Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Hmm never heard of torrid internet romances with mules and gals, XXX programs, and kiddie shows? Snicker

Actually, because I have to go through so many different channels down here, I pick up a lot of chaff.

I also have definite information that I am being specif. monitored in Hermosillo by the Mex gov't in collaboration with the US . Most Americans here are.

However, the Word "Tayopa" acts as a switch to pull it, same as how to make a bomb of common materials. I can only assume that it is to keep track of any activity there regarding any stray Gold bars that might surface.

Nice to have the Government confirm that I do indeed, have Tayopa, hehehe

There is a large 5 story building that is dedicated to just this purpose. I presume that it's purpose is to utilize the latest tech, to monitor the US internet outside of the US and so by pass any legal objections up there. This is to say yes, they do monitor US internet and mail.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

This is one of the exact reasons I state to many of my amigos...
Snail mail is often more secure that any other kinds.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Room temperature drops suddenly

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

lastleg said:
Room temperature drops suddenly
OD and the Don are not joking . Several of us have been experiencing this . Does make one a
bit paranoid .

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Removed over 300 infections yesterday with malwarebytes, AVG saw none.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

TW, thank you for info. Appreciate it.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Not too long ago, in this thread, a handful acted as if I was insane when I mentioned that the KGC treasures were NOT for a second Civil War, but I believe the NWO. These people also scoffed at my statement of their (KGC's) masonic/templar roots. Take a looksie at this list of 33rd degree masons and notice the names on here that are related to the KGC! :wink: :o :thumbsup:

Albert Pike addressing the 23 Supreme Councils of the world on July 14, 1889:- "To you, Sovereign Grand Instructors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: 'the Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine. . ."

It is said that only two U.S. Presidents: Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy, were not either Masons or elite members of affiliated bodies

John Adams
(King) Umberto Agnelli
Buzz Aldrin
Yasser Arafat
(Patriarch) Athenagoras I
Gene Autry
Tobias Axelrod
Foster Bailey
Admiral G.W. Baird
Achille Ballori
M.H. Barroso
Bernard Mannes Baruch
Harry L. Baum
Daniel Carter Beard (Boy Scouts)
Justice Hugo Black
Jonathan Blanchard
Tony Blair
Rev. William Booth (Salvation Army)
John Wilkes Booth
Hayden C. Boyce
John C. Breckinridge
Sir Richard Burton
George Herbert Walker Bush
Senator Byrd
Plutarco Elias Calles
James Cameron
Jimmy Carter
Hugo Chavez
Richard Cheney
Sir Winston Churchill
Henry Clausen
William J. Clinton
Howell Cobb
James B. Conant
John H. Cowles
Adolphe Cremieux
Francesco Crispi
Aleister Crowley
Delmar Darrah
Morris B. de Pass
Richard DeVos (Amway)
Walt. Disney
Sen. Bob Dole
General James Doolittle
Gerard (Papus) Encausse
Frederick Engels
Senator Sam J. Ervin
Gerald Rudolf Ford
(King) Frederick II
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Newt. Gingrich
John Glenn
Barry Goldwater
Mikhail Gorbachev
Al Gore
J.J.J. Gourgas
Rev. Billy Graham
James Graham
Col. James "Bo" Gritz
Rev. Kenneth Hagin
Manly P. Hall
Mark Hatfield
Jesse Helms
Christian A. Herter
Richard Holbrooke
J. Edgar Hoover
Col. Edward Mandell House
King Hussein
Saddam Hussein
Burl Icle Ives
Jessie James
Rev. Jesse Jackson
Andrew Johnson
Lyndon Baines Johnson
Dr. Bob Jones Sr.
Jack Kemp
Duke Michael of Kent
Alexander Kerensky
Spencer Kimball
Henry Kissinger
C. Fred Kleinknecht
Kenneth S. Kleinknecht
Helmut Kohl
Ted Kollek
Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
Adriano Lemmi
Vladimir Lenin
McIlyar H. Lichliter
Albert Lontaine
Gen. Douglas MacArthur
Sir Henry MacMahon
Robert McNamara
Vasili Maklakov
Domenico Margiotta
Thurgood Marshall
James G. Martin
Karl Marx
(Baron) Yves Marsaudon
Joseph Mazzini
Lord Alfred Milner
Francoir Mitterand
Henry Morgenthau
Benjamin Netanyahu
G. Bromley Oxnam
Olof Palme
Henry Palmerston
Shimon Peres
Albert Pike
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
Prince Phillip
Roscoe Pound
(Gen.) Colin L. Powell
Yitzak Rabin
Ronald Reagan
Joseph Rettinger
Harman Gansvort Reynolds
Marshall S. Reynolds
Michel Reyt
Cecil Rhodes
Oral Roberts
Franklin D.Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
Paul Rosen
James Rothschild
Charles Taze Russell
Bishop Carl J. Sanders
Jacob Schiff
Bill Schnoebelen
Gerhard Schroeder
Rev. Robert Schuller
Rev. Al Sharpton
James D. Shaw
Senator Simpson
Joseph Stalin
Rudolph Steiner
R.W. Thompson
Storm Thurmond
Leon Trotsky
Harry S. Truman
Pierre G. Vassal
Felix Warburg
Paul Moritz Warburg
Earl Warren
George Warvelle
Chaim Weizmann
H.G. Wells
William Wynn Westcott
Earl Wheeler
Leo Wheeler
John Yarker
Brigham Young
Leon Zeldis

