Picture journal of a modern cache

How do you NOT brag about that ?!?!??!??!?!!!?? Seriously, if you wanna keep quiet about pooping your pants when you found it, that's your business, but really !!

Loose ends:

gold fish, Damned if you do and damned if you don't, eh. Read some of the earlier posts on this forum about the dangers of talking about a cache discovery. There's a certain amount of paranoia to overcome when you post something like this. I'm sorry if there's not enough info for you.

Paul 1410, The note was found in another wooded area adjacent to a public picnic area. It was in a small jar buried at the foot of a large, split-trunk tree, just off a trail about 100 yards into the woods. My detector picked up the cap on the jar, which was buried about a foot deep. Here's a sample of the note with name changes, of course:

"USA, City, State. PZ = Beginning of X. M = whatsaname creek. PG = on X high point on knoll opposite nomad lane. X = bicycle trail. B = drain. Y = staircase to farland Ave. C = freight railroad trestle. H = dam. ball = 'Sean'. KK = 50 ft high. polly = Edna. bill = bob/kathy. sue = Heidi/Terry. toni = "Matt 'Nadia'. P = wooden wall. T = howard av bridge. LY = path from and to recluse lane. Dog = a crucifix and 'M'..."

Monty, You guessed it. I don't know how to do the link thing but you can check my reply on whitesid post of 12-13-06 on MD Forum and some of my earlier posts on Just Images.

No, I completely understand keeping info quiet. But if I had pics like that, I would be posting them daily.............for a week !!!

Bob, thanks for the reply. This is simply an awesome tale!

I wonder if a meticulous search of either area would yield another map or cache? ;)

Cool story, makes me wonder if it.s a "geocaching" treasure.Have you tryed to convert your clues to numbers that would coincide with the GPS coordinates of the finds location?For those that don't know Goecaching is an on line game were clues to coordinates are given then you travel out to the site and search out the treasure.Usually the rules state that to take the treasure you leave something in it's place,or the hook noses leave a horse head in your bed (thats a joke) Normally they marked as "official Geocaching treasure" if the y are thou UN official are out there.

Urban Prospector said:
Cool story, makes me wonder if it.s a "geocaching" treasure.Have you tryed to convert your clues to numbers that would coincide with the GPS coordinates of the finds location?For those that don't know Goecaching is an on line game were clues to coordinates are given then you travel out to the site and search out the treasure.Usually the rules state that to take the treasure you leave something in it's place,or the hook noses leave a horse head in your bed (thats a joke) Normally they marked as "official Geocaching treasure" if the y are thou UN official are out there.

it would have made a pretty elaborate geocashe dont you think? most geo cashes i have seen and heard about are merely trinkets and keepsakes, not silver coins. however it got to be where it was its an awesome find!

Urban Prospector,
It's funny you should mention geocaching. My coinshooting buddy found a geocache in the same area where the real cache was found. He didn't know what it was, but he brought the whole thing back to the car at lunch time. I told him that he wasn't supposed to take it for himself, but just sign the note pad saying when you discovered it. I also told him that if he took any item out of the geocache, he had to put something else in there in it's place. So he took out a compass and put in an Indian Head Penny, signed the book and put the geocache back where he had found it.

Like I said, I never could figure out the person's code. I don't consider myself a cryptographer, not by a long stretch. But the street names and other land marks mentioned where enough to lead me to the cache area.

WOW!!! What a fantastic "real" treasure story there, SkierBob! 8) Congrats and a tip of the hat to ya Mr. Treasure Finder! Thank You so much for having the "courage" to post your incredible true tale here on TNet! 8) Despite what some others have said or asked you in here, you have supplied WAY more info, than I would have or most peeps that I know, would have. :( That note, I believe, IS the big key to lots more goodies Bob! :o Just the bit you've shown here tells me there are many and well"X'd" stashes left out there for you buddy!

I'm thinking, maybe a "family" series of caches for their future. LOTS of mysteries on the note, but TONS of rock solid clues too. 8) Take your time and you'll be diggin' up a few more in no time. I agree that this stash is under 4-5 years old, if that. You ARE onto something large here buddy Bob! No foolin'.

If you want, you can PM me and I'll tell ya a little of what I'm readin' outta your kool story so far, my friend. I'd like to help you a little on this project but I really don't trust telling everybody here, especially the ones that keep pumping you and then keep coming up with lame excuses for screwin' with you...I don't get along well with that sort. :(

By the way,I live too far away (Ontario, Canada) to be able to get any part of your score, so I'm obviously offering my help for free, because you are a Cool and valued member of this Forum and I love this story. Long as we keep it between us. ;)

Happy Hunting Bob...


