Max 14.jpg Sadly, Max passed away July 26th, 2018 early a.m. 12 years and 6 months old.

Not so much a pet as a pal...Cute Kit of the year (about the size of a football).


And of course, my boy Scruff..


Quite proud of himself..


Here's Callie..7 lbs. and a rodents worst nightmare


Finally, Lucky. She's not a pet either, but a completely wild 'coon
that I made friends with a few years back. She's now raising her
latest litter (her 5th, I think), and this year she's got 4 brats. Last
years kits were much better behaved. And yes, she's missing her
left eye, and her front right foot is lame.

p.s. She's not growling, she's

053018 (4).jpg

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They all look cute DizzyDigger.

Simon, I am so glad you started this thread! I will try to find some pics and scan them so I can share.

Well, Bobo had a bad night! Here is the text from my daughter: Hope we don't get in trouble Our neighbors were out side when I had chris go shoot a skunk repetedly with the bb gun. I'm calling the city tomorrow. Hopefully they will help deal with this problem Directly in poor old boys eyes. I don't think he can see. He is the 14th dog in the neighborhood to be sprayed...just from people that come to the shop have told me about. Between the foot and the dog, I'm letting them know about cheryl feeding them.


Me: Does she know she's feeding skunks? Or does she think she's feeding cats?

Daughter: She knows. She wants to be feeding racoons, which isnt ideal either. 2 skunks got in a fight on her porch last week..she watched them from in the house.

FYI my daughter has a broken foot from trying to get away from a skunk while she was walking Chihuly.

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Skunks are bad mojo, for sure. Here's one method of de-stinking your pup..

Skunks, like Raccoons, have young ones right now, and "good feeding ground" is
highly protected turf for moms. In addition, winter is on it's way and critters are eating
everything in sight, hoping to put on as much weight as possible before the cold weather hits.

Not to poke my nose into family business, but could you ask your daughter to
tell Chris to put his BB gun away? That skunk is just doing what a skunk does,
and shooting it over and over with a BB gun is just torturing the poor thing.
If ya gotta kill one then use a shotgun or a .22, and be done with it. One shot
and done.

Skunks are also quite susceptible to rabies if it is in the area. Folks that don't
want visiting critters should never feed their animals outside (even an empty
dog food bowl has enough stink to bring 'em around).

They aren't difficult to live trap, but check with your local game warden
to see what is legal and what's not. Some states do not allow relocation
of city-fied critters to the wild due to all the disease's they can carry
from being in the city.

Yeah that’s why she started with “going to be in trouble .” She knows how we feel about that kind of behavior. I will pass on the information about the babies, etc. Thx Mike!

Speaking of skunks...

farter kitten.jpg

Forgive me Simon1 for straying, but I have to tell a story since we're talking about skunks. We were going fishing one evening. There was a momma and several kits walking in a line down the drive. MR WD honked the horn and all the little ones tails went up and they "sprayed." I don't know if they can or not when they are little, but they sure looked like they did. It was the funniest and cutest thing ever! It looked like something you would see in a cartoon.

WD, NEVER think you are straying ! Your stories, ( and everyone else's ), is absolutely welcome. Thank you for sharing . :notworthy:

Chihuly is cute, looks like a pirate patch over the eye. How appropriate ! :notworthy:

my big baby. Tiny images.jpg

My little buddy and best friend:


mhwyers91, Rosa looks cute. Hope she gives you years of happiness. And welcome to TNet.

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