Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

:icon_thumleft: ;D Having web-sites "disappearing"... "google" MEXICAN WAR/KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN CIRCLE & "click" on SONS OF THE SOUTH. :wink:
The ISLAND of Bermuda (British), was ALSO looked at for KGC/CSA depositories. The Brits loaned $$$$$$$ to the Rebel gov't. AND! All Th-ers in the American SOUTH WEST, can look for the "FOUR
CORNERS DEPOSITORY (New Mexico, etc); it WAS all part of Mexico "back then", as PROVINCES or something like that... "Google" FOUR CORNERS TREASURE ;D :wink: Ah, HECK! Just read CosmoWolff's
stuff on Floyd Mann's web-site... http://www.knightsofthegoldencircle-kgc.com/submitted.htm :wink:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

:icon_thumleft: Meanwhile, BACK to "The Vault"... :wink:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Rebel, Thanks very much for your input! The good news is that NOBODY has been inside the "vault" since it was sealed. The bad news is that it is probably going to be still yet an arduous task to get inside and then, you don't know if anything is there or not.

When Truckinbutch and I were there, I had been there the week before, checking things out and nothing was out of place then. However, when Truckinbutch and I were there, the jug of vinegar I had hidden behind a rock was setting out in the open with the lid off!? This reminded me of when another person and I were working on the rock of the pillars (busting them out of the way) and had $300+ worth of tools hidden on the ledge and, when I went back to the "vault" after my friend went back to NJ, someone had taken my $5 rope and left all the chisels, hammers, etc. I have to admit, I have been in some scary places by myself in the mountains and NEVER been afraid (mostly b/c I pack heat) and have seen some strange things, but I have never been paranoid at any site, until the "vault"! Call it what you will, but some people are really doing some weird things there!

Jose, according to "JJ Was One of His Names" and other sources, there are many "KGC caches" in Mexico (as well as North of the border and Cuba)! The settlements you described would be some great places to start snooping for one. Of course, I understand one can have too many irons in the fire and might not want to pursue something other than Tayopa and I don't blame you - A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush! Of course, if want to a "sure thing" of a gold cache in Mexico, you can check out the LBJ ranch (where a lot of the gold from Victorio is rumored to still reside)! :thumbsup: :wink:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

;D :icon_thumleft: GOOD to see you BACK at "The Vault"; Pike's M & D may help in terms of Symbolic Codes ("google" MORALS & DOGMA "on-line"). :wink: The KGC/SR/CSA Codes appear to be based on the Tarot of 1860's - 1885 or so... 4 KINGS (aka 4 CORNERS), 4 QUEENS (Virginia, etc., which I think YOU have)... 4 ACES (UKN)... 4 10's (UKN). ALL of this was known as ROYAL
DECK OF CARDS TREASURES (TAROT CARDS... with VARIOUS symbolism; MAY even have "back-
ground landscapes"... DUNNO). :wink: :-X ANYWAY... HH; GOOD LUCK! :icon_thumleft: :wink:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Good afternoon: I remembered two of the names ---

Clark & Moss or Demoss. As I remember the others, I will post them.. Perhaps one might ring a bell.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

:icon_thumleft: THANKS, Don Jose/Real... I seem to remember a Clark from TEXAS, who was KGC/CSA/SR; I think we MAY need to start a NEW "thread", as we are "high-jacking" THIS from ss; I need Texas Jay to "cross-reference" names, YOU come up with...
ALL "VAULTS" are in the SOUTH, (hence, the REBEL/CSA/SR/"outlaw"/KGC "connection", and I think ss's VAULT is one of the 4 QUEENS; going southward, it looks like North Carolina/South Carolina has "something"; ??? :dontknow: were the Carolinas named for a Queen Caroline, or something? A Queen Georgia for Georgia? What about Florida, MAYBE, in the everglades... ??? :dontknow:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Guys, don't worry about hijacking my thread - I do it myself to my threads more than anyone else does! :D

Jose, I will check through the information I have, as the name Clark or Clarke rings a bell regarding Mexico.

Rebel, I have heard of the depositories you mentioned (especially the four Kings in the Four Corners area, which some think Douhit and Noss might have found two of), but never really saw anything relating the Queens to VA as you have. Thanks again! Do you (or anyone else) know how the "area" works for these four depositories in the states they are in? Such as: how far apart they are or any other information? Just asking, b/c if anyone knows more specifics it might help other hunters in my state who are in general areas, as I could pinpoint my site with theirs and we might be able to figure out where the others are located, IF they go in some sort of "web" or pattern that is. I am NOT saying this b/c I am greedy and would even want to take on the task of another "vault", as I DO NOT - I have my hands full with this one. However, I would be willing to help others with their sites if I could.

IF I had to guess, I would say the other three (Ten, Jacks and Aces) might be in TN (afterall, the KGC's headquarters were there and we all know there is a HUGE depository around Nashville and another really large one suppose to be in Gatlinburg/Smokey Mountains), TX (they hid a large portion of their caches here according to JJ III) and probably the other set of four large depositories in Mexico, Canada or a Northwestern state. I know the largest depositories I have seen maps of are located in TN and TX, as both states have at least one that fills almost an entire mountain. Again, these are just guesses.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

