Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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I'm sure you took into consideration FDOT did some digging building the roads.

It does feel great when people give you all types of reasons it can't be there, and you find it.
My part of a Treasure Find has very little Monetary value, But I can say
I was right & Proved it.

Good luck With FDOT Keep us posted.

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I met with the FDOT officials this morning. I went well prepared. I had made a brochure for each one of them. I had a counter arguement/reply/rebuttal to each of the 4 reasons they gave for not approving the request. Through a lack of communication the head guy thought that we were wantiing to use a backhoe to dig. As the site is at a I-75 bridge over the river I could understand his concern. I had poured over the laws/statutes and had highlighted facts that showed that they could allow me to dig under certain circumstances. I gave them a list of all the officials that I had made aware of what I was trying to do. I gave them a history of the digsite area. I told them that I wanted to dig in one specific spot with a pick and shovel. I told them that I wanted video rights and to split what was found 50/50 as a reward for my honesty and the fact that the site would not be known if not for me. I told them that I wanted to do a survey of the site with metal detectors and then get a core sample with a gas powered drill that I own. If nothing came up on the survey/core sample, I would go no further. I made them aware that I was prepared to contact all local news media TV/newspapers to let them know what was happening. I gave them my own resume. I showed them copies of all my military diplomas and awards. Heck, I even showed them pictures of my champion Mastiffs, 57 race car, my band with our flameshooting guitars and more. I tried to make it all more personal and get them on my side. Who would not want to see a pirate treasure dug up? The only one I can think of is some pencil pushing taxpayer paid archie sitting on his butt behind a desk at the state headquarters. I also let them know the history of our county pertaining to Desoto and pirates. I squeezed all this and more in the 25 minutes that we had together. They said that they would get back with me. The local DOT official was also there. He and I have become close aquaintences. He walked me to the downstairs door and told me that it was a smart thing for me to have come to meet the rest of them in person. I doubt I will get everything that I want, but I bet I get to dig. This is how its done. Stay tuned.

A lot of self aggrandizement!

Almost all the spanish gold is gold they stole from The Inca's here in Peru so i think it is like rob a robber?

Fortunately I have had some pretty good PM's sent to me. At least some people take me seriously and want to help. A thank you to them. I guess if you go on here and talk about some real treasure hunting the wanabee's on this forum will all get jealous. I have risked my life in the pursuit of treasure. I have driven thousands of miles on numerous occasions for research and to try and recover buried treasure. I am not interested in being on a reality tv gig. I have yet to see one that is "real". When, not if I get permission to dig up what I hope to be silver I will have the chance to ascertain if it is such. If it is what I think it is every treasure hunter out there will want to see the video of it coming out of the ground into our hands. I actually think that if I were to put the story of why I think it is there and were to put a photo of the exact location on here that around 9998 out of 10,000 "treasure hunters" would not try to dig it up. There are a couple on here that would. Lots of talkers in the world. Talk is cheap, text is free.
You are wise to forgo reality TV. With your treasure finding skill you would be a threat to find the Immunity Idol, so would be the first voted off the Island.

Just Kidding here, but Call Geraldo Rivera!...He'll getcha on TV and he can take the fall just in case its empty...Haha

Do you have Jeb Bush's number and who is Junior?

Since you told the DOT and everyone here where the treasure is.I doupt it will be there after you waste all your time trying to do it legal.Im sure one of those DOT guys or friends and relatives is over there right now digging with flashlights.You will know who got the treasure if any one of them quits their job real soon.There are only a few rivers that I-75 go over.The little manatee,manatee river,alafia river and peace river.Peace river has been known for a pirate hangout area.

The DOT knows which interchange that it is at. I don't think any of them have the testicles to go after it. I also don't think any of them really believes it is there. Did I mention that it is a quarter mile from a sherriff substation and that they are watching the area for me. Did I mention that I have over a dozen friends and relatives helping me watch the area at all hours. Did I mention that I have a friend that lives on a boat that is also watching the area. It is also completely out in the open. It is also covered with a layer of solid limestone. As it is a third degree felony to dig up artifacts on state land without a permit it might be easier to go rob a bank or 7-11, at least you know they have cash. So fisheye, you think I am wasting my time trying to do it legal? What I am doing is wasting my time replying to your repeated negative comments. Keep them coming if it makes you feel better about your own self. Text is free.

