Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Guys, I am well - sorry for not getting in touch. Ralph came in for a week, then we had Thanksgiving (I was able to get out at one of the sites and made a couple of nice discoveries a couple of you know about). I haven't been able to get back up to the vault or get the piece of equipment we need yet. Just after Thanksgiving my father was in the hospital and now he is in ICU. So, I don't know when I will be able to get back in the field. I will be in touch when I get a chance - it seems I am only getting late or early hour chances to check my e-mails and things (after midnight until around 5 AM).

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

We are going to be just fine waiting
meanwhile ... Take care of your Dad.
Our prayers and good wishes for the best outcome,
You have your priorities in good order.


Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Old Dog is right....take care of Dad.
We will still be here when you get back.
God bless,


Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Swiftsearcher, please offer my hopes and prayers to your dad for a rapid and full recovery.
~Texas Jay

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Old Dog said:
We are going to be just fine waiting
meanwhile ... Take care of your Dad.
Our prayers and good wishes for the best outcome,
You have your priorities in good order.

Timberwolf said:
Old Dog is right....take care of Dad.
We will still be here when you get back.
God bless,

Texas Jay said:
Swiftsearcher, please offer my hopes and prayers to your dad for a rapid and full recovery.
~Texas Jay

Ditto, SS. That vault has been there a couple of hundred years, at least, so it'll keep. Prayers for your Dad. :read2:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Everyone - thanks for your prayers. My father had surgery yesterday morning and is recovering. It will still be a long row to hoe however. I definitely won't be back out in the field this year, but plan to as soon as my father is back at his home.

I made a very interesting find around Thanksgiving as well, but have put all of this on the back burner for now.

Thanks again!


Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Hi Scott. I am very happy to hear that your father is recovering well.
~Texas Jay

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Ditto! :thumbsup:


Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Thanks for all the kind words and prayers for my dad.

Thought I would post this pic here - there is MUCH MORE to this than meets the eye folks! :wink:


  • Holy Grail Coin Front.webp
    Holy Grail Coin Front.webp
    25.9 KB · Views: 458
Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Steve Snowden,

I just tried to respond to your most recent e-mail to me and could not - due to me not having an access ID (must be where you sent the e-mail from a government computer).

Anyway, may THE EVER-LIVING GOD Bless you and keep you safe! When you get back in the States, LMK and I can show you around some of my sites when you have time.


Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Hey, Swifty.
Glad to see you posting again. Have you dug out from all of that snow yet? Is that a hammered coin or a lead seal in your post just above? Either I.D. would be one of those "out of place" thingies, wouldn't it. Unless that vessel represents the Holy Graile. :laughing7: THAT would be most interesting. :thumbsup:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Steve, I hope you are safe. When/if you have time, please e-mail me again. I lost your e-mail a few days ago after ANOTHER ATTACK on my computer.

The strangest thing happened. Heather's dad visited and has been interested in things I tell him. So, a few days ago, I took him to the rock that led me to a find after Thanksgiving (the one where the white haired Freemason in the Cadillac and trucks were at). I took him around the side of the rock to show him the two "M's" carved on top of each other, a triangle and some dots (I thought might represent cache sites). Some had chipped away ALL of these signs from the rock! Well, after he left, I thought I would check my computer to download the pictures I had taken of these signs to a CD or two (so we would have the information). To my surprise, I had an attack on my computer and could not open the pictures. It took me three days to get things working again and the pictures were GONE, along with several e-mails. This happened once before - the day after I found this site, which was a couple days after Thanksgiving last year.

Ralph and I made copies of all the pics I had BEFORE finding this new site, while he was visiting. However, I took well over a hundred pics of this new site and the rocks/markers that led me to it and they are GONE! Also, now the map I thought might indicate cache sites in the area are gone as well. :'(

Guys/gals, don't let these naysayers or Freemasons play dumb and act like there is nothing to this stuff and there is no way the Freemasons are involved. I can tell you from first hand accounts they ARE! The white haired Freemason that has followed me around in the mountains and at the hospital where my father was has those circular Freemason stickers all over the trunk of his white Cadillac! When any Freemason tells you they are not involved with these caches, they are either not in the Freemason "loop" or are outright LYING THEIR A*S OFF!

