Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

swiftsearcher said:
Here is another pic. This is a large hole (about 3+ ft. deep) carved into the side of this rock vault. Upon closer inspection, the "hole" looks like a dove (sorry for the blurry pic, as my batteries were low in my digital camera). Anyway, I have no idea why the KGC (if this is KGC) would have carved a dove into the side of this rock vault. The carving can be seen from a long distance away and is well over ten ft. in length and greater than six ft. in height. Thoughts on this?

Reminds me of a turtle coming up for air after a dive. Any caves with semi flooded passage ways?

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Hi swiftsearcher and all. swiftsearcher - I just replied to your latest email with another photo of a KGC symbol that was first pointed out to me by a friend who has been working on the Knights of the Golden Circle treasures for over 20 years - long before it was the fashionable thing to do. Like many others, I have been badgered constantly by naysayers ever since I started investigation Bloody Bill Anderson and the KGC. I fought them tooth and nail long enough to get our findings out to the public but now I just ignore them, for the most part, as many of them, in my case, are on the payrolls of big corporations whose interest it is to keep the same old myths substituted for our true history and to try to shut us up. Believe me, when I say that they will go to ANY lengths to accomplish this. Others are, as pointed out by another poster, lazy treasure hunters themselves who want to ride the backs of those of us who are really working our leads so that they can steal the rewards of our labor. I've learned a lot about some of the methods they use to do this in the past couple of years.
~Texas Jay

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Chuckle all you want, SWR. I know of one KGC depository that was emptied a few years ago and I know the information was correct as given to me. I know where it was located, I know how they transported the treasure away from the site, and I know how they got the permission from the landowner to take it. Of course, I have nothing to prove to you or anybody else. I only have to prove it to my own satisfaction.
~Texas Jay

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Hi SWR. You don't have to tell me about "challengers" to my data, sources, or evidence. I've spent the past four years dealing and defeating these challenges. Your advice is, however, well-taken. History is what really happened. Too often, myth is substituted for history and that is the case with the many topics that I have been researching thoroughly in these years. So, I am not only the challenged but am really a challenger to these myths. Until one have seen and studied our "sources" in our Bloody Bill Anderson Mystery group, they are in no position to challenge any of our findings.
~Texas Jay

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Hi swiftsearcher. I have been re-reading your messages on this topic and I notice something important each time I do. You said:

"about twenty ft. or more off the ground a perfect muleshoe carved near this vault!"

I believe I sent you the photo I took at one of my sites that shows 3 perfectly carved muleshoes or horseshoes. I forgot to tell you that the round object in the photo, near these shoes, is a bronze token about the size of a silver dollar. I placed it there for size comparison purposes. Based on that, can you tell me if the size of my muleshoes seem to be the same size as the one near the vault? Having photographs of these symbols is very important as one can return again and again and discover new things about them. I noticed, the last time I enlarged and studied the photos of my muleshoes, that the three seem to be aligned in the shape of an upside-down triangle. Do any of you know what significance this shape may have?
~Texas Jay

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

What I say is that failure is a success, it is one way that didn't work.
Keep trying.
Ultimate success is measured by the one single method that worked.
History forgets how many attempts Edison made and failed to create the light bulb.

They only remember that he did.

Buenos suerte amigos!
Post a giant smiley face to let us know you found it.
Other than that ....

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

The point is not lost by your nit picking.
Edison worked for years on the light bulb before there were any patents on it.

each failure is a success by elimination.
the only thing added by the ridicule and negative coments is a reluctance to post any infomation at all.
Including any finds that are pertinent.

I am through trying to give you an idea of how to treasure hunt with a limited research base.
building one is clearly not among your capabilities.

If you must have the last word in this verbal trx get it over with
I'm sure it will make you feel like a man.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"


While I have not actually counted the words you have used I suggest
to you that you are vocabularizing this issue to death with drawn-out
excuses for not opening the 'vault'.
To avoid any deathtraps which might be near the entrance just go with
shovel in hand to the top of the 'vault' and step off the centerpoint and
begin the dig. Shovels/picks and sweat will decide the outcome in a
reasonable period of time of hard work.
If you are not familiar with actual back-breaking physical effort and are
not willing to develop blisters trying to uncover this monumental treasure
why not just hand it off to a pro like Texas Jay?
This would relieve you of the stress the 'watchers' are giving you. It is
of upmost importance to keep this bonanza out of the hands of the NWO!
No one will fault you for handing over the reins to one of the professional
KGC experts on this forum.

Rest easy,

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Anyone can do a study on Thomas Edison and know that, even if you take the lightbulb out of it, the man had enough accomplishments to make the point a valid one. Smokescreens are easy to detect.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

SWR said:
Kentucky Kache said:
Anyone can do a study on Thomas Edison and know that, even if you take the lightbulb out of it, the man had enough accomplishments to make the point a valid one. Smokescreens are easy to detect.

