Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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If the boys in Istabul knew as much about detection/technology as they do about SEO, you would have a helluva machine.

SEO-search engine optimization. So what I believe you are implying is that they are better at selling their detector than they are at making it, is this correct? I go back to my questions, what first hand experience do you have with this unit? What detector do you recommend for detecting gold with 100% or so accuracy?

As an experiment I went back and added the parrot picture to post 1483. I guess if it really bothers me about the missing pictures I could take the time and go back and try to add them all back on as far as the ones I posted. I know that when I go back an edit one of my own posts if it had some "likes" on it they will not be on it any longer once it has been edited. So not only did the "software glitch" eliminate every picture on the entire thread it somehow or another edited every post that had a like as there were over 250 likes on this thread and as of this post there are now only 11. If this is all only because of a computer problem that would make me feel a little better about continuing to post on this thread and Treasurenet in general.

Just about every time we do a serious treasure dig we always seem to have electronic "glitches" that no one can explain. It has happened to me dozens upon dozens of times. Maybe some one is sending me a "message".

You said the thread disappeared for a short time, I never saw it missing but i take your word it did.

I have done some tests on a test thread I made filling it with pictures and likes, if it is soft deleted the likes are erased but the pictures have never been deleted, or damaged by thread being deleted and restored. There is no way to restore a hard delete...

Every time I restored the thread pictures were still there undamaged.

If a mod, admin or anyone edits a post the software automatically shows post edited with sentence "edited by so and so" and the time of the edit.......

There is no doubt in my mind that this thread went missing for a short while. When it came back on, in place of all pictures and attachments it now says-Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrators. Each missing attachment is now replaced by a number and the word attachment. I don't know if this is what the moderators and everyone else sees, but this is what I see. I have asked other moderators about this and they can offer no real explanation. If it was a computer "glitch" it only seems to have affected just this thread. My guess is that the pictures probably do exist somewhere within the site but the "computer" does not want to show them. This is all beyond my control and none of my doing other than I may have gotten too controversial with my posting of government vehicles and unhappiness with the way the state archaeologists have handled my request to dig. Either way I will have to move past this "glitch".

Right now I am more concerned with finding missing treasure than missing attachments. It will be interesting to see if our resident expert on all things, vor, can tell me which detector to use so that I can know for sure whether treasure such as gold or silver is buried at any of my locations. It is easier to tell a person what not to do than to give actual good advice that can be used. I have found that the best way to shut up an internet critic is to ask them a straight question and request a straight answer. Let's see how vor does with my request about the Nokta and what detector to use.

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As i said I believe you that the thread went missing. I will repeat again there was nothing done by mods or admins, no one. In management cared about the pictures.

The attachement with a number is normal when the link is broken.

Other threads have done this in the past, it is rare but it happens.

No one is holding the pictures captive....... It's not a gov secret or conspiracy by anyone, hell you have the pictures they can be reposted so us deleting them wouldn't make a difference unless we told you don't repost them.

If we had an issue with the pics or story we would not have taken the time to go through 1700 + posts looking for pics to delete we would have simply deleted the thread for good...

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

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vor-I need that info from you on what detector to get so that I can be sure I am going to dig up gold and not just junk. I also need the link to where you got your facts about the Nokta which caused you to become convinced this unit is no good.

I've looked on detector "brands" forum and didn't see anything on the Notka. I googled Notka and watched
a video on Golden King cavity searches. They call tunnels, caves "Cavities". What you're looking for is not
a cavity but pirate chest which would have brass straps and hardware. If the chest is made of iron your
signal could be either ferrous or non-ferrous so a detection device won't say you have gold. That means
you still have to dig it to tell. Just about any American detector would give you a broad signal, not a coin
sound. If I have misread your intentions please ignore.

vor-I need that info from you on what detector to get so that I can be sure I am going to dig up gold and not just junk. I also need the link to where you got your facts about the Nokta which caused you to become convinced this unit is no good.
I guess we will soon find out. Have you started a thread on this new site?