:icon_thumleft: :coffee2: ;D TN? YEP! BRENTWOOD... outside of Nashville; go to TENNESSEE "thread" of TreasureNet by location(s) "sub-board" of TN. LOTS of info on TN KGC
at BRENTWOOD; Bro. A. Pike was in Nashville for a time... so was JJ, and his brother, Frank... was a TN CSA doctor from TN during C.W... the BIG KGC depository is in the state park, with a BIG cave near BRENTWOOD, (or was...). It is thought by SOME, that after the C.W., Frank went north to Virginia... becoming BUCK Wright of Upper Goose Creek Valley in Bedford county, Virginia... becoming a SENTINEL, watching over the BEALE TREASURE, a "code name" for CSA "assets". What IS interesting is... Frank's nickname was BUCK... before & during the Civil War! ;D :icon_thumleft: :wink: P.S. You gotta read SECRETS WITHIN THE GRAND DESIGN @ http://www.knightsofthegoldencircle-kgc.com/misc.htm :wink:
"State of Tennessee was a hotbed of activity for the KGC...". :wink: :read2: :icon_sunny: 8)

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

;D MORE, on the BRENTWOOD CACHE ... HA! Gone MISSING!! Just "google" THE BRENTWOOD CACHE SITE - ANCIENT LOST TREASURES :icon_thumleft: Even has a MAP! ;D :icon_thumleft:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Ladies & Gentlemen: A flash back has occured to me. I was going wth a Dream called Carmelita Bey here in Alamos when I first arrived - 1955. It seems that her families claim to fame was that one of her recent ancestors was a fugitive from the US called BAY /BEY. Her father was Ernesto , Ernest.

It was claimed that he was once with the James gang? He arrived with a lot of money and established himself as a member of the cummunity..

Could be, since he had a genetic defect which shows up every so often, a bit unstable / nuts, a common heritage with the KGC hunters. snicker, he he he he

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Y'all know Brentwood is not exactly a town anymore. It is a upper crust subdivision of Nashville. A lot of Country singers live there. Unfortunately urban sprawl has taken over and that area of Nashville is stuffed full of parking lots and malls other than the residential areas.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

??? TEN miles, SOUTH of Nashville? Don't think so... :D :wink: KGC - WALLS OF JERICHO treasure.
Don Jose/Real, I am DISAPPOINTED in you! Just keep digging up the names of REB families, south of TEXAS, please... THANK YOU! :D :wink:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Rebel KGC:

I know you weren't really dissapointed, but don't you think serious cache
hunters should have no bias in feelings about unproven claims. When you
have proven that the cache has a logical expectation of credibility you will
become enthusiastic and follow up with an attempt of discovery.
You don't however just sit back and put that project on hold because of
another yarn someplace else. How can you profit to plan the other without
finishing up the one you started on?
This isn't about you personally. It's about the grasshopper who plays the
summer away and come winter has nothing but dreams to feed upon.


Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

:D lastleg, yer "post" didn't make a "lick of sense"... will put YOU on ignore... :D :wink:
FOLKS! THE CIRCLE IS UNBROKEN by Roger Dale Miller; HA! GONE!! "Google" it; about BRENTWOOD!!! From page 42 of the January (2004) issue of TREASURE CACHE magazine. The Confederate Knights' Brentwood Cache. :icon_thumleft: ;D :wink:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

I've been quiet for a while as I did some of my own test drives . Swiftsearcher emalied me some pics
a while back . Transferred them immediatly to another place and had them hard copied at the local SAM'S . Got questioned by the clerk when I picked them up about where they came from ... "Down in
Kentucky ."
SS sent these same pics to OLD DOG and he got the msg , but no pics .
I tried to send the pics to OD from my puter and that failed as well .
I needed to send him his tobacco allotment for the next few months and had room so I included hard
copy pictures from Scott as well as family pictures from my house in a US MAIL flat rate box . Made note of placement of all articles in the box .
Old Dog and I talked this evening on the phone . He received what I sent him ... The pipe tobacco pouches are not arranged the way I packed them and the photos , in a separate envelope in the box
are not in the order or placement that I sent them to him in . Go figure ......

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Somewhere along the line the package was opened and looked at closely.
a special note... If the postmaster feels the need to open and or inspect,
he puts a sticker on the box and signs it with the date, place and time.
No sticker.

It wasn't the Postal service opening things.
Something else is going on

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

T-Wolf, at least there is no need to be scared, as "they" can only hurt my earthly body! :thumbsup:

Getting ready to leave in about an hour (giving the frost time to clear) - wish me luck guys!

Hopefully, when/if we ever find a safe way to enter (and IF there is anything there), Old Dog can come out and help with the extraction for a share (again, assuming something is there to share in). The more, the better and safer it will be - especially with someone as knowledgeable as Old Dog! :wink: :icon_thumleft:

BTW - T-Wolf, any idea yet of the time of your KGC meeting? It would be nice to meet many of you in person! Luckily, I have been participating more in Jay's Yahoo group and one of the members will be visiting relatives near me next month and I will plan on meeting him while he is in (it took a little "learning" and getting use to the style of the forum/group, but after I did, Jay's Bloody Bill group is GREAT! Plus, you don't get ridiculed for your theories/thoughts there! :thumbsup:)!

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Room temperature drops suddenly

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

T-Wolf, thanks for the info. I guess we all know from Ruby Ridge and other "incidents" that the ATF does not know of a document called the Constitution.

BTW - Funny thing, your get-together is scheduled on my birthday! What a coincidence - should make for a nice b-day present - meeting you guys in person! :thumbsup:

Well, gotta go eat and then off to the mountains, as the frost is now gone!

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

:icon_thumleft: April 6th, eh? 6 (SIX) is a VERY good number... will look up KGC numerology. :wink:
:coffee2: :read2: SIX... 6 pointed STAR of David... KING SOLOMON's Seal; will be PROTECTED!
:icon_thumleft: :D

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