Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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I will reply to each of the above posts. pops9363--I talked to my wife and we are going to lower the quality of the pics on my website so they will load quicker. Thanks for the advice.

Hotzone-I understand wanting to come home with something no matter what you are after. On just about every treasure expedition I had hopes of coming back with something. Of course it usually does not seem to work that way. You say the big treasures are just to "fantastic". Does that mean you don't really think they exist? The majority of metal detectors only detect down to about a foot and a half at best. I know they claim to go deeper on larger objects. I think a lot of the bigger treasures are too deep for most people to detect and dig. I think the more valuable the treasure needing to be buried is, the deeper the person burying it will dig. Did they not always bury dead people at about 6 feet?

Jay of MS--How much experience do you have with anything to do with dowsing? Just talk to old time plumbers about their ability to find pipes using L-rods. They may not know that they are dowsing, but they will tell you that it definitely works. I have my own rods and can locate wires and pipes. I have proven it. The more confidence you have in your own dowsing abilities, the better it works. If you don't think it will work, I can guarantee you it probably won't. As far as hard work, determination, and common sense, I pride myself on possessing all three of these traits. You can ask ANYBODY that knows me and they will tell you the same. This treasure is not consuming my whole life. In fact, I probably have too much else going on and that may be part of the reason I have not succeeded in finding the big treasure. My wife got burnt out at first because when we were tearing up the septic system, the guys helping said they would help repair it. When we did not find the chest and had to rebuild the septic system, it was just my wife and I. She does believe in the treasure and has been on other expiditions with me. When Vicki and I started dating she was 15. She just turned 54. I would have to say I am very lucky.

Bigcypresshunter--Discussing the Everglades project on this thread may confuse people. Maybe I will start a thread devoted to it. Although as you can see from my many posts I may say too much. As that treasure seems to be on Indian tribe land I don't think too many people are going to go after it. You can go into the swamp and then never be heard from again. "Dead men tell no tales"

Pulltab--Parking a big-assed houseboat on the Interstate I-75 right-of-way would probably not be the best way to go. Maybe a motorhome would work better. Even a small van. Actually I am looking at this dig as a challenge, and I love challenges. The more people tell me I won't succeed the more I will try.

Jason in Enid--We may not have got off on the right foot when I joined TN but we have decided to respect what each other does. Thanks for your support. I have dealt with the local government on other issues over the years and succeeded. I am hoping to do it again with this pirate treasure dig.

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I will vouch for dowsers. I just started dowsing last week and I can find water pipes as long as the water is running. I don't know how it works but it works. My L rods are made from coat hangers.

I will vouch for dowsers. I just started dowsing last week and I can find water pipes as long as the water is running. I don't know how it works but it works. My L rods are made from coat hangers.
Im not saying anything for or against dowsing and I keep an open mind. But keep in mind the results are skewed if you know ahead of time where the pipe is. Your subconscious directs your hands.

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To me dowsing falls under the same tree as palm reading, quija board and fortune tellers. I do not believe that certain humans have mythical powers. if this were the case why hasn't one dowser ever been able to pass a simple test and win James Randi's million dollar prize? It is just not real. It has not and will not be scientifically proven. I believe research, hard work, determination and common sense are a lot more helpfull than a human claiming they have magical powers. We might as well believe in bigfoot, harry potter, lochness, David Copperfield and Sylvia Brown just to name a few. Anyways this is my personal opinion.

Also I am ready to be convinced other wise, I just need to see some proof. I wish dowsing was true, i would have to pay outrageous prices for metal detectors. just buy a coat hanger

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To me dowsing falls under the same tree as palm reading, quija board and fortune tellers. I do not believe that certain humans have mythical powers. if this were the case why hasn't one dowser ever been able to pass a simple test and win James Randi's million dollar prize? It is just not real. It has not and will not be scientifically proven. I believe research, hard work, determination and common sense are a lot more helpfull than a human claiming they have magical powers. We might as well believe in bigfoot, harry potter, lochness, David Copperfield and Sylvia Brown just to name a few. Anyways this is my personal opinion.

Also I am ready to be convinced other wise, I just need to see some proof. I wish dowsing was true, i would have to pay outrageous prices for metal detectors. just buy a coat hanger
Sorry it is true for some but you are incapable of doing it. Will never be able to do it. For you it is not true. I know it sounds silly, but if you think you can do it you may be able to. But if you think you cannot it will never happen.

This is starting to sound like the dowsing forum. Skeptics of dowsing should go on the dowsing forum and voice their opinions and see what the hardcore dowsers have to say to someone who says it does not work.

Jay of MS--I know about the "Amazing Randi's" million dollar challenge. Basically if you can pass an agreed upon test proving paranormal abilities you can win the million dollar prize. There are two phases. First you have to pass a simple test. If you can do that they will take you more seriously and then you have to pass a second test. The last I heard no one has passed the first test. A person wanting to try can come up with their own parameters for the test. You would certainly think that with all the people claiming to be able to dowse that someone would have won the money. He has a website that lists the people, along with their test, on his website.

