Pedro Navarez in Caballo Mountains or Organ Mountains????

and now , the exact site of that Large Spring , A berm was built and The Ranchers Wells suck up the water .

Per Chato's Directions , ( this is sad ) I counted down from the Marker 100 Varas ,,,

and Found that the Berm now Covers the first Cache of 18 Atajo's of Silver Bars .

Follow my red arrow to the Berm and Spring , Site # 1 of Pedros Map Rock is on that Hill to the Left of the Berm .

left elongated circle in red

Chato Place 006.JPG

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Pic Showing Red ( Arrow ) Boulders to remove to excavate Vault .

Blue Curved Arrow = 4 inverted triangles denoting 4 gold bars

Blue straight Arrow = Location of Heart Symbol .

Under Boulders , after removing some dirt , should be Boards blocking entrance to diagonal Tunnel down and Under Boulder
which ends in Vault .

Sun Rise side of El Chato 014.JPG

So.... were there caches recovered in the Cookes by these so-called “expeditions” or not ?

No, IMO, although there's evidence someone has tried. The Cookes Range is awesome, but if caches were ever removed, it wasn't in recent modern times, IMO. Caches may exist there and are likely located elsewhere in that corner of the state. This is my opinion. Time spent in the Cookes Range is rewarding - there's a lot to ponder there. The directions to Pony Hills and Frying Pan Canyon have been posted earlier.

Now, the subject of Roger. I've known him for years and have seen him mislead a lot of "treasure hunters" like he did in this thread. He's done it over and over, and many victims have severely trashed him for it. I have no complaints about him because he's never victimized me. In fact, he's been generous with me. Why? Because I never asked him for anything. Does he know things? Yes. Does he know about everything he talks about? No. Does he tell the truth? Sometimes yes, often no. That's just the way it is. If you ask him where gold is hidden, he'll send you in circles. You're better off not asking. You've been warned.

I was a bit suspicious when he pushed the El Chato line in Post 7. Why El Chato here? Also, something about his writing style and punctuation seemed familiar. He repeated my "Cuco" reference in Post 14, which meant he was familiar the "90s Team" (real people as I've described), or a small handful of others (including Roger). The next series of posts proved to me he had real knowledge of the Cookes Range and had found the usual sites, some important glyphs, etc. I was still wondering when Post 37 had Roger written all over it - length, language, tangents, punctuation, VP references (he can't let VP be). Post 40, he used my name. He knows me. I figured then it was Roger - what's he up to?

Post 48, I asked some questions he dodged. Then many, many more posts by Roger, and all over the map (his style). Then the ring pictures (79 and 80). A dead giveaway, but I wasn't about to bust him because I was still curious what he was up to. Finally Beepers photo (98) - I knew he knew I knew by Post 101. Then he fessed up. Classic Roger, but the question remains: why, Roger? Just feel like goofin' people some more? You ought to know all about predictable human nature by now.

Hi Mav
My Euphemisms are ,,, hee hee , a Crack up , thank you , it's always a pleasure to communicate with the set of " Good Guys " here .

The Pics and the Description I supplied , are actually Facts , this is indeed the Area as Described in Pedro's Documents .

To answer a question " are all the Caches Pilfered ? "

I wonder that myself , it is possible to dig in , remove a portion , lay platform so you don't have to re-dig the entire
cover of dirt and stones , then recover the hole .

That Pick with the Pointer stone that points to the Rocks covering the 4 gold bars , the one with Ti.'s and Heart ,
from what you can make out , does it look like those stones were removed and replaced after a Dig ?

Ya see , I went there several Times , and even with Live Inspection of it , I can't tell if it's been Pilfered and re-covered .

That's why I say it'd be good for folks to come join in the research with me , and we can all enjoy investigating together .

I mean Man , am I the only one posting useful facts and pin pointing sites , taking pictures that are hard on my crippled old bones ,

posting them openly , and not complaining about it ?

