Bingbong-How is it that you know so much about what happened in Florida over the last 400-500 years? Did you get your "facts" from your computer, books, friends or do you have powers that let you know what happened in the past? Do you believe in any buried treasure? If not, why are you on TN? I will admit that the movies about pirates and treasure are so unrealistic that it would cause someone to be skeptical.
I am not going to come on to TN and start telling anyone that the treasure they are after does not exist. What kind of treasure are you looking for? Are you looking for any? Since you say that no pirate treasure has ever been found, I guess if I find some I will really be famous.
Old Man- I talked to the FDOT attorney Monday but he would tell me nothing. I talked to the second in command on Friday, and he would not say anything one way or another. What he did say was they had been looking for a precedent from the past on how a request like mine had been handled. He told me they could find no precedent. According to him, no one has ever attempted to get permission from the FDOT (Florida Department of Transportation) to dig for buried treasure on their property. They have to be very careful how they proceed with my request.
I asked to be allowed to run any metal detector or GPR as needed. I asked to be able to do a half inch core sample with a drill and probe. I want all video rights. I want to split any treasure 50/50 with the state. I want controlled limited access throughout the entire dig process. I will provide security thru the local Sherriff's department. I want anything found to be immediately transported to our local museum which is directly across the street from the police department. Does anyone reading this have anymore suggestions?
They know how serious I am about all of this. They know that ignoring me will not make me go away. I put it in writing to them that I am prepared to contact every major news organization in Florida if my request is turned down.
I know it may take awhile for all of this to happen. I am prepared to wait. I have known about this exact treasure location for over 25 years. I have gone after other treasures, some over a 1000 miles from my home, all the while driving by this location everyday. I can see the digspot from the highway. I really do not have a good answer as to why I have not done what it takes in the past to make this happen. The past does not matter now.
Here are the facts. Three totally unrelated people/groups have told me that there is a 10 foot X 10 foot pile of silver buried in the EXACT same spot. Do I know for a FACT that I will dig up silver and that it was buried by pirates? No. I do know from having lived in the area for over 44 years that there have been numerous stories of people finding pirate related items in the same general area ie: guns, cannons, swords, chests and more. Have I seen any of it with my own eyes? No.
Sometimes you have to go with your heart or gut feelings. If you listen to the naysayers, you may as well sit in your chair and do nothing. In fact, you might as well try to talk others out of doing what you don't have the wherewithal to do. You have to have dreams. When I quit dreaming I hope I don't wake up.