Pics of coin

I agree with Montana. It appears that the little spike is missing from the second bar down. Which is clearly seen on the real thing......NGE

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there are real and modern reproduction ones out there -- if real its a big buck find --if modern repo not so big buck but still cool

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pulling that out of the ground would have made my :love9: skip several beats
congrats on a almost $$$$$$ coin :thumbsup:


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I'll have to post pics with my finds, if I ever find something worth while. My wife thought we could buy a new car with my "Big Find", but instead, she's laughing at me, I can't win. Before moving South, I lived up in Mass. and found a lot of indian stuff near the river where we lived, arrow heads, a spear hear other stuff. Also fund some really neat coins, old stuff. Down here in SC, everyone is really into civil war finds, the club I'm in, these guys really know their stuff and where to find it.

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Neat coin. I know nothing about it.
We have an Indian section if you would like to post your arrowheads and stuff we'd sure like to see them.

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Welcome to Tnet. Just want to point out that if you had posted your pic with the "What Is It" post you would have saved some embarassment. Any one day there are hundreds of posts in dozens of categories and unless we just happen to stumble onto it, it is impossible to match them up. That being said , no reason to sweat it, every newbie makes errors and I still do after 3 years! Very interesting find non the less. Stick around and get acquainted , great family here. Monty

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