I will say this much in this post that I can verify and won't go into any other details. These KGC Caches were hidden, NOT for a second Civil War, but for the plans of Edomites and Freemasons (and a few others) for their New Atlantis they plan to have in America - after the BIG ONE, while they survive in their underground bunkers and wait it out and we get destroyed! Laugh if you will, I have found all of this out the HARD WAY (among some other things)! :wink:

Also, Jay Longley, I have been meaning to e-mail you, but lost your e-mail information in the first attack on my computer in November. Please e-mail me at joejackson1919@comcast.net when you have some time.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

I have had quite a few e-mails regarding my last post - some by people who have also experienced the SAME THING - by FREEMASONS in their areas!

As soon as I have time, I am going to do a FREE E-Book about this - giving some details of what I have found! There are even a few people, who got too close to some of these "vaults" who are "missing" now. The TRUTH needs to be put out there about this, with EVIDENCE to support it - to show people what they are getting into, as well as disproving the FALSE INFORMATION regarding these caches we have been led to believe - SECOND CIVIL WAR MY A*S! - THE REAL REASON - A "NEW ATLANTIS" FOR THE EDOMITES AND FREEMASONS! :wink:

Here is a link for some of you to start out on about the existence of these "underground bunkers" - that the Edomites, Freemasons and elite plan to wait out the BIG ONE in, while we all DIE! These Caches, yes the KGC were involved, but a handful in the know used many others - they did NOT start this idea and added to SEVERAL that were VERY OLD by their time - this has been planned for a LONG TIME. The REAL REASON these have been added to sealed/resealed/protected/etc. (even up to the present time) - to use to start their "New Atlantis" after something that is about to happen has passed, while they wait it out underground.


Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

I have decided to SCRAP the e-book. Don't worry, I plan on starting a "forum" and posting information in sections, where members can post as well. I DO PLAN TO WEED OUT THE UNWANTED MEMBERS - to make this forum for only the people who can be trusted, so I have decided that EVERYONE (inlcuding myself) will be require to send me a scanned copy of their Driver's License with everything darkened out except their name and picture - there will be a section on the forum where I will post all of these copies for ALL members to view - to make sure everyone is who they say they are and keep things on the up and up. There will also be different "sections" related and even unrelated to the KGC (to keep things on topic). This forum will be at least a few weeks away. However, it should be the ultimate venue for people to discuss the KGC, EVERYTHING related to it - both good and bad, as well as "off-topic" topics. Plus, it should be great for keeping the "naysayers" and "rats" out - if not, there name and picture will be in a section for people to KNOW who they are! :wink:

I want the information I know to be "out there", but don't want certain people to know it as well. I figure this is the BEST WAY to go about it - plus, this will show people that I am not out to "sell a book", as it will all be free! Plus, I hope, with the member screening allowing only the most interested to join, that even I can learn, as there is NOBODY who knows everything about this - except some who don't want us to find anything!

I e-mailed Jay L. this morning with these "plans" and haven't heard back from him yet. However, I do know that some will not want to join b/c of the criteria of having their DL with everything darkened out but their name on the forum. To these people I simply say, if you don't want that information (which will validate your "seriousness" to the topic) out there, then you are more than likely HIDING SOMETHING and I wouldn't want you to have the information serious members and I have anyway. :thumbsup:

Plus, with this information, we might also want to list our location (like SE KY for example) - that way members needing help in the field can "network" and meet others whom they can trust to help them. I have never been greedy and have taken several "partners" from T-Net into the field with me - telling them, anything we find while they are with me, will be split evenly (with me only getting first pick). Not only are another set of eyes (or more) good for finding signs and things one can pass up or miss on their own, there is SAFETY IN NUMBERS! Anyone close to "something" can tell you - there ARE certain "people" out there watching these sites for whatever reason (we will DEFINITELY discuss this on the forum). When (also IF) the day ever arises that you find a large cache you cannot take out in one day by yourself, wouldn't you want someone you can trust there with you - to watch your back???
I would and do!!! In fact, if I stumbled upon a cave room full or "something", I would want at least 4 or 5 others with me - not only to help get things out more quickly, but to watch our surroundings. :wink: With Gold running about $20k per pound, a hundred lbs. is $2 MILLION (which I figure is around the max one can safely get out with their guns and other items)! Say you ran upon TONS, wouldn't you rather have some safety in numbers and help than all of this by yourself (which would more than likely lead to your DEATH - something is better than NOTHING!)?

One other thing, as soon as the forum is ready, it will be viewable to members who are approved and send in their copy of their DL, as requested. There are TONS of information and pics I plan to post EVENTUALLY - they all will not be there immediately, as the size of this information is simply too large to be done, unless done over a long period of time. Hopefully, with the care taken to screen out unwanted people, other members will also give their knowledge, including pics, freely. It will more or less be one large THINKTANK of knowlege - hopefully, and eventually, with NOTHING omitted!