Come , Join in , You can take a live free tour with me , I'll give dissertation of my Interpretations , and you guys cane exchange with yours .

That's how we should have always been with each other anyway Man .

Open with the info , open and friendly with each other , leedle excursions together , and Man , if I'd of been met with the Friendliness I exude and
info I extend , who knows ,, The Members here just may have been treated to an Excavation that Produced .

Oh well , didn't happen did it ?

and now ?

well ,,, and Now , I'm about to make final exit out of this stupid Body and go Home ,,,

Let me ask , If I'm dead correct on these sites , and a Different Team of People come here and snatch open
goodies and put it on Media ,,,
would it bother you that you didn't at least take a chance and put some Faith in my Presentation ?

would it make you regret ?

" What If ? "

a Question you all can ask yourselves , I'll even pitch in for your fuel to get here , I really will .

Just get in the Car , Turn the Key , fill up and drive here , it's just that easy , I've done it for years , really , I have .

Hmmmm ?

well , anyway , Dog , just call me or Pm , email , if ya want to come check these out , as I said , Two weeks and I leave here .
( I bet that's when some readers will flood these sites , always happened in the past , just talkin'Truth )

That's an Open invitation to everyone , all readers , even my detractors , I'm here , it's here , you can be here too .

If the Readers don't trust my Facts , don't just sit there , take a Road Trip here , stick a finger in the well , see if it's wet .

sound cool ?

Ok , come on down then .
Smiles folks ,

( Photo is of formation where 4 bars Glyph and Heart Glyph are Located , the Crack Between the Boulders , see those Rocks ?
Under them is a Tunnel into a Cave . )

( Pirates , Buzzards , and ,,,, Ha Ha Haaaaaa , I crack me up too Mav , good to see ya again )

View attachment 1680880

Hey Rodge, I hear you man, and I feel too. But times have changed from the old days. No more kumbaya within the new generation and very few “what if’s” to motivate ass hauling. It’s all keyboards and silver plate delivery, if possible. Camp fires?....are you kidding me? Gotta check my phone app for weather stats. Will it be easy and quick?... Crap, what about snakes? Will it be too hot? …Cold at night? Nah, not for me then. This is not fun, dude, this seems like hard work. Back to the keyboard.

It’s good to see you still kicking the good fight and haven’t lost your humor while speaking the truth(s). It’s up to the reader to sift through and figure it out. Hell yeah, it must be earned. No silver plate.
Never mind about the stiffs who can’t take a joke well placed, or can’t read between lines. You have to know what you know, and know what you don’t know. A bit tricky, but such is life. Perception is everything, ….way above understanding.
Please watch your health and stay with us as long as possible. We love you bro. Getting old is not for sissies. Keep on rockin’.

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Roger is being Roger: nothing wrong with that. As if you don't know? ...Try to smile sometime.

you see , why is it , it always turns into a Thread about me ??? LOL

Steve's got a lot of that right .

I do blow a Huge Cloud of smoke up Ill Mannered Peoples Keisters , Those who make Infantile childish demands of me to
give them Information .

Read statement " You do not get the answers you want , you get the answers you deserve "

Red Herrings ?

Yeah , they exist for a Reason , ever been abducted and Tortured for Treasure info ?

would you enjoy having snide selfish rude People prod you for info afterward ?

would you send those People a Red Herring , : " You don't get the Treasure you want , you get the Red Herring you deserve "

Ever Find your life under the " Surveillance " Toys of People trying to gain Treasure info from you ?

No ?

No one here has had that happen ?

are you sure ?

lol ,,, think not ?

well ,,, if so ,,,, alrighty then .

Ever have a Guy just pop in a Forum , post Pics of a Known Treasure site , share his Presentation and Interpretations ,
I mean just straight up openly , no thought to his own security if some gang of Nutties show up again to abduct him again ?

ever do that yourselves ?

Isn't it funny ?

Ever claim it's all a spoof , just to confuse the " Nutties " that are a Threat to your Being ?

here , I have a very simple Solution to all the Confusion as well as questions .

it's easy enough to do .

