I never thought I'd see this post ressurected. lol It's amazing to me remembering how excited I was that day in the library when I found this story, brings back good memories. I never went back to the site, since this thread died I've worked with treasure hunter Billy Kennon who found the 1554 Spanish Fleet off Padre Island TX, lived and worked for a year in the Dominican Republic hunting treasure wrecks, and finally returned to the first place I ever found treasure. I now work for Scott Thomson back on the San Miguel de Archangel south of the inlet in Jupiter, FL. My how times change...but i can tell you it's been a great ride, and it keeps getting better.
I hope NoNeck does go verify or dispell this story. I PM'd him how I got started, local library in the Wichita County History book. From there it is anyones guess what will happen. That damn story caused me to drop my corporate job, become a full-time treasure hunter, live all over the Caribbean and US, and I wouldn't change any of it for all the silver in the world. I have now seen the ugly side of treasure hunting, found many shipwrecks with all the promise, but none of the treasure. I've made a lot of friends (and a few enemies too) along the way. It was funny for me to rewind 4 years and remember how this all started. I couldn't go back to a desk job now if my life depended on it.
Good Luck NoNeck....and thanks for causing me to re-read this thread, a blast from the past for sure!