Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

SWR, I was referring to your statement, that was incorrect, that the KGC disbanded in the 1860's. Again, they did not disband until the 20th Century, when they sealed their records. However, you have turned this around to ONCE AGAIN demanding "proof" of deposited treasure! How did you manage to skip back around to demanding proof of treasure deposits from talking about when the KGC disbanded?

Beale, the connection (at least for myself and a handful of others) with the KGC and these older treasure legends comes from the fact that the inner circle of the KGC was comprised of high ranking 33rd degree masons. THIS is where we get the link to the Masons and back to the Templars, NOT that the KGC was around officially when these older legends were made. There is also a link to the "Sons of Liberty" as well in all of this. My belief is that some of these depositories date back PRIOR to the KGC's existence and were either found by or added to by the KGC later, as the "inner circle" DEFINITELY knew quite a bit about these old treasures! It is also my personal belief that the KGC and the organizations before them, had these depositories stored away for a "New Jerusalem", as they knew of God's plan for the USA. The groups have basically had the same idea, just different names from the Templars to the Masons to the KGC.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

:D SWR, want "historical facts"? Going "fishing", eh? :wink: And. ss, THAT is an INTERESTING
"theory"... :icon_thumleft: :hello2: :read2: :coffee2: Yo, beale... see ya, SOON! :icon_thumleft: :wink:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

swiftsearcher said:
For the record, I was NEVER a "KGC Hunter" or conspiracist! As you can tell by my handle on here, I only hunted the Swift Legend. HOWEVER, after being in the field and seeing MANY things NOT related to Swift and going through the history and finds of the area (plus, what I have found in the field), there is NO DOUBT there is a KGC connection and the KGC was real!

Swiftsearcher, your experience has proven what professional treasurehunters have known throughout history. While you're researching a treasure lead, keep your eyes open for leads to other treasures. KVM pushed that idea in several of his books. By what you've written, it seems you've found at least a part of your original goal and got an excellent lead on something you'd never really considered. Damned fine hunting my friend. You're now in the class of "professional" and these naysayers are so envious their teeth ache. :laughing7:

My