Pauline Innis

I do not know about Pualine Innis at all...
Pauline Bertha Innis was born Dec 8, 1917 in South Devon, England. She moved to Washington DC in the 1950's after her first husband died in the 1940's.
She became part of the DC social circuit after marrying US Navy Rear Adm Walter D Innis in 1959.
Innis wrote and co-wrote 15 books, including "Gold in the Blue Ridge" about the Beale Papers, children books and poems.
The most famous work of Innis was, "Protocol:The Complete Handbook of Diplomatic, Official, and Social Usage"
Innis and her husband lived at he Watergate, but she died Aug 18,2007 at the Georgetown Retirement Home at age 88.
Her husband preceded her in death, 1991.

Pauline Bertha Innis was born Dec 8, 1917 in South Devon, England. She moved to Washington DC in the 1950's after her first husband died in the 1940's.
She became part of the DC social circuit after marrying US Navy Rear Adm Walter D Innis in 1959.
Innis wrote and co-wrote 15 books, including "Gold in the Blue Ridge" about the Beale Papers, children books and poems.
The most famous work of Innis was, "Protocol:The Complete Handbook of Diplomatic, Official, and Social Usage"
Innis and her husband lived at he Watergate, but she died Aug 18,2007 at the Georgetown Retirement Home at age 88.
Her husband preceded her in death, 1991.

Her date of birth, age, and date of death don't add up. Just another Beale mystery in the making, I suppose. :laughing7: But an accomplished writer, all the same. Did she actually see the iron box and contents? She claims she did. That's all we know for sure. :dontknow:

Are we talking about all the letters and all the ciphers seen in a box by this person ?

If so what was the date that she was to have seen them ?

Her date of birth, age, and date of death don't add up. Just another Beale mystery in the making, I suppose. :laughing7: But an accomplished writer, all the same. Did she actually see the iron box and contents? She claims she did. That's all we know for sure. :dontknow:
Get the GOLD cover, PAPERBACK version of her GOLD IN THE BLUE RIDGE; she HAD "THE BOX"; provided photos of the letters, ciphers, and a hand-written page of NUMBERS in a weird arrangement; has copy of a letter from CIA Director (at that time) Richard Helms. YES, she & her husband, Walter DID look for the Beale Treasure, having some VERY interesting experiences; Pauline got on HER "quest" for the Beale Treasure, after receiving a copy of George L. Hart, Sr.' HART PAPERS; I am doing R & I on a Code mentioned in HER GOLD cover version, which ALSO has MORE info on the Hart Bros' QUEST (HART PAPERS). WHERE is "THE BOX", today...? PROBABLY, at the CIA Museum in Langley, Va. HH! Good luck!

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Get the GOLD cover, PAPERBACK version of her GOLD IN THE BLUE RIDGE; she HAD "THE BOX", provided photos of the letters, ciphers, and a hand-written page of NUMBERS in a weird arrangement; has copy of a letter from CIA Director (at that time) Richard Helms. YES, she & her husband, Walter DID look for the Beale Treasure, having some VERY interesting experiences; Pauline got HER "quest" for the Beale Treasure, after receiving a copy of George L. Hart, Sr.' HART PAPERS; I am doing R & I on a Code mentioned in HER GOLD cover version, which ALSO has MORE info on the Hart Bros' QUEST (HART PAPERS). WHERE is "THE BOX", today...? PROBABLY, at the CIA Museum in Langley, Va. HH! Good luck!

I've seen the photo of the piece of paper with the random numbers on it but I've never seen photos of the ciphers or letters, actually the first I've heard of any existing Innis photos of the letters and ciphers. I was under the impression that she never photographed either the letters or the ciphers, or the iron box. Are you certain that she did? :dontknow:


... we do have record of the iron box and contents, this being confirmed by someone (Innis) who was/is considered to be a local expert on the subject with a good reputation...