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Here is a Freemason fact about a Jesuit for LAMAR. :wink:

Father Francisco Calvo, Jesuit Catholic priest who started Freemasonry in Costa Rica.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

SWR said:
swiftsearcher said:
Not too long ago, in this thread, a handful acted as if I was insane when I mentioned that the KGC treasures were NOT for a second Civil War, but I believe the NWO. These people also scoffed at my statement of their (KGC's) masonic/templar roots. Take a looksie at this list of 33rd degree masons and notice the names on here that are related to the KGC! :wink: :o :thumbsup:

For those of us without a program for this game...could you redo the list with the alleged members identified?

Something like this:

Persons name: Mason
Persons name: Mason KGC


SWR, as much as you deny the KGC's activities, are you now stating you don't know enough about the KGC to even pick out the supposed members from this list? If so, you really made some strong comments/arguments against the KGC and their activities on this board without any real research or knowledge regarding the organization whatsoever on your part - shame, shame! :tongue3: :dontknow: :help: ??? :o

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

I'll give you two hints SWR - Two people on this list who were/are NOT KGC members are Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. ;D :D :wink: :laughing7: :P :icon_pirat:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Once again, if you don't have enough knowledge of the organization to pick the names out of the list, you should NOT be making claims that they never did this or that, as one of the first things one learns about the KGC is the members involved.

For the record, I put this list up for the people who know about the organization and its members to show the connection between the masons/kgc, not to educate anyone on the KGC's members. Plus, I already gave you two good hints to your question! :D

BTW - for the others of you who actually study and research the KGC. I have a great pic of the stone house I might post later (that is on a 44 degree line going to the "vault"). It has the following carved to the top left of the doorway (I was reminded of it when I was going through the depository list in "Jesse James Was One of His Names" and one depository is named "A Face Looking Up, A Face Looking Down" - BTW, I am NOT insinuating my area is this site, I just thought it was a neat coincidence!). :icon_profileleft: :icon_profileright: The carving is of two conjoined heads - looking left and right. :icon_profileleft: :icon_profileright:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Dear SWR;
It's their game my friend, therefore I guess they can change the rules any time they want to.
Your friend;

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Evening swr: You posted -->

"You need to make your game more user friendly"

We all do, do you?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

T-Wolf, I simply mentioned the NWO, b/c of the "elite masonry" connection, as shown in the list. There is definitely something behind the KGC inner circle's "purpose" that was unknown to most in the organization (as it was DEFINITELY NOT FOR THE START OF A SECOND CIVIL WAR, or, at least as Southerners were led to believe - maybe a TRIBULATION WAR or something, but not a second Civil War as many in the organization believed). I really don't know what that was, or if it was/is good or bad yet. I was speaking with Heather this morning about the list and was telling her that I believe, by looking at the list, that the masons were probably a good and Godly organization at first (afterall, most of our Founding Fathers were masons). However, just by looking at the list, it seems that the higher ranks were infiltrated by EVIL persons starting in the 20th Century! So, the KGC could have started out with GREAT and GODLY intentions itself!? However, IF the masons are still behind things (the inner elite of course), it is probably BAD these days (again, just look at the list of EVIL persons associated with the high rank of 33rd degree from the 20th Century until present times!).