If this forum "interests" you (not only for KGC hunters, but treasure hunters in general, as we will discuss MANY things - including, of course, treasure "signs"), you can e-mail me at joejackson1919@comcast.net. There are a couple of questions all members will be asked to answer HONESTLY before they should send in their copy of their DL and name. I plan to have this "forum" up within the next few days/weeks, though, as I stated, it will be a "work in progress", with information and pictures added when I have time (and can be added by members as well when/if they want).


Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

haha. SWR, it looks like you will have to do your "fishing" elsewhere. :hello2:
~Texas Jay

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Here's mine :laughing7:


Seriously, wouldn't it be easy to fake a scan?

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Goodguy - it might be easy to fake a scan. I don't know, as I tend to lean towards being honest. When I get it up and running, I might figure something better out. I have thought of having the ID card (any photo ID will do) with the information other than one's name covered placed on the front of a newspaper with the date on it - I know when I collected Vintage Cards, if someone new to the scene claimed to have this or that for sale, this was done so they could prove they actually owned the card before someone bought it - it always worked out fine. Just about anyone who hunts this stuff has a digital camera (or SHOULD), so simply place a piece or two of paper (prefer dark of course) over the information other than you name, with this ID card on the front of a newspaper (where the day's date is visible) and snap the shot. Send it in, when I have the forum running, I will then post it in the appropriate section (where mine will be there at the top as well) and that is that (I will then delete the pic from my e-mail, in case of any attack on my computer).

SWR - Blah, Blah, Blah. I would expect nothing less from someone who was on the list of people NOT wanted on a forum of this nature (which will be SERIOUS discussion/information for people - not information available to STEAL for someone "fishing" or simply there to make fun of members! :wink:

Any of the people who might be setting on the fence about the DL or Photo ID part - I think SWR is a GREAT example of WHY I have decided to go this route. As I told Jay L. in an e-mail, the ONLY things that won't be tolerated are attacks on other members and profanity (not the occasional H*ll or D*mn - vulgar stuff and/or pictures). I also plan to have sections for not only related topics but even off-topic discussion - for basically ANYTHING that is not vulgar - even a Buy/Sell/Trade section - mostly for KGC/Confederacy related items, but also subsections for ANYTHING else - metal detectors, stuff you've found, basically ANYTHING). It will be LIGHTLY MODERATED, as you can tell - plus, when it warms up, I will be spending every second I can in the field anyway. I feel that with the "safety percaution" of having people "admit" to who they are, this will be a BIG HELP. B/C, while I do intend to eventually post EVERYTHING I have found out or know about the KGC, Swift, etc. there, I will be doing this in "bits and pieces" when I have time. In the meantime, others can share what they have, discuss things, etc. etc.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

There has to be some way to keep the weasel out of the henhouse . Perhaps just make it an invitation
only site . Invite those you already trust by private message and only accept others who come with a recommendation from an accepted member .

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

That sounds like a great idea - then, we could have ALL MEMBERS vote on other "potential members"!

I just don't want the information I and others have had to find the HARD WAY - Spending thousands of dollars on books/research, thousands of hours in the field, taking thousands of photos, miles of hiking/crawling, etc. to go to the WRONG PEOPLE - those looking to steal information and/or caches from others, those who simply want to know what you know, to keep you from finding something, those who attack others for what they have found, those who demand to know this or that, etc. etc.!

My thinking in myself and other members showing our DL's or photo ID's was that, that way, if someone turns out to be a "bad seed", we will have a pic of them and know their real name (though, I do know that people can fake ID's). In the end, I know that no "plan" could weed out 100% of the "unwanteds".

TBH, I like your plan a little better T-Butch. We could start out with a "core membership", where we all KNOW one another and expand to others different members KNOW - that they have talked to, been out in the field with, trusted, etc. etc. After we comprise the "initial group", we could have a section where a member can "propose" to allow a new member into the group - they could present their "evidence" on this member and we could then vote them in or out - I LIKE THIS IDEA, as it is not as "infringing" upon members as the one I proposed!!! Anyone who knows me, knows I HATE it when the government or some other groups infringes upon someone's right to privacy. >:(

Sounds great - we will do the forum this way T-Butch - you are wise beyond your years my friend! :thumbsup: Just, nobody propose that SWR be a member, or you will be "black-balled" ASAP! :D

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