Placing a value on the French monument removed by the Spanish and lost at Sea.

Please don't block the very interesting thread, only a person that wants to be Judge, Jury and Executioner.

Because you are only continually posting to pull Black Duck's chain and twist the dagger in his' gut! Honestly, I believe that everyone is tired of the crap

It appears you have assumed that GME has lost the case. I am only posting the progress and discussion on the case. If you dont like it, dont read it.

I really dont think it is twisting a dagger, they are putting up a valiant effort, it is far from over.

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Because you are only continually posting to pull Black Duck's chain and twist the dagger in his' gut! Honestly, I believe that everyone is tired of the crap. Please, can we get a Moderator to lock this Thread??


Thread Belongs to G_M_E.
I would rather remove the person Starting Crap.
I'll take a look & see if I can translate who started what

after a fast gloss over , Looks to me like a little Stirring the Pot going on.
& that pot calling the Kettle Black.
I won't name names and instead say if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen !

Hows that for a Reference ? :coffee2:

I don't see any harassment going on that isn't well Deserved.
Looks to me like a little Butt Hurt feelings & paranoia maybe.

As the 2 Other mods Suggested Earlier Get over Yourselves & get along, Or move on.

You's did not start the Thread, Why turn it into a ____ measuring event ?

It appears you have assumed that GME has lost the case. I am only posting the progress and discussion on the case. If you dont like it, dont read it.

I really dont think it is twisting a dagger, they are putting up a valiant effort, it is far from over.

I did not assume that GME had lost the case and am rooting for them a which may benefit all Treasure Salvors!


after a fast gloss over , Looks to me like a little Stirring the Pot going on.
& that pot calling the Kettle Black.
I won't name names and instead say if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen !

Hows that for a Reference ? :coffee2:

I don't see any [FONT=&] harassment going on that isn't well Deserved.
Looks to me like a little Butt Hurt feelings & paranoia maybe.

As the 2 Other mods Suggested Earlier Get over Yourselves & get along, Or move on.

You's did not start the Thread, Why turn it into a ____ measuring event ?

Since it is Black Duck's Thread, I believe that if he wants to post updates about the Court Case, then that is up to him. He doesn't need someone constantly contesting facts, posting question after question and posting updates to Court filings just to be annoying to the O.P. and everyone else. Yeah, I also had a hand in stirring the pot because I care about folks like Black Duck and the Treasure Salvor businesses and try to defend and stand by them while a few others don't. I can stand the heat in the kitchen and as you know, I can turn it up at times. However, if I do, I will likely get suspended from TNET. Besides, I don't have to measure anything because I know how long mine is!!!:icon_biggrin:

If you all wonder why sooo many folks have left Treasure Net or quit posting, it is because of the constant harassment...finger pointing, heated discussions and name calling in a lot of the Threads and the lack of support to some members.


Treasurenet is not a blog so members can reply to threads as long as done so by our rules. Mods support the rules and terms and conditions of TreasureNet, not specific members.

I don't see any harassment going on that isn't well Deserved.

Interesting that a mod feels that harassment, name calling, and cyberbullying are okay as long as the mod feels it is deserved.

Brilliant response.

Interesting that a mod feels that harassment, name calling, and cyberbullying are okay as long as the mod feels it is deserved.

Brilliant response.

in case you really Don't get my Meaning :tongue3:
It means there are 2 sides to all stories .
If your going to argue with someones opinion on a forum,
Expect they have as much of a right to argue back.

Just Like I am here.

By the way.
I'm Curious if You like it here at TreasureNet ?

Respect our moderators. Our moderators are tasked with keeping TreasureNet family friendly, on topic, and civil. Not always an easy task. Insults, and personal attacks against our moderators will not be tolerated and may be grounds for account deletion and banning. If you've posted something, and it disappears, don't make a big deal out of it in another post! (You've probably violated some rule below!)

Keep the discussion civil, respectful and on topic.

Read the rules you agreed to when Joining Please :thumbsup:

TreasureNet - Rules

Interesting that a mod feels that harassment, name calling, and cyberbullying are okay as long as the mod feels it is deserved.

Brilliant response.

Boy, you just have a negative take on everything don't you. Seems to me that you are one of the biggest problems here.

IMO, seeker has added a lot of substance to this discussion. Whether you think it is negative or not is suppositional.

IMO, seeker has added a lot of substance to this discussion. Whether you think it is negative or not is suppositional.