SWR - This is my last statement to you about the list. IF you really don't understand it, maybe you don't need to be in the discussion!? :dontknow: :icon_scratch: :tongue3: The list was NOT to educate anyone, but to get some reactions from people who have actually studied the KGC and know about them, like the above post from T-Wolf! :thumbsup: I was simply wanting THEIR opinions on the list and even their opinions on others on the list as well!

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

I will mention a couple names on the list, since T-Wolf brought up the NWO part of my theory. Anyone notice the name James Rothschild on the list? If anyone has done any research on the NWO, world banking, etc. etc., they will QUICKLY recognize the Rothschild name! Plus, one more that should stick out to these people as well is Aleister Crowley. For those of you who don't know, Crowley has had a HUGE IMPACT on MANY of the "NWO" members/elite in the 20th Century and is more than likely Barbara Bush's GRANDFATHER!



  • CrowleyBarbara1.webp
    15.7 KB · Views: 677
Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

??? ss, I am a 32nd degree Scottish Rite FreeMason, 7th degree Royal Arch Mason, Shriner... NOT a FreeMasonic Knight Templar... there is NOTHING that is "evil" taught in the rituals; MAYBE some of the ppl on the list were "inherently evil" to begin with. To "lump" ALL of us, on the "action of a few"
is just part of the "anti's" conspiracy; the quote by Bro. Albert Pike is "tired old B.S.", NOT meant to be taken literally. BUT! Believe what ya wanna; can't help ya, anymore... good luck to ya, in yer quest. :coffee2: :icon_thumleft: P.S. MANY on the list are NOT "regular FreeMasons"... think of a "diploma mill" type of FreeMason... A. Crowley is one of 'em... ANYONE can go out to a old/new shop
and buy FreeMasonic regalia, and get all "fancied up"... "puffed up"... whatever. :D
Get back to the original topic of "The Vault"... leave the "anti-FreeMason/NWO" B.S. behind... THIS
"thread" is beginning to "smell" like the old (insert "R" word, here...) "thread"... you have been HIGH-JACKED/DISTRACTED! >:(

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Sorry, I have to chime back in....The header is opinions on this KGC Vault but you have giving us nothing except a lot of BS. My opinion is your vault is a big box of rocks and this thread will go on for another year with more excuses and fabricated opinions on KGC, NWO, helicopters following you, Swift's mines, Free Masons, King Solomon, blah blah blah.

Just like the swiftmine forum "Here it is" and how you attack others saying they are wrong, you are right and "I'll bet you any amount up to $100,000 that you have the rich mine and when you get in you'll have the silver ore to prove it". You are in and there is nothing there and that's where this thread will probably end up. Doesn't really make for a good book. Wait, you can start bringing aliens into this to tie in with the KGC, NWO, Masons, MIB and it might be a good sci-fi :laughing9: :laughing9:

When I read all this it really makes me laugh. Especially the paranoia part of helicopters, people on horseback following you and cars w/ un-registered plates. Why did you delete the posts about once you got into the vault and recovered the riches that when the govt came to take it they would have to do it guns a blazing. I think you even mentioned David Korresh style. I would like to hear your answers instead of your co-conspirators.

Thanks and have a nice day!


Good luck with your box of rocks

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Rebel - didn't mean to make you angry. I have good friends who are Masons (including my better half's Grandfather!). I was simply pointing out that there are some evil people in the 33rd degree level, and all of them seem to have become members in the 20th century or later. In fact, I have books in which Jesse James denounces the Rothschild family, in which James is also a 33rd degree mason. So, even JJ, a 33rd degree mason himself, pointed out this fact, even though James Rothschild himself was a mason. So, you are correct Rebel - there seems to be some evil people who simply held the rank of 33rd degree (or, still do). One definitely CANNOT label an entire group, b/c of a few bad apples.