Hey Fishhead, leave the guy alone befor he makes a fool out of you.

Bigdogdad keep doing what you are doing. It took Mel Fisher over 17 years to find the atocha but he DID IT. I have read most of your posts and you seem to be the type that gets it done instead of talking about doing it. Heck at least you are trying which is a lot more than most on here can say. It's like Bill Dance said about fishing, "if you want to catch fish you gotta go fishing".

I like this forum but some of the people here only like arguments and drama, ever heard of the saying "misery loves company". Pay them no mind, just bags of wind. I come here to talk and read about real treasure hunting. You are doing just that my friend, good luck! :icon_thumright:

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Thanks for the support. There are people out there that may not believe what I am going to type next. In 1984-85 an old man stood on the bow of one of the Fisher's boats and led them to directly over a large pile of gold from the Atocha. I know all the details. I have known about it since 1987. I don't care whether anyone believes it or not. The reason that I bring this up is because I took that same old man on numerous trips all up and down the eastern states getting him to show me dozens of locations, some famous stories. He is the one that showed me the pile of silver at the bridge. There is WAY more to this story than anyone will possibly believe until I bring some of it out of the ground. That is what I intend to do. The pirate silver will hopefully be the first. As far as the naysayers go, they don't faze me one bit.

The DOT knows which interchange that it is at. I don't think any of them have the testicles to go after it. I also don't think any of them really believes it is there. Did I mention that it is a quarter mile from a sherriff substation and that they are watching the area for me. Did I mention that I have over a dozen friends and relatives helping me watch the area at all hours. Did I mention that I have a friend that lives on a boat that is also watching the area. It is also completely out in the open. It is also covered with a layer of solid limestone. As it is a third degree felony to dig up artifacts on state land without a permit it might be easier to go rob a bank or 7-11, at least you know they have cash. So fisheye, you think I am wasting my time trying to do it legal? What I am doing is wasting my time replying to your repeated negative comments. Keep them coming if it makes you feel better about your own self. Text is free.
Now that you mention all the reasons why it would be stupid to try and dig it up under cover of darkness because of location, I understand why it must be done your way. You thought about it though and it made no sense. Good luck.

Shoot, tell us the whole story and don't hold any detail! I am real skeptical on the subject of dowsers but by all means I would like it converted lol. Maybe this whole pirate treasure by the highway will do it :hello2:

The whole story and all details? Like I said I have written an un-published book. I have 168 pages and I need to bring it up to date and that will add another 100 pages or so. A little too much to put on TN. I will come back on late tonight and put more about the silver bar story. As far as dowsing goes, I did not know anything about divining other than I heard you could use a forked stick to find water. The next thing you know I have this old man sitting in the passenger seat of my wife's 77 Smokey and the Bandit Trans-am swing this brass, gold filled tube in front of him telling me there was treasure just a few miles ahead. I thought it was kind of crazy but I am willing to believe almost anything until it is proven wrong. After having spent years in the army as an engineer and going thru jungle warfare training in Panama I figured I could tell if he was for real or not. And guess what, he was the real deal.

Dowsing? I don't know about dowsing for silver, but there was a recent post by ronin 29 with a LRL that found a big silver ashtray. There was quite a heated debate over it and ended by closing the post. So not wanting to discuss it further you may want to contact him!

bigdogdad, as i said at the end of my reply to you, i STILL hope you win.

bigdogdad, I wish you the best but you said the hoard was covered by a solid layer of limestone. Did the "old man" tell you that?
That is a little curious how he would know that using a dowsing rod filled with gold. Since you were present did you ask him why he
didn't use one filled with silver instead? Also how did he detect limestone? Did he mention if the bars are in a cave under limestone
or if the limestone formed over the pirate treasure. That would be quite a freak of nature since the heyday of pirating, with the
exception of Somalians, occured only a couple hundred years ago. Cache hunters are a curious lot. Otherwise they would waste
most of their lives in vain pursuits.

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