It is actually on my to-do list to try to figure out how to win this prize. I am not a competent enough dowser to do it myself. I have found that dowsing seems to work the best when you are using it to help someone else. I have my own theories why this holds true. I also believe that knowingly being tested will affect a dowsers ability. That is why when it was decided to test Ovid (my old dowser) that we would make sure that he did not realize he was being tested. We set up an intricate test that would be impossible to pass without paranormal abilities. He passed with flying colors. He passed a more simple test too. The two skeptics helping with this had to completely change their way of thinking, just as Jay of MS would be forced to do if he witnessed the things I have seen.

To anyone wanting to try something fairly simple do this. If you know exactly where a phone line/power line/water line is buried use it as part of a test. Get a couple of metal clothes hangers and cut them and make a couple of L-rods about 6 inch by 12 inches. Get a boy or girl or both, with good attitudes, about 8-12 years old. Tell them you want to teach them how to do something. Do not come across negatively. Have them hold the rods in each hand around waist high with the long part of the rods pointing forward. Take them separately to where you KNOW the pipe/wire/ etc is buried. Line them up so that when they walk forward they will eventually cross the pipe/wire/etc. Do not start them too far away, 10 feet or so, as kids have short attention spans. Tell them to concentrate and mentally ask the rods to cross when they are over the pipe/wire/etc. Do not tell them where it is at.

I have done this dozens of times with kids that came with their parents to look at puppies we were selling. It works about 90-100% with girls and about 60-70% with boys. The bottom line is that the rods will cross when they are over the wire/pipe/etc. This is basic dowsing. It works. There is nothing to argue about. Period. Try it. It works best with kids because they have not yet developed the negative attitude that so many "grownups" have.

My plan is to use a group of kids to pass the "Amazing Randi's" million dollar challenge. The money would go to help kids. Not neccesarily the kids passing the test. This would be an example of using dowsing to help others. I wish I had nothing else to do but go for this and other treasures.

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Lastleg--My name is not Elkins. Who is Elkins?

I am letting a couple of people do what they say they are going to do to help in my quest. One is a local Commisioner that knows the FDOT guy. I have a reporter working on the story. I am prepared to go over the FDOT guys head to his boss. I will admit this all has taken some of the wind out of my sails. I am not dead in the water.

I have taken on a project that I have known for a long time that I would need to get done. It is helping to keep me preoccupied, otherwise I might get a little crazier than I already am. I have posted a few things on other boards. One of them is on the "Swamp Gold" thread. There are many treasures and stories of treasures out there. I somehow got involved in a bunch of them.

Just for the heck of it I will name a few stories that I have been involved with and think I may know the location of the treasure from the story.

The treasure from the German U-boat U-853.

A cave full of long lead covered bars north of Atlanta near Ringgold.

The so-called "Beale Treasure".

Pots of gold buried along a railroad track in North Carolina.

1000 pounds of gold buried in the Everglades.

A wagon load of gold buried outside of Dalonega Georgia.

12 saddlebags full of gold coins next to a creek southeast of Atlanta.

Pirate chests in Englewood Florida.

Sunken gold off the west coast of Florida.

Gold along the Peace River in Ft. Meade Florida.

Diamonds buried at a house in New Jersey.

These are some of the ones that have a story connected to them. I have others that have no story. I know that there will be plenty of people on here that will think I am just a lot of talk. If I were reading this I would not believe any of it either. That's to be expected. It is also what makes it a great story. If anyone wants tyo talk about any of these I will share some of the information. As I am preparing to come out with a book that goes into great detail, I might as well share some of it ahead of time with TN readers.

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I have a Stihl gas powered drill. It has 2 forward speeds, a neutral and reverse. I took 4 foot lenths of 3/8 threaded rod and put double barrel nuts on each end. The rod is incased in 1/2 CPVC. That way one person can hold the CPVC while the rod spins inside. I have multiple lengths of this. They connect together. I have various drill bits that are welded on to barrel nuts. One is for concrete/rock, one is for wood, and one is for metal. I took peices of the threaded rod and sharpened the end to a point and then cut an X in it. These can be put into the drilled hole and then hit with a hammer to come up with a core sample. This set up can also be run with a battery drill as long as you have backup batteries. All of this along with gas, wrenches, hammer, etc, fits into a backpack and golf bag.

It's a great set up to do a core sample anywhere. Have I used it at the pirate silver site? No. Why? Three reasons. It may be considered illegal to use this without a permit on state land. Also if I were to come up with a sample of what was there and it turned out to be silver, I would then become EXTREMELY obsessed with digging and might not be able to control myself. I also think it would spoil the suspense as to whether or not the treasure is there. Is this a stupid way to think? Maybe.

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You can take the U-853 off your list.