Point is, as far as you know she could have very well seen the real iron box and contents, just as she claims?...
In 1971, Pauline Innis wrote "Astronumerology: The New Way To Tell Your Future", which contained an introduction by, Jeanne Dixon, friend, and astrologer to Nixon and Nancy Reagan.
Innis book, was based on "ancient secrets of the Druids", and by understanding your "Birth Matrix", one could to do an "astrosearch" of one's future to make business and other decisions.
Innis friend, R Crane, noted,"She often amused guests at her Washington parties by telling them things about their lives based on astronumerology. She advised people about numbers and names...there were many famed Washingtonians over the years that swore by her pronouncements".
Innis 1973 "Gold In The Blue Ridge" , profiled the HART PAPERS version of the Beale story, which of course, involved a hypnotized subject "experiencing" the Beale adventure.

In 1971, Pauline Innis wrote "Astronumerology: The New Way To Tell Your Future", which contained an introduction by, Jeanne Dixon, friend, and astrologer to Nixon and Nancy Reagan.
Innis book, was based on "ancient secrets of the Druids", and by understanding your "Birth Matrix", one could to do an "astrosearch" of one's future to make business and other decisions.
Innis friend, R Crane, noted,"She often amused guests at her Washington parties by telling them things about their lives based on astronumerology. She advised people about numbers and names...there were many famed Washingtonians over the years that swore by her pronouncements".
Innis 1973 "Gold In The Blue Ridge" , profiled the HART PAPERS version of the Beale story, which of course, involved a hypnotized subject "experiencing" the Beale adventure.

So are you discrediting the Innis claim, suggesting she was just being fraudulent in her claim that the iron box existed? And are you likewise discrediting the Oteys who apparently laid claim that iron box was the real deal?

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ECS, let me help you get to the blunt of the Innis/Otey conundrum by stating what I think want to state but won't, something I happen to agree with and am not afraid to say it, so here goes.

"I don't believe Innis or the Oteys ever possessed the real deal, this all factoring into the local hype and supported romance attached to the region and the tale." But here's the thing in my opinion, I could just as easily be wrong. That's the blunt of it. :thumbsup:

Get the GOLD cover, PAPERBACK version of her GOLD IN THE BLUE RIDGE; she HAD "THE BOX"; provided photos of the letters, ciphers, and a hand-written page of NUMBERS in a weird arrangement; has copy of a letter from CIA Director (at that time) Richard Helms. YES, she & her husband, Walter DID look for the Beale Treasure, having some VERY interesting experiences; Pauline got on HER "quest" for the Beale Treasure, after receiving a copy of George L. Hart, Sr.' HART PAPERS; I am doing R & I on a Code mentioned in HER GOLD cover version, which ALSO has MORE info on the Hart Bros' QUEST (HART PAPERS). WHERE is "THE BOX", today...? PROBABLY, at the CIA Museum in Langley, Va. HH! Good luck!
BTW, what is in the CIA Museum was ALREADY Declassified; MAYBE, "THE BOX" is STILL "Classified"... dunno.

I've seen the photo of the piece of paper with the random numbers on it but I've never seen photos of the ciphers or letters, actually the first I've heard of any existing Innis photos of the letters and ciphers. I was under the impression that she never photographed either the letters or the ciphers, or the iron box. Are you certain that she did? :dontknow:
Ciphers, yes; letters, no. Part of the Code # 1... "Proceed from point of origin (Buford's?), to Porter Mountain in a southwesterly line; DISTANCE... FOUR MILES; turn to right position. LEE BROKEN BONES (grave?) - Grave slab Round (???) turn EAST, ROLL. Hole turn SOUTH. Rope Glove below. On ROOF, not BASE. Lank Hoist THERE. Near One, two, five. Make a net heavy to get men to help you. Lift part Tie Bar." ALL I got so far. Will do MORE R & I, on PORTER MOUNTAIN! # 125...? CSA Treasury...? Hmmm... # 861-361; 6' down, hmmm... "; "pondering", and making MORE "Java". "Lee Broken Bones" sounds like CSA-related "Beale Treasure/CSA Treasury"; with the CONFEDERATE WAR over, The SOUTH "broken"... Lee & family stayed at Buford's SEVERAL times, post-CW; Porter mountain IS behind & SOUTH of Buford's, on Goose Creek, SOUTH. A "case" of "MIS-DIRECTION" (REBEL SPY "thing")...? DUNNO... get GOLD cover paper-back, Gold In The Blue Ridge by Innis, & check it OUT! AND! Lee & Buford were FRIENDS & US Army Vets; Capt. Lee - US Army in Mexican War; Capt. Buford - US Army in War of 1812. HH! Good Luck!