Here is what I see , this guy seeker do sent state the facts (just like the state of Florida and there so called Professional witnesses) if you are going to do a letter of opinion at least tell all the facts

But i guess thats why they call them paid witness's, and RPA's

GME has only stated the facts here, and these facts are backed up with MY personal research ( unlike the State of Florida France and Seeker here)

An opinion is fine but state the facts

Seeker you seam to want people to think you are with odyssey from a prior statement u made ( I hope that is not the case but if so it might explain some things) nothing against Odyssey they have game in the really deep stuff

Everything I have posted here has been very helpful to GME and the Case so Thanks for that, but at least try to tell the truth if you are going to make a statement

There is a lot of BS flying around and maybe this can help

Seeker you seam to want people to think you are with odyssey from a prior statement u made ( I hope that is not the case but if so it might explain some things) nothing against Odyssey they have game in the really deep stuff

Just curious...what on earth would make you think I had anything to do with that band of idiots, save for to bury them where they belong, which to date, I have been very successful?

Seems to me that you are one of the biggest problems here.

Coming from the likes of you, I take this as a compliment.

By the way.
I'm Curious if You like it here at TreasureNet ?

more than you can imagine.....

IMO, seeker has added a lot of substance to this discussion. Whether you think it is negative or not is suppositional.

Thank you.

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Just curious...what on earth would make you think I had anything to do with that band of idiots, save for to bury them where they belong, which to date, I have been very successful?

Coming from the likes of you, I take this as a compliment.

more than you can imagine.....

Thank you.

Jul 26, 2017, 05:08 PM


Jan 2016


503 times

All Types Of Treasure Hunting

[h=2]Odyssey Marine hiring ROV techs[/h]

Are you an experienced ROV Pilot Technician looking to be part of a unique and interesting project in International Waters? We are looking for Jnr. Pilot Technicians, Pilot Technicians, Snr. Pilot Technicians and Supervisors with deep-water construction experience for a 12-18 month contract starting Q4 2017. Interested parties should send your resume/CV to:
We are looking for motivated, hardworking ROV personnel with the ability to think outside the industry box and the willingness to get involved wherever necessary. Successful applicants will need to be flexible, have a broad knowledge/skill base, have ample flying hours (500+) with work-class systems and have experience with the following: deep-water intervention, electrical systems, force feedback manipulators, deep-water sampling and survey data acquisition. Must be available to work off-shore for extended periods (30-45 day rotations) and have a current passport.

Mantola or other project?


Nice post, and the response about exactly what I have come to expect.

Aside from that, I suppose you are aware that the Mantola is owned by the British Government, was part of the Commodity Wreck program (which due to Odyssey has stopped), and the British Government has intervened in the Admiralty Arrest filed by OME?

hardworking ROV personnel with the ability to think outside the industry box and the willingness to get involved wherever necessary

what does working outside the industry box means......willingness to get involved when necessary? dont question legality of the operation?

This reminds me of the Arrests filed by OME on wreck that were actively being recovered by Deep6....desperate times call for desperate measures.

Nice post, and the response about exactly what I have come to expect.

Aside from that, I suppose you are aware that the Mantola is owned by the British Government, was part of the Commodity Wreck program (which due to Odyssey has stopped), and the British Government has intervened in the Admiralty Arrest filed by OME?

what does working outside the industry box means......willingness to get involved when necessary? dont question legality of the operation?

This reminds me of the Arrests filed by OME on wreck that were actively being recovered by Deep6....desperate times call for desperate measures.

Remaining treasure left and value on otjer ships

Like we said before 1,000,000 each min, and the one 1548 should bring 3 mil alone

Seeker I am sure you read the court docs, please refer to my statement before when I said they where lieing or incompetent.
France has no case here,no proof and no experts that know what they are doing, GME's attorney just prooved it even though the burden of proof is on France.
But I am sure you knew that


  • 24837568_1523309847737479_2381404413059790915_o.webp
    140.4 KB · Views: 151
Seeker how is France going to explain the misleading statements to the court that there so called experts made. Adding Rebaults name to a document that his name is not in, what is that called ?? I am sure you know
citing references that say opposite of what they say they say, proving documnet that have nothing to do with this case.

This is a slam dung for GME when the Judge reads these miss leading statements from France's witness's, Like I said before either incompetent or lieing.
Legally GME wins this case by LAW

oh yes!

I hope GME is paying its atty from proceeds.

We have a great attorney, and he is honest, Seeker read our side of the case, at least do that,we have pointed out many times the misleading information from France and just plan liesfrom its Pro witness;s , Its very very clear, even you can not deny this.

And when the Judge see's what they are doing and how they are misleading the court it will not be pretty for them.

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