Pine Grove

Find the "Arch" Or "Sweetie"



Possably in here somewhere along the Crick that goes South or right at the T


Just checked out that parcel locator site. Wow thats sweet. Wish there was one for chester & Montgomery county that was set up that way.


baspinall said:
Just checked out that parcel locator site. Wow thats sweet. Wish there was one for chester & Montgomery county that was set up that way.


Yea I wish Berks, Dauphin & Lebanon counties had setups also.
Berks does but it's harder for me to follow.
No Pics of the Houses for one.

I think Some counties Charge too

you never cease to amaze me.....amazing

i cant even fathom all this.....and the fact you know all this and pull all these pictures out

simply amazing

approximately 40 years of intrest in local history helps.

I all but Failed history in school
because I was too busy reading local
stuff instead of paying attention to the Teacher :P

They are Getting Older.

Back to Swatara Furnace Area.

Tax site Lists this Property at 1700

1875 atlas lists the Owner as D. Felty


All owned by same person


jeff of pa said:
two buildings near Swatara State Park




Part of the Canal ?
Part of the Rail Road ?
Toll House ? (Not the cookies)

Been there Forever.

few intresting finds, but no coins.
hard to work. alot of trash

Abandond Longer then Anyone Alive in the area I Believe.

Falling down Fast.
Still Has Basement.
but I was Afraid to Enter
considering it can collapse at any time

Owned By general state Authority
(Swatara State Park.)

on other Corner


Just Homes Now Owned by SBM PRTNRSHP & LAND
Tons of Car Parts & Trash in Yard
I got Frustrated. only digging trash and memorials


Woods Now

the old FORT MIFFLIN HOTEL Stood here
since the mid to late 1700's.

Was Very Popular during the Construction of the Canal
& During the Canals Entire Existance.

Only the Cellar Remains.
few intresting finds behind
no coins but sure they are there.
View From road is of Very High Very Thick
Everything. with Deer path. Follow deer path to Open area Behind.
Lotta Glass. Carefull digging.
Cut myself & Left Early.
Havn't been Back in Years.
Always Forget About it.

on Swatara State Park Property.


Recently Read a story on this pond.

Man Made & Part of the Canal

Most Likely also Swam in.

Also on State Park Property.

Never searched by Me.

Recent read has me Wanting to hunt it when I Remember it on a Nice day
with Nowhere else to go.

I checked out the two homes (are you sure that is the correct pick of the small one that is broken down?), but the ground is obviously too hard to dig into so it was just a lookaround. I then tried to trek back and find the hotel foundation but i just couldnt seem to find it..there was a creek there and i couldnt cross it on the other side of here? However i did find a thin metal cup laying in frozen muck (i dont think its silverm but surely its older). Also i parked my car near the church just up the road from the two homes and while i was walking down i saw an old cellar hole right along the road which might be a good area to check out when it thaws up.

PAyoungin said:
jeff of pa said:
two buildings near Swatara State Park




Part of the Canal ?
Part of the Rail Road ?
Toll House ? (Not the cookies)

Been there Forever.

few intresting finds, but no coins.
hard to work. alot of trash

Abandond Longer then Anyone Alive in the area I Believe.

Falling down Fast.
Still Has Basement.
but I was Afraid to Enter
considering it can collapse at any time

Owned By general state Authority
(Swatara State Park.)

on other Corner


Just Homes Now Owned by SBM PRTNRSHP & LAND
Tons of Car Parts & Trash in Yard
I got Frustrated. only digging trash and memorials


Woods Now

the old FORT MIFFLIN HOTEL Stood here
since the mid to late 1700's.

Was Very Popular during the Construction of the Canal
& During the Canals Entire Existance.

Only the Cellar Remains.
few intresting finds behind
no coins but sure they are there.
View From road is of Very High Very Thick
Everything. with Deer path. Follow deer path to Open area Behind.
Lotta Glass. Carefull digging.
Cut myself & Left Early.
Havn't been Back in Years.
Always Forget About it.

on Swatara State Park Property.


Recently Read a story on this pond.

Man Made & Part of the Canal

Most Likely also Swam in.