Those readers that can make it here , come , inspect and investigate if what you see when you get here , matches Chato Directions

even those Hacked up copies

No arguments , no Hostilities , leave the bad attitudes at home , explore, investigate , inspect , mull it over with a Group
of us all here together on site .

ask : " Hey , what's to lose , I need to get my outside on anyway ,,, plus ,,, maybe lose a pound or two "

What is it that is so hard for people to get along i n the Treasure Community ,,

is it a Fear that some one else will get a Treasure and the one person will not ?

Steve , the BLM is our Employees , not our Masters .

This is our Land , not a " BLM Security " site .

These readers have the Right to inspect what they Own , without the " Eyes " of some Self Entitled Goon Squad of BLM Volunteers
trying to spy on them , or curtail and corral where we may wish to roam on " Our " ,, say it again ,,, " Our " Land .

Socialism ?

is that it ?
The BLM is now a Socialist Dictator ?

am I off subject Now /

what's the subject matter ,,, Me , or El Chato stuff , LOL

This site is El Chato's site

Let people come and see it , let them Roam and give Perspective Man , they own this Land ,

Come down Folks , you'll love what you see here .

Come after I leave if I give ya the Willies LOL

But come , bring El Chato waybill in any form you can get , read it here , look up at the Lay of the Land .

Muse it .
For a Fact , I've found it fits perfectly .

Back to my Presentation

I got more pics to post

Mav ya kick butt ( post # 130 )

Whisky Rat , Brecken , oh man , most everybody whose come to visit over the years say it , We should all join hands rather
than Bicker and Lose "

Agenda's Eh ?

Yeah ,, and one Agenda I'm running into out here on " Our " Land , is Leedle " Self Anointed " Self Righteous , and SELF Titled " BLM Voluteers "

The Agenda I speak of , those Freaky leedle Bugs " SPY " on people .

Creepy leedle Worms they are .

I get the feeling that's why some people Fight the Truth of these sites being El Chato's Strong Hold ,,,
They Fear Citizens coming out and Digging and exploring and ,,,, whatever Man .

Then I think , What's to say , these leedle BLM Vollys ,

are not Pilfering Caches themselves ,, and they fear being Caught , Fear losing the Hoard they're Tapping to other Pilfering Idiots as they are

" What If "

Know what I mean ?

I suspect I'm more right then wrong on that ,

Evidence I've seen , they're scared of something , and it ain't me , They're hiding something that ,, Prison Time is what
The Fear is about I'll wager .

One Local related that a Few of those Folks Thought I was some under cover Fed , investigating out there .

That Local said he felt they were Hiding something they wouldn't want a Fed to know .

He related he even asked : " Why are you Worried that he's a Fed in

Quote : " I was a bit suspicious when he pushed the El Chato line in Post 7. "

Suspicion ?

I got one of those Steve ,

Why would you adamantly deny the existence of Both El Chato and La Rue ?

You weren't in that Time Frame , ytou weren't there if they were .

You have no evidence worth a Lizard turd that they didn't exist ,

yet you fight real hard to say they didn't ..

Steve , somethings showing Brother ,

Suspicion ?

am I under Suspicion ?????

Suspicious ?

Give ya a while Steve , I got an interview to engage .

see ya

Gold Mine Time folks
Looking toward the Canyon Location of Gold Mine

Post the Phot first before I do the Paint on it .
Look closely at what I outline in the Next Photo .

and hell no , I will not produce documents for anyone .

sorry , I've seen too much Theft of our Material and no one is getting that chance ever again .


