Picture journal of a modern cache

I have a strong suspicion what you found is more than likely a "Prepper" cache.
Preppers are what used to be called 'Survivalists' before that word took on such a bad image.
There are a good number of folks who are convinced the economy is going to tank and the only real money will be real coins of precious metals. They are also (perhaps wisely) distrustful of banks, remembering FDR's confiscation of gold. So this would be pretty much what-and how-they would cache off their "PMs". Away from home and in a semi-public (but difficult to access) spot. Without the key in the jar (which makes no sense to me) you'd probably never thought of looking up there.

Come to think of it, watching the financial news, I wish I'd bought a couple pounds of silver at $7-8 per ounce.

Nice to see this happen close to home.

cammobunker said:
I have a strong suspicion what you found is more than likely a "Prepper" cache.
Preppers are what used to be called 'Survivalists' before that word took on such a bad image.
There are a good number of folks who are convinced the economy is going to tank and the only real money will be real coins of precious metals. They are also (perhaps wisely) distrustful of banks, remembering FDR's confiscation of gold. So this would be pretty much what-and how-they would cache off their "PMs". Away from home and in a semi-public (but difficult to access) spot. Without the key in the jar (which makes no sense to me) you'd probably never thought of looking up there.

Come to think of it, watching the financial news, I wish I'd bought a couple pounds of silver at $7-8 per ounce.
I'd almost bet, that you are right.They are alot more prepper's than people think.
People are hiding all kinds of things.Mark,,,,,,,,

all i have to say is thats one find i wish would come my way

My father in-law was a prepper. He had stashes all over the inside of his house. There were hollow spaces made when they poured the cement slab that he had wood over and then carpet. Also had fake floors built under kitchen cabinets. Thats where he kept most of his silver. Then there were the stashes in the attic insulation. He had a stockpile of lumber in the garage, each piece was cut and labled. When the "Time" came he could board himself in. Kept food and water stockpiled also. Enough to last at least 6 months was always on hand. Of course weapons in the fake closet walls. House was built out of cinder blocks w/rebar and poured full he said. Like a fort. He built his entire house in preperation for the "Time". Thats what he called it. He bought his silver back in the 60s, just change back then. He died before it ever happened. He was an interesting man.

Definately recently burried, Silver Coins in plastic bottles?
Oh well, I would take them !
Great Hunting!

I think you should leave a note in a bottle at each site, stating "I found your cache. To recover it, please leave the following message at this website "http://forum.treasurenet.com/index.php?action=post;topic=75900.0;num_replies=86"." The message is "&&&&&&" where &&&&&& is a code that only you will recognize. If we ever see a response that you recognize as your coded message, you can respond here, and it will add to the interest in this thread, and close the loop. I vote we find a way to give the money back. After all, if it was a college ring or something traceable, wouldn't the enjoyment be in finding the owner?
(Honest) BobinSD

I didnt realize that this was such an old post, but anyway, congratulations!

You had me going at first. Your first photos were of the bottle caps, and I thought, "oh yeah, another cache of JUNK", someones dump ground.

Its a nice cache, but I dont believe the IRS is going to run you down, to claim their share, just relax!

Hope you had fun with the money, and maybe bought some more detecting equipment. Im sure there is more to this cache story, and hope you can maybe find the Key to it.

Absolutely incredible!! Great detective work on your part.

All the best,


congrats for the treasure . :hello2:

I can only imagine coming across a find such as that. That's an amazing amount of treasures!

I loved ur story great job best of luck to you and I hope you find many more.

I remember when I was a kid, a kid I new buried some coins in a glass Gatorade bottle about 10 inches down,because his dad said that they'll never make a metal detector that can go that deep!

Interesting/Intriguing adventure/quest/thing and where are we going! Hush Pippin! Two feet down, that's some digging. A note? More than one cache, hmm. Sounds like crazy stuff and likely no sane answer will ever be found, what a shame. Unique different group of bottles used: peanut butter jars, apple sauce jar now Gator Aid bottles (any manufacturing dates on the bottles?). First group "found" next to a large old tree stump, hmm. Have you ever plotted the locations on a map of your three finds to see if any intersection points make sense? Then any similarities to the three cache locations? The map note, was it well written, typed/printed out or handwriting? Spelling errors, Odd word usage, Unique words, Water marks on the paper, Hold paper up to the lite for hidden words/directions, Odor to the paper, Any tense in the message or sense of male female, Ever check for finger prints on the containers, Check local coin stores for quantity purchases of similar coins or ask about older patrons with fears of an economy crash and the long shot Check death notices over the past 15 years looking for odd ball coin collectors that have died.

What fun and games. Now, are you ready to go back to 'simple coin shooting'?.......63bkpkr

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Hey Montana, Good to hear from you, Jim. It's been a while since anybody responded on this thread. Coincidentally, I just got back from a ski trip to Whitefish, MT. Had a fantastic time there and at Fernie in B.C. Unbelievable snow. They've had 360 inches already this year. They've hit their average already with two months of the ski season to go. Anyway, I haven't written up the whole story about the caches. The one I posted here was actually the last one I found. I have put together a little story about the first cache I found and I have some pictures of that one that my buddy took. But I can't seem to get the guts to post it. I realize how hard it is for anybody to believe it. I think that all the theories people have come up with are wrong, accept for possibly one. That was posed to me by a fellow Tnetter larrybass. We both seem to think that the caches were planted for the benefit of the person's heirs. In other words, he left a cache or two as inheritances for his neices or nephews, etc. to search for and locate on their own. I've got a feeling that he might be really pissed that other people discovered his plan. He put a whole lot of work into it. But he shouldn't have buried the stuff on public land. He had to know that there were people with metal detectors who could find it without knowing his clues. Or, maybe he didn't think that metal detectors really work, like a lot of people. Anyway, by burying the stuff on public land, I feel that he was donating it to anybody who could find it. I and others were happy to oblige him. The quest made for the most exciting 3 years of my life. I still get goosebumps thinking about it. So, I may post parts of the story and/or pictures from time to time, but the whole story would require a book. I may do that too someday. Bob
Thanks for the mention Bob. I Love this story, even now, after all this time. :) lb

Yo, Larry. It's good to hear from you again. I finally weaned myself off the cache trail. Doing mostly coinshooting now. Found 197 silver pieces last year, including a few hammered silvers over in England. I recently posted the story and pictures of the first cache. This past December marked the ten year anniversary of the first one. You can see it on the Cache Hunting forum. I still have a feeling that there may be some of the caches up in Canada. No specific information about it. But two things make me feel this way. First, there were alot of Canadian coins in the caches and second, the person wrote a date in the Canadian/International manner as "12 July '02" instead of the U.S. way like "July 12, "02." So, I wouldn't doubt if there is a cache or two in Montreal or Toronto. So, happy hunting when the ground thaws out. Bob.

Great finds and great pictures

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