If the boys in Istabul knew as much about detection/technology as they do about SEO, you would have a helluva machine.
As an experiment I went back and added the parrot picture to post 1483. I guess if it really bothers me about the missing pictures I could take the time and go back and try to add them all back on as far as the ones I posted. I know that when I go back an edit one of my own posts if it had some "likes" on it they will not be on it any longer once it has been edited. So not only did the "software glitch" eliminate every picture on the entire thread it somehow or another edited every post that had a like as there were over 250 likes on this thread and as of this post there are now only 11. If this is all only because of a computer problem that would make me feel a little better about continuing to post on this thread and Treasurenet in general.
Just about every time we do a serious treasure dig we always seem to have electronic "glitches" that no one can explain. It has happened to me dozens upon dozens of times. Maybe some one is sending me a "message".
I guess we will soon find out. Have you started a thread on this new site?vor-I need that info from you on what detector to get so that I can be sure I am going to dig up gold and not just junk. I also need the link to where you got your facts about the Nokta which caused you to become convinced this unit is no good.
OUCH! a $6000 detector misfired?OK back to treasure hunting. I have some locations that I have recently been led to. I am not going to go into all the details, let's just say there was supposed to be gold buried in a certain spot. We ran the Nokta Golden King over the spots and it read for gold. We had a White's DFX detector and it also said gold. My two other detectors I had with me also said metal. The property owner got excited, I didn't. We dug down and all we found was a corroded old Coke can. I have heard before that these old cans will mimic gold. My point is that no matter what method you use to decide where to dig, you won't know for sure if treasure is buried there until you dig. That is why I spend a lot of time digging holes.
View attachment 984114 Digging yesterday in someone's front yard.
A remote sensor gave me an EXACT location and said there is gold, silver and diamonds buried at three feet.
What I am now asking of the readers is does anyone know of the best detection method/unit to try next without breaking the surface of the ground or core drilling?
Give me a break. What you mean is a dowser is dreaming of gold, silver and diamonds.
If you know its there, its exact position, and that it is gold, why fool around with any other detection method? You should know by now, there is no detector that will only pick up gold, so why ask? You seem to have a history of people telling you where there is buried treasure, but you come up with reasons for not digging. And why do you always rely on other people to tell you where a treasure is? Sorry, but after 1500 post, and lots of "know exactly and almost sure", maybe you should just dig and tell and show, after you dig it up.
If you find it, im sure there will be a lot of people eating their hats, after this; or maybe not!
What I really like about the Nokta is that it even tells you that the metals are "side by side". If it could only detect diamonds as good as a map dowser.....