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Get the GOLD cover, PAPERBACK version of her GOLD IN THE BLUE RIDGE; she HAD "THE BOX"; provided photos of the letters, ciphers, and a hand-written page of NUMBERS in a weird arrangement; has copy of a letter from CIA Director (at that time) Richard Helms. YES, she & her husband, Walter DID look for the Beale Treasure, having some VERY interesting experiences; Pauline got on HER "quest" for the Beale Treasure, after receiving a copy of George L. Hart, Sr.' HART PAPERS; I am doing R & I on a Code mentioned in HER GOLD cover version, which ALSO has MORE info on the Hart Bros' QUEST (HART PAPERS). WHERE is "THE BOX", today...? PROBABLY, at the CIA Museum in Langley, Va. HH! Good luck!

Sounds interesting Reb. I will have to look at the library when I have time to see the photo's of the originals in the book by them.

Crypto, can you check out the Farm Boys to see if they have the box there ?

ECS, let me help you get to the blunt of the Innis/Otey conundrum by stating what I think want to state but won't, something I happen to agree with and am not afraid to say it, so here goes.

"I don't believe Innis or the Oteys ever possessed the real deal, this all factoring into the local hype and supported romance attached to the region and the tale." But here's the thing in my opinion, I could just as easily be wrong. That's the blunt of it. :thumbsup:
That could be very possible.
Peter Viemeister, in his book, had an original Ward copy of the Beale Papers.
The Hart's copy did contain discrepancies from the original Ward published pamphlet.
Pauline Innis relied heavily on the Hart search and the HART PAPERS, and not on the original Ward version.
As I have previously noted, there is NO mention of an iron box in the HART PAPERS.
As with all the aspects of the Beale story, whether the Oteys had possession of "THE" iron box, and Innis saw it after being directed by George Hart, can neither be confirmed nor denied, but her interest in arcane esoteric matters has been documented, which may well explain her interest in the Hart version of the Beale story.
Pauline Innis did give astronumerlogical readings during her Washington DC socialite parties as a parlor entertainment.

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That could be very possible.
Peter Viemeister, in his book, had an original Ward copy of the Beale Papers.
The Hart's copy did contain discrepancies from the original Ward published pamphlet.
Pauline Innis relied heavily on the Hart search and the HART PAPERS, and not on the original Ward version.
As I have previously noted, there is NO mention of an iron box in the HART PAPERS.
As with all the aspects of the Beale story, whether the Oteys had possession of "THE" iron box, and Innis saw it after being directed by George Hart, can neither be confirmed nor denied, but her interest in arcane esoteric matters has been documented, which may well explain her interest in the Hart version of the Beale story.
Pauline Innis did give astronumerlogical readings during her Washington DC socialite parties as a parlor entertainment.

Forget her interest in other matters. All that matters is her claim. I enjoy photography, deer hunting and fly fishing, just to name a few, and would probably find a buffalo hunt interesting, but they have no bearing on my Beale interest, though I'm sure someone could claim that they do.

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Pauline Innis did not die at the Watergate, but passed away at the Georgetown Retirement Home, August 18, 2007.