Sun Rise side of El Chato 001.JPG

next , the rim top of the ridge above Gold Mine , and it's best when the Sun is in the Right Position

In Black ,,, as seen in the Glyph on the Left in Pic above

Sun Rise side of El Chato 001.JPG

I have Pic with a Better angle on it , maybe if the " Bicker Crap " stops
I'll get to digging it out
you'll be able to see the likeness much better with that Pic

What’s wrong with Roger being Roger, El Chato, Treasminder, etc. is misleading honest treasure hunters, researchers, and historians for his own twisted pleasure. I too never asked him for anything. I told him privately I was documenting various treasure related stories for history not personal gain. He provided me with a lot of information , and some wild stories. Sent me down paths of research that were bogus. He subsequently informed me and a lot of other people it was all made up. Be wary my friends, he weaves a twisted tale. It’s entertaining but none of it is real. No evidence of any of his wild claims. Photos debunked. He enjoys baiting people and will probably start in on me for this post. It’s okay. This thread is now on my ignore list

No, IMO, although there's evidence someone has tried. The Cookes Range is awesome, but if caches were ever removed, it wasn't in recent modern times, IMO. Caches may exist there and are likely located elsewhere in that corner of the state. This is my opinion. Time spent in the Cookes Range is rewarding - there's a lot to ponder there. The directions to Pony Hills and Frying Pan Canyon have been posted earlier.

Now, the subject of Roger. I've known him for years and have seen him mislead a lot of "treasure hunters" like he did in this thread. He's done it over and over, and many victims have severely trashed him for it. I have no complaints about him because he's never victimized me. In fact, he's been generous with me. Why? Because I never asked him for anything. Does he know things? Yes. Does he know about everything he talks about? No. Does he tell the truth? Sometimes yes, often no. That's just the way it is. If you ask him where gold is hidden, he'll send you in circles. You're better off not asking. You've been warned.

I was a bit suspicious when he pushed the El Chato line in Post 7. Why El Chato here? Also, something about his writing style and punctuation seemed familiar. He repeated my "Cuco" reference in Post 14, which meant he was familiar the "90s Team" (real people as I've described), or a small handful of others (including Roger). The next series of posts proved to me he had real knowledge of the Cookes Range and had found the usual sites, some important glyphs, etc. I was still wondering when Post 37 had Roger written all over it - length, language, tangents, punctuation, VP references (he can't let VP be). Post 40, he used my name. He knows me. I figured then it was Roger - what's he up to?

Post 48, I asked some questions he dodged. Then many, many more posts by Roger, and all over the map (his style). Then the ring pictures (79 and 80). A dead giveaway, but I wasn't about to bust him because I was still curious what he was up to. Finally Beepers photo (98) - I knew he knew I knew by Post 101. Then he fessed up. Classic Roger, but the question remains: why, Roger? Just feel like goofin' people some more? You ought to know all about predictable human nature by now.

And you slam Kenwothry and everybody else every chance you get on this type of subject I do not now Steve they say birds of a feather.

Hello there El Chato, glad your still posting. Ill go with you on your tour, if saturday or sunday will work for you? Maybe we can do a Video for our T-net friends if you want? Ill tell you about some of your blood lines stuff that i have found out here,if your interested. I have no desire to dig there, i have enough sites to last a life time,no need for more sites. Let me know. Do you need me to bring any supplies out for you? I understand if you change your mind. Great stuff, keep it coming, iam all ears and eyes.

P.S If anything happens while your out there, and you need some help, let me know. Ill come out to help you. Same with supplies, if you need some stuff,let me know.

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See ya then Man
we can meet in town , I rise before the sun , so anytime after that Dog.

I have Plenty of everything .
but thank you .


Way to go Dog, good for you. You're doing the right thing and I'm sure it will be fulfilling. Excellent decision.

... Read statement " You do not get the answers you want , you get the answers you deserve " ...

... Come down Folks , you'll love what you see here ...

He's right about both statements. Nobody's going to lead you by the hand - why would they? - but he has given you plenty to start with. Use your own head - that's what it's for. Start at Pony Hills (directions in an earlier post). The petroglyphs' main concentration is a couple hundred yards up the hill west of the stock pond, but they are all over the hill. Bring your own water. Supplies in Deming. Summer is too hot. None of this is easy.

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