Alternatively, BS is easier to detect, and smellier, too :dontknow:

I think you have to agree with what I said about Edison.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

SWR: You said: "I stated "We do know about the KGC". And then I went on to say: "Events, growth and the final dissolution of the KGC are documented in the historical archives."

Many of us have been kind enough to document our statements on this board so I hope you will do the same for us. Which specific documents are you referring to and in what "historical archives" are they kept? Have you ever heard of The Holt Report or the Joseph Holt Papers in the Library of Congress?
~Texas Jay

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

lastleg: I must assume you were being facetious in your reply to swiftsearcher but I want to assure everyone here that I am not a "pro" or "expert" in regard to KGC treasure hunting. I am learning a lot from many members here who have willingly shared what they have learned with me and other hunters. I've found swiftsearcher to be especially helpful to me and, in fact, I believe he has much more knowledge of these caches, signs, and lines than I do and I know, from his last post, that he and his partner have done much more physical labor on their site than my partner and I have done on ours. I have been blessed at every turn of my search with the helpful information and advice of those who I do consider experts.
~Texas Jay

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Thank you Jay for you kind remarks. I try my best to be facetious at
every opportunity on subjects as weighty as the New World Order and
the elusive anti-Christ. You had your chance to refute those ridiculous
rantings. You have never proclaimed anything that foolish on your great
forum. Of course had you wouldn't still have the membership you do.

Jay, accuracy with known facts is sublime. Ignorance is bliss for some
true believers. Introducing the overblown Illuminati legend onto the
KGC canopy should be a warning signal to someone so well versed on
the assault on Dixie. Connecting the NWO with the Circle is breaking new
ground would you not agree?

Most sincerely.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Hi lastleg. Our Bloody Bill Anderson Mystery group works within a well-defined but wide set of guidelines we call our Summary of Purposes. I discourage our members from discussing politics, religion, and current events that are not directly related to our work on our message board. Most of the time, our members take my suggestions in the way they were intended and do not engage us into long discussions about things that are really not in the context of our serious historical work there. Some, on the other hand I think, have been upset with me for standing firm on this and so they have left our group. Except for a very small number of known trouble-makers, anyone is free to join or re-join our group at any time. Personally, I believe that the study of history should be fun and so should the hobby or profession of treasure hunting. If either ever stops being fun and interesting for me, I will step away from it. I only became interested in the KGC when my own life experiences and my research into other areas led me to realize that traditionalist historians are mostly wrong about this secretive and powerful organization. They are wrong about its influence before the War, its influence during the War, and, most certainly, its influence and activities after the War. While I certainly don't agree with everything the KGC supported at various times in their history, I realize that attitudes on things such as slavery and expansionism were much different then than most peoples' attitudes and beliefs are now. Just because they believed what they did does not necessarily make them "good" or "bad" people. Most Americans would be shocked to know what Abraham Lincoln's attitude toward black people was before he was elected President. Since that has nothing at all to do with the topic, "Opinions of this KGC Vault", I will stop here. :) I do remind everyone, however, that this thread was started by swiftsearcher so, as far as I am concerned, he has the right to discuss anything he feels pertains to it on here.
~Texas Jay

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Texas Jay:

You are indeed a diplomat. Good fortune on all your pursuits.


Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"


Better yet hire a bunch of newly released inmates to cover your back.


Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

I emailed you my private phone # . I would rather have a casual conversation over the phone than post on a public forum . If the email didn't go through PM me here again and I'll send it via PM .

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Looking foreward to seeing the outcome of this vault, and remember, Edison said he didn't discover how to make a light bulb, he discovered 10,000 ways to not make a light bulb.

Persverence will prevail in the end.


Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"


Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Hi swiftsearcher. One of the most important things I have learned in the past four years is that when you form a belief or even a hunch about what you are seeking, don't let anyone discourage you from following wherever it leads. Obstacles and unbelievers pop up everywhere. As far as "watchers" are concerned, my partner and I have had encounters with them too so we know that they are real. I think some wealthy people or organizations, probably other treasure hunters (in my opinion), are monitoring the sites that they have good reason to believe will lead them to the KGC depositories. I believe that these watchers just don't have all the needed pieces to the puzzles in order to retrieve them themselves. Our experiences seem to indicate that some of their techniques include sensors or possibly even cameras around the sites they are monitoring. I could go into greater detail and will, by private email if you wish, but those who have worked on KGC sites will recognize what I am talking about and newcomers will now know to keep their eyes open while working their own leads.
~Texas Jay

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