I have been silent for a while taking care of personal business. I can assure everyone that Pauline Innis was honest. She not only had the iron box, it most likely is still in her estate. No one knows to whom her estate went but I can tell you categorically that she not only saw the iron box, she had the iron box up until her death at the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D.C. She wrote the book on ethics for US Senators and US Congressman and anyone else in Washington, D.C. When new congressmen and senators go to Washington, D. C. I guarantee you they have a copy of her book. She researched the Beale Treasure thoroughly. Those letters to New Orleans was most likely her research. She went to St. Louis, MO and looked for the letter of Thomas J. Beale that contained the "KEY" she looked tirelessly through the "Dead Mail" to find it. But it was never found. The letter eventually ended up in Roanoke, Va at the Blackhorse Tavern of Ebenezer Nelms. That is where the letter was found in 1938. There were at least three Blackhorse Taverns. One owned by the Luck Family, One by the Nelms Family and another by Brugh Family. The Blackhorse Tavern at the Gate House was owned by the Luck Family. I talked to Jimmy Luck's father that was 98 years old and a Park Ranger at the Peaks of Otter. He said his father George P. Luck told him that the Beale Treasure was buried at the base of the Peaks of Otter or either in the shadow of the Peaks of Otter in Late Fall of the year. That is what he told me he had always looked for the shadow of the Peaks of Otter in Late Fall. As for Pauline Innis and her reputation you can take it as the gospel. She had the iron box and it is still in her estate.
Base of Peaks of Otter...? Hmmm. The Peaks are Sharp Top, Flat Top, and Harkening Hill (where the "Lion's Head" is). I agree with him, if he is referring to Harkening Hill, where Johnson Farm is; PROBLEM...? It is ALL Fed-Land; hike & look is ALL you can do. As to "the SHADOW"... SHARP TOP would be a GREAT "point" for the SUN to "hit" as it goes to the WEST (Roanoke, Va.) for SUNSET. As SUN "hit" SHARP TOP, the "Shadow Effect" PROBABLY does hit Johnson Farm, AND! Also travels toward the current PoO Lodge & where the old GREAT MARSH was... now known as ABBOT LAKE. Wife & I MAY stay at PoO Lodge and watch "Shadow Effect" in November ("late Fall"); been on the BRP... leaves are colorful, NOW! I LOVE those mountains & hills!

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I have @ THREE "Locality" ciphers decoded for BC #1, indicating Porter Mountain "Within FOUR miles from Bufords"; I have decoding some from Pauline's GOLD cover paper-back Gold in the Blue Ridge book, indicating the TOP of Porter Mountain. franklin, YOU went to a meeting on TOP of Porter Mountain, years, ago... what cha think...? Then, there are "pics"/video from Goose Creek, SOUTH over a hill on Porter Mountain with "cave"-like site with boulder around it; bits of iron/metal clasps were found, etc. & NO "BT"! "Google BEALE SOLVED on; HA!

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Forget her interest in other matters. All that matters is her claim...
Pauline Innis's friendship with Jeanne Dixon and her belief in astronumerology, birth matrix, and secrets of the Druids does color her "newage" approach to the Beale story by way of the HART PAPERS.

Pauline Innis's friendship with Jeanne Dixon and her belief in astronumerology, birth matrix, and secrets of the Druids does color her "newage" approach to the Beale story by way of the HART PAPERS.

Well, we can speculate and assume as much but we'll just never know if it influenced things or not? And the iron box, did she actually see the real deal or not? Who can say for sure.......:dontknow:

However, it's exactly this type of speculation and assumption that allows folks to conclude that Ward wrote the Beale Papers when there's absolutely no evidence whatsoever that he held the ambitions or the abilities to do so. If "I think he did" made it a fact then we'd likely all be in prison. :laughing7:

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You are forgetting about Newton Hazelwood as the author? Did he not have the sheets of paper with the ciphers on them and gave a copy to Clayton Hart in the late 1890's. Hazelwood was a wizard with ciphers and it stands to reason that Robert Morris would have passed them on to him. He was working at the Lynchburg Railroad auditing office before and after the Civil War. He could have came home on leave when Robert Morris entrusted him with the box and cipher codes. It was at a relatives home of his in Roanoke where Pauline Innis found the ironbox according to George Hart's directions. Pauline Innis did have the iron box and that is no speculation.
I ALSO read that "N.H." was the "SECRET" Boarder (a ROOM) in RM's HOME...

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