OK back to treasure hunting. I have some locations that I have recently been led to. I am not going to go into all the details, let's just say there was supposed to be gold buried in a certain spot. We ran the Nokta Golden King over the spots and it read for gold. We had a White's DFX detector and it also said gold. My two other detectors I had with me also said metal. The property owner got excited, I didn't. We dug down and all we found was a corroded old Coke can. I have heard before that these old cans will mimic gold. My point is that no matter what method you use to decide where to dig, you won't know for sure if treasure is buried there until you dig. That is why I spend a lot of time digging holes.

View attachment 984114 Digging yesterday in someone's front yard.
OUCH! a $6000 detector misfired?

I understand there is new equipment coming out all the time but as far as I know you cannot tell gold until you dig no matter what detector you use. I dig gold rings at the beach with my Pulse Unit but it could just as well have been a lead sinker, pop top or coke can.

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Welcome back.

RE: Computer Glitch
At the time of the "glitch" I noticed things were different, like the icons above my reply box were gone. I went to the settings menu and reset a lot of my options and things are back to normal. You may want to go to your "attachments" settings and see if they were changed. It may fix your lost photo problems.

RE: Nokta
A search, be it positive or negative terms, will show results that are typically advertisements for Nokta. As stated earlier, they are experts at optimizing terms on search engines to get them to the top. It took some creative searching to see some real life results. Don't you think that if this machine is the best thing going that there would be some sort of buzz out there? Well, there is but it is suppressed. As to the review, I think that I may have seen it on Geotech as it was a technical review and not a testimonial. I really don't want to go too far on this subject as it is sold by one of the sites sponsors. If I go back and find it, I will PM.

RE: Approach
That is where we disagree. Where as you don't care if it is only a piece of string with a mule tooth; if you stumble across the mule, the pendulum works.
On the other hand, I see the specifications of the pendulum, see the mule and conclude that we got lucky and stumbled upon him.

No words will ever change your mind. You deal in the abstract and what you want to believe and I rely on logic and reason to form my conclusions.

You are the diggingest guy I know and I give you a lot of credit for it. Now if you can only nail your locations you may finally make the front page.


I am leaving in the morning to go to the Treasure Hunter's cookout. When I get back I will probably write up a summation of this entire thread and where if at all, it will lead to. In the mean time I have two really hot spots. I will talk about one. A remote sensor gave me an EXACT location and said there is gold, silver and diamonds buried at three feet. I went to the site and pinpointed the EXACT spot. It is on the grounds of a church. I did some research and found out there used to be a dairy farm and this location is where the backyard of the house was. I brought an individual that uses a "unconventional" LRL type device to the general area. Without telling him which direction to go he immediately went over to the area of the spot. In a very short time he told me there were two locations.

It took a little doing but I was able to eventually get permission to do some detecting on the location. I did this when no one was around. I brought in a GPR expert and had him survey the site. I only showed him the first spot. He located an "object" in the EXACT location that I was originally led to. We noticed there was a slight depression and the grass was greener in a small circle directly over the spot. We then ran the Nokta Golden King over the spot and the following picture is a screen shot of what it said at that time.

100_3452.webpIf you click on this it will enlarge it for easier reading. I talked to the Nokta expert at Kellyco and told him exactly what the screen said. He said that this is what it would say if we were really on top of a good target.

100_3450.webpThis is another picture of what the Nokta shows.

I have not yet been able to get a contract to dig in writing. I plan on really pushing for this next week. It is somewhat complicated as it is at a very large church/school location. I feel pretty confident that I will get the contract to dig. I am working towards a 50/50 split.

What I am now asking of the readers is does anyone know of the best detection method/unit to try next without breaking the surface of the ground or core drilling? This is a great chance for me to try things on a target that has probably been buried for a long time. I do not have my hopes up too high as the odds are it may be nothing more than junk. It appears to be about 36 inches to the top of the target.

A remote sensor gave me an EXACT location and said there is gold, silver and diamonds buried at three feet.

Give me a break. What you mean is a dowser is dreaming of gold, silver and diamonds.