Nice bottle finds skierbob :D I gotta tell ya though, I found a really big stash, but would never have the guts to post it. :-X


Congratulations on the great find!!!
It is very cool of you to share the pics of your cache and your story with us. I hope you find much, much more!
If I happen to find a cache one day, I hope to share the pics and story. It is very uplifting to see what others have found. Makes me wanna go digging right now.
Thanks again,


Nice Cache, I should really give it a try.


Keep @ it and HH!!

Very cool cache story. It got me to thinking some( look out ).

1) The blue bottle is a Propel sport water bottle, a quick google turned up this..."Since the brand’s national launch in 2002, Propel has remained the best-selling enhanced water on the market" Now if you found it two years ago that means at best it was in the ground 4 years or less.

2) Why 4 bottles? If the coins were dumped out of the rolls they would fit in one bottle much easier to carry 1 bottle than 4 being it is a hike to get to the cache site. Maybe the intention was to have more than one cache? The bottles are not that big I bet 8 or more could fit into a small backpack. I hope you looked for another cache in the area.

3) There was a geocache in the area. Think of the odds of 2 caches of different types in one area Pa is not short in places to hide a cache. I would check that geocache the owners name should be in it. Wounder if there maybe a geocache by the same owner near where you found the first jar with the way bill. Look the owner up on the geo web sites (the name should be listed there also) and see if that person has hidden more geocaches ;D. I would also check the names on the way bill with the geocache's onwers name and kin.

4) I bet the the person who put the cache there is not a happy camper be carefull.

You most likely thought of this stuff all ready but if not hope it will lead to anouther find for you good luck

paul1410 said:
WOW, cool story Bob! Where did you come across the map/code? (I understand if you need to keep it hushhush) :-X

I Saw a chace hunt in progress one weekend in the small community of Dalark, Arkansas. AN elderly woman passed away and left a diary. In the diary, there were entries about her burying over $8500.00 in cash and coins in several gallon glass pickle jars. She mentioned that she hoped whoever found it was a child who could use the money to go towards an education.

When I drove by that property one Saturday afternoon back in the early 1980s, there must have been fifty relatives all over the yard digging with shovels. I didn't see one metal detector. To this day, I do not know if the cahce was found. The house burned down a couple of years later so it is a vacant lot now.

What a nice cache. I found a small cache of about two dollars in old pennies and a couple of dimes two days ago. It was buried near one wall of our garage building. There seems to be some other dig-it signals there so when I have time, I am going to locate the rest of the cache. Most of the coins were early 1960s -1970s. The two dimes were 1962 and 1968.

It was not a find like the ones in the photo but I was happy to find them.

I have some maps of large buried caches and one of them is along a creek that we own property on. I have yet to find the cache though. It could be in a wide area since creeks beds move right and left after floods, etc.

Way to go with the great cache find. What a dig!


To Cactus Cache:

I'm glad you enjoyed the cache story. It is tremendously exciting to find a cache, any cache. And the searching for the cache is almost as exciting. I'm sure you realized this when you found your cache and I hope you can find more of it. But, don't limit your TH'ing to just cache hunting. Try as many types of treasure hunting as you can. You'll get more fun out of it that way. HH

I dont think they been in the ground for 15 years,the paper it not rotted off the bottles!! just my 2 cents

Hey HoundDog buddy, I was wondering the same thing when I first read Bob's awesome story too. Why not just drop those coins in the bottles loose? WAY more efficient. But, then again, maybe that's how he bought them always, so he just slid them in the bottles because it was easier?

On your second point, of tying in the geo-cache with Bob's cacher, I believe that is a VERY strong possibility too! Man, I'd be heading right to that old geo-cache to-day, and taking a picture of the whole log, in there. Mostly the first name etc. of course but sometimes a sort of "geo-caching" code, from what I understand, is also used on logs. Any part of that sort of code could correspond with something on Bob's waybills. 8) There were so Many coded things on Bob's that it almost seems as though nobody BUT the cacher would be able to locate the darn things, and yet with the peoples names on Bob's there should be a good chance that one or two of them would/could also be geo-cachers with matching initials, streets, etc. People from that area who don't mind walking for their rewards and lookin' for kool stuff ....

Great input anyway dude! Nice contribution to this terrific thread. 8)

Have a big one...


Now this is my 2 cents worth of input.

It is my understanding that those plastic tubes were put into the bottles. Only coin collectors use those tubes because you must go to a coin store to buy them.

I feel this was a stolen collection and they were stashed exactly as taken and were buried to keep them out of site for a while till the thief felt it was safe to sell them.

From what I could see in the pics those looked like better quality coins. Not good enough to be graded and sealed in individual plastic holders though.

Interesting thread. After my first divorce I learned to spread my stashes out into diffrent locations. That way if someone finds one your not out. Also keep most of it off your own property unless by this time you have learned to hide it in sub chapter S corporations or L.L.C,s .

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