the Dutchman in the superstition mountains, from the same time period, what factual documentation is there to even prove this,? . the Dutchman having a rich gold mine in the superstition mountains?,what factual documentation is there to prove this,from the same time period. do you even have factual proof that his name was Jacob waltz?, was he the real Dutchman?, why don't all the signatures of his on all documents presented so far in history,do not match?the same person did not sign all these can you even factually prove any statement that Jacob waltz ever made to anyone.? I would like for someone to show factual proof, and documentation from Jacob waltz(aka the Dutchman) that he had a rich gold mine in the superstition mountains?,or even went into the mountains?, and remember, before you think you can prove this,tom k, who has spent most of life researching and writing about this, was on t v not to long ago, and was asked if he believed this story, and said he didn't believe so.thank you. np