Today, decades after the sinking of the U-853, mystery still surrounds this wreck. Why did she attack and sink the Black Point one day after the cease fire order had been given by the acting Fuhrer? Did the U-853 receive and then ignore the order, or was the order never received? Several theories persist regarding the “true” nature of the U-853’s mission. Some say that she was designed to be Hitler’s private escape craft. Others maintain that she was transporting millions of dollars worth of mercury, cash and gold. In fact, several salvage attempts have been made on the vessel, none of which have ever resulted in the recovery of treasure. Indeed, in 1961, a full scale salvage attempt was seriously considered which would have attempted to raise the U-853 from the bottom. This project never proceeded further than the planning stages.

The U-853 is the favorite of all my stories. I have done the most research. It also involves a first-hand account. In your post you ask questions. I will give you some of the anwers. It may not be what some divers who are still looking for the treasure want to hear. They may need to cross it off THEIR list.

Yes, the U-853 was supposed to be Hitler's getaway sub. Of course he never used it for that. The sinking of the Blackpoint was a diversion. The sub was not carrying mercury. There were 12 German anti-tank 88mm shells smuggled aboard. These shells were stuffed with diamonds, gold, paper currency and sealed with wax. Some of the people that loaded this into the sub before it left Germany revealed this after the war.

While our navy was attacking the sub four men had come ashore in a rubber raft with the 88mm shells. Their mission was to bury them and then get back to the sub. The sub was destroyed while waiting in shallow water for the men to return. That is why it could not leave the area. Two of the men died and two of them made it back to Germany.

I don't think you will find this info anywhere but on this post. The 88mm shells were buried next to the parking lot just north of the Montauk Point Lighthouse. My friend Ovid tried to dig them up in 1984, three years before I met him. He knew where the Germans had buried the shells. He got that info from someone that had gone to Germany. I found him thru a newspaper article that I found in the Montauk library in 1987. I got his name from the article and called information to get his number. The Friday that I called him was the day before I took the picture of him that is on my website.

My going to the lighthouse in 1987 had nothing to do with Ovid or dowsing. I know what happened to the diamonds and where they are now buried. They are in at least two spots. One in New York and one in New Jersey. I have been to New Jersey three times but it was not until recently when I started to write my book that I figured out the location in New Jersey. When I say location I mean The EXACT location. I already know the other exact location in New York. It is in a state park.

If no one wants to believe this story at this time that is fine with me. When you read the book or see the movie, remember you read it here first.

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Did Divo teach you to dowse for water? Or was it just for "treasure"? I saw some of Ovid's finds on your website.
What do you figure all that suff is worth?

I tried reading through most of this thread but honestly you sound like a lunatic. Not in a bad way, but just obsessed. I gave up after page 4

Its called Gold Fever. It sounds as if BigDogDad believes in what he is doing and Ovid looks like he was an interesting fellow. I hope there is more to the story.

Lastleg--I don't know any Divo. I never asked Ovid to teach me. I did ask him a lot of questions. He told me he did not know how it worked, it just worked. I am not really sure what finds on my website you are talking about.

Bigcypresshunter-There is WAY more to the story and I don't lie or exaggerate.

jksweendog-I don't blame you for thinking I am a lunatic. I have been called worse. Fortunately for me I have a lot of interests which keeps me from becoming overly obsessed with this whole treasure story. I would consider myself "determined". Why did you give up reading? Just read it in small sections, let it sink in. The crazy part is that it may all be true. Feel free to ask any questions. This is all my prelude before I put my E-book out.

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I can't understand why you didn't get divo (Ovid) to teach you how to dowse. You knew he wouldn't always be there for
you . . . or did you just hope he would get you wealthy before kicking the bucket? Now you will have to start from scratch
and go to LRL School. And it's not cheap. You might try for a scholarship from Uncle Sam. Luck to you, as always.

I had a friend show me the basics of dowsing before I met Ovid. I did hope to find one of the treasures FOR HIM before he died from cancer. That is my biggest dissapointment in my whole story. I watched his every move while we were together. I have read books on dowsing. I joined a dowsing club. I have my own L-rods. I have a special pendulum that I am saving to use until the time is right.

I am not the dowser in my own story. There are many others. There is way more to this story that has nothing to do with dowsing. It is all about belief. In others, in yourself. I have complete confidence that everything will work out in the long run.

I have tried for years to figure a way to put myself in a position to where I don't feel that I need any of the treasure once I find it. There are other factors that have held me back. I feel I am now ready. That is why I joined Treasurenet. That is why I am beginning to share my story. Nobody lives forever. I want all the treasures in my story to be found. I am willing to tell ALL my information about each and every one. I am putting it all into my book. We will find out if I am for real.

I started this thread to seek advice on getting a permit from the state to dig for treasure on state land in Florida. If I got good good advice I must have missed it. This is not a dowsing thread on the dowsing forum.

mel fisher was called a con-man and many other things!!!! how many years did it take for him to be successful? lots of big discoveries and inventions have been scoffed at and ridiculed at first!!!
do i believe in dowsing?......not really. would have to see it done a few times to belive it.

persistance, patiance and thick skin could lead to something great.

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