Also on State Park Property.

Never searched by Me.

Recent read has me Wanting to hunt it when I Remember it on a Nice day
with Nowhere else to go.

I checked out the two homes (are you sure that is the correct pick of the small one that is broken down?), but the ground is obviously too hard to dig into so it was just a lookaround. I then tried to trek back and find the hotel foundation but i just couldnt seem to find it..there was a creek there and i couldnt cross it on the other side of here? However i did find a thin metal cup laying in frozen muck (i dont think its silverm but surely its older). Also i parked my car near the church just up the road from the two homes and while i was walking down i saw an old cellar hole right along the road which might be a good area to check out when it thaws up.

Yes i'm 110% Sure it's the one.
Changed alot.
Every Year it gets worse.

If you go back that road you will see a pull off on a Curve on the Left.
I Believe it is just Over the First Bridge.
the celar is inside the Highest Thikest weeds.


Accross from the church a Bit down in the woods is Church Property.

!!!CHURCH OF GODschuylkill_outside_gis-apps29603108174061.jpg

Not sure if first church was down there or a Grove.


Complete hotel Property in 1936 became the A L DAUBERT ESTATE

in 1978 Purchased By Pennsylvania & Now Swatara State Park Property



Black Smith shop & Homes of J. Kreps ; A. Barney ; W. KNapp ; H. Smeltzer from right to left. in 1875

Purchased between 1973 & 1989 By the State of Pennsylvania
These Four Lots are Now Swatara State Park Property



Rail Road Depot was in this area to the Right of the Creek & on the North side
of the Track.

I Believe the Depot was recently removed to the Pine Grove Historical Society

Also Now Swatara State Park Property



Swatara State Park Fossil Pit



UNION CANAL LOCK Best access a Narrow Path You will see a Pile
of dirt where you pull in


Here Ya go.

Now that Penn Pilot is up & Much clearer.

From 1939


Arial From Tax Site


Everything Marked is now gone

All Were on What is now Swatara state Park Land.

There are many more Including Farms down
Long driveways that you can see on Penn Pilot
along the Old state road.

all gone today.


As usual, a wonderful display of research and map skills again....... :D!! I bet a lot of people on TNET are glad you DON'T live near them cause they would know all the good spots have been found, researched, mapped, planned, hunted and pilfered by the Master......LOL!!


Hear anything If the old state road is still open to traffic dave ?

Considering what else We have on the Calendar for this year
I Don't know if we'll ever get back Down there,
But am Curious.


I talked to a customer a couple weeks ago (right before Christmas) and he told me it was still open and that he had driven out part way.


Cool !

I Never realized How Many Sites are Right there at the Entrance Till
Pen Pilot Improved.
It's got me Intrested

Copy (2) of schuylkill_050439_aqs_56_93.jpg


I kinda figured there had to be more old home sites around that end of the old state road, just looking at all the old driveways we can see driving in the road. And, with the old RR depot there I thought maybe we had more huntin' to do at this place.
By the way, what else do we have on the calendar that's gonna eat up all our time this year? Did I miss a conversation somewhere...........LOL :o


& TheseFarms just past The Fossil Pit



DKinPA said:
I kinda figured there had to be more old home sites around that end of the old state road, just looking at all the old driveways we can see driving in the road. And, with the old RR depot there I thought maybe we had more huntin' to do at this place.
By the way, what else do we have on the calendar that's gonna eat up all our time this year? Did I miss a conversation somewhere...........LOL :o


I Found Several New sites in Pottsville.

A Few Indian war sites East & South of Pottsville.

Plus if Gas Stays affordable

Berks & Lebanon

Mostly Things I Havn't Posted

All sites I Still Need to Get
permission, But not till
We're Ready.

Don't want to Get a Yes now


3-months from now or so
Have to ask again if it's still OK.

We already Have the "Anytime we want" Permission
at Swatara State Park

as Per 1971 Arial

Definately a Ball Field ;D

And Possable Track ?



Will Show you where this one is sometime




!!_1971Copy of !!1961schuylkill_081271_aqs_2mm_267.jpg



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