What I am now asking of the readers is does anyone know of the best detection method/unit to try next without breaking the surface of the ground or core drilling?

The high dollar Nokta, of course.


If you know its there, its exact position, and that it is gold, why fool around with any other detection method? You should know by now, there is no detector that will only pick up gold, so why ask? You seem to have a history of people telling you where there is buried treasure, but you come up with reasons for not digging. And why do you always rely on other people to tell you where a treasure is? Sorry, but after 1500 post, and lots of "know exactly and almost sure", maybe you should just dig and tell and show, after you dig it up.

If you find it, im sure there will be a lot of people eating their hats, after this; or maybe not!

What I really like about the Nokta is that it even tells you that the metals are "side by side". If it could only detect diamonds as good as a map dowser.....

Give me a break. What you mean is a dowser is dreaming of gold, silver and diamonds.

Don't tell me what I mean, I meant just what I said. I was given the GPS number which my testing has shown will put me within about five feet. I was told I will find gold, silver and diamonds. I was told they are at three feet. Is this hard to understand? If I find what I hope to find vor will have to change his whole way of thinking. I am sharing this as the process happens. I will tell exactly how it goes.

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If you know its there, its exact position, and that it is gold, why fool around with any other detection method? You should know by now, there is no detector that will only pick up gold, so why ask? You seem to have a history of people telling you where there is buried treasure, but you come up with reasons for not digging. And why do you always rely on other people to tell you where a treasure is? Sorry, but after 1500 post, and lots of "know exactly and almost sure", maybe you should just dig and tell and show, after you dig it up.

If you find it, im sure there will be a lot of people eating their hats, after this; or maybe not!

I won't "know" it is there until I see it with my own three eyes. I want to try different detection methods as that is how you find out what works. Having an object that has been buried a long time is better than us burying stuff and then detecting it. It is kind of like testing a dowser with something freshly buried versus being in the ground a long time. That is just the way it works.

No, I don't know that there is no detector that will only pick up gold, that is why I am asking. Unlike some of you I don't claim to know everything.

I don't normally just come up with reasons for not digging. As a matter of fact I have dug hundreds of holes. If I am allowed to dig, I dig. I used to have pictures on here of a few of my digs.

Why do I always rely on other people to tell me where a treasure is? Duh! Because I don't know where it is. How do you come up with where the treasure is? Let me guess, research. Research what? Should I try to find old maps with X's on them?

maipenrai-If my telling about stuff on here bothers you I have a suggestion-DON'T READ MY THREADS!

If I find a treasure I will broadcast it on here as that is my style. Eating their hats? I will have something more appropriate for you all to eat and it won't be cake.

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What I really like about the Nokta is that it even tells you that the metals are "side by side". If it could only detect diamonds as good as a map dowser.....

If there really is gold and silver in a container, what is so hard to understand about it being side by side? I don't know if what it says is what we will find. That is why I got my hands on this unit and am using it. I have no control over what it says and I won't know if it is accurate until after I dig. Do you have a better method for detecting and digging? You are real good at knocking what others do but are not so good at giving good advice when it is really needed.

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You wouldn't take my advise on bench/air tests while you were actually there with Bruce. Your
flip remarks discourages trying to help. He could have held a beer can at four feet and your
borrowed unit would probably said it was GOLD. You would have that magic moment when the
scales fall from your eyes. Bruce may have said you don't need no stinking air test, just believe
the words coming out of my mouth.

The answer to the question you asked is a steel probe that cache hunters use to ascertain if a
large hard object is under the target zone. It has no wires and no mumbo jumbo readouts. Ask
how to make or borrow one at the cookout.

I remember someone using a deep seeking detector at night in the dunes of the Treasure Coast. Digging in dunes is illegal but someone dug some deep holes. Left behind in the morning was a few shovels and alongside each hole was a crushed aluminum can. The moral of the story? You are not the first or the last to dig smashed cans. Myself I have dug some deep holes into the center of rusted bucket rings. Man I hate them things!

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