In fact, from my heavy research on the KGC lately, again, it seems that JJ and others in his time (and before) were well aware of the Rothschilds and others and detested them making money from wars (financing BOTH sides in many instances). From what I have been able to read/study, it seems that the KGC was NOT evil and was probably putting back these caches of metal, arms, food, etc. to more than likely fight this evil one day and form a "New Jerusalem" in the USA. Once again, Rebel, I did not mean to make you angry nor refer that ALL masons are evil. In fact, one of the Godliest men I ever knew was a high ranking mason and he really knew the Bible (God rest his soul)!

Makton, please do not take my Swift argument on another thread out of context! I was simply pointing out the grave error another member made in his directions to the Rich Mine. He was giving the directions that were CLEARLY stated in EVERY Swift Journal to the West Mine as the direction to the Rich Mine. I was pointing out this grave mistake and correcting his misinformation! Then, the argument escalated from there and I did offer to make a wager with him, which he refused. BTW - WHO said we are in the Rich Mine and found NOTHING? I have divulged to anyone, other than my first partner Ralph, what was/is inside the mine! IF it was nothing, then why does Ralph eventually want to buy the land and do more work inside??????

Also, as for the posts/pics I deleted in this thread, it was b/c MANY PM'd me and e-mailed me that I was giving out TOO MUCH INFO! So, instead of posting facts/pics, I have been simply trying to get some opinions on the different aspects of the KGC lately and some people are referring to these as "conspiracy theories". Refer to them what you will, I am simply trying to get some insight from others so that we can connect the dots of this organization and their reasoning! Makton, you have a nice day as well and good luck with your armchair treasure hunting - I hope you find a pocket full of change in that couch! :D Even if all I find at the "vault" are rocks, at least I will have a great time out in God's mountains, instead of being on my couch looking for dimes!

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

:icon_thumleft: OK, keep it to "The Vault", and I am "with you"... you did the correct thing in deleting
"pics", and sharing TOO MUCH info. Getting out "in the mountains" is good; and yes you "could be watched"... just get "pics", jot down numbers, etc. and ALWAYS have a trusted witness, with you. Your research on the KGC (history) re. JJ, et. al. does seem to be "paying off"; what I have "found" is that JJ was Scottish Rite, Gen. Albert Pike :o rewrote the S.R. Rituals, and in OTHER books wrote "codes" on Depositories (using the meridians - "Long. & Latt.") based on "pirate/Templar" reckoning, with the NORTH STAR, as a "guide". JJ's brother had the FULL set of Shakespeare "works"
and BACONIAN CODES/CYPHERS (CIPHERS from Francis Bacon) were thought to be utilized by Gen.
Pike. Yes, the "Robber Barons" were the FIRST ones involved in the "Military/Industrial Complex" or
whatever. Why JJ, et. al. were ex-REB/outlaws "fighting" AFTER the War Between the STATES... notice, it was in the "free states" that MOST of the "WILD WEST" action was. The Confederados had conclaves in MEXICO CITY to hide from the FEDS... :wink: :coffee2: :icon_thumleft:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Rebel, you are a great guy and have been a great help to me over the past few years! :thumbsup: Just as with any group, there is going to be a "clique" of bad apples with aspirations - whether they are masons, doctors, attorneys, the average Joes at a bar, etc. etc. I should have worded things better in my statement - sorry again! :(

You bring up the NORTH STAR. The North seems to be important at the "vault" as well with the carving on it of the dove.

It has rained all week here, so I have not been able to get out in the woods.

Anyone have and ideas what the Hammer of Thor represents/means at one of these sites?

Rebel, strange you brought up Bacon, as he was an alchemist who searched his entire life almost for the Philosopher's Stone and claimed to have found the secret! There may be "something" with this and a KGC "connection". However, I won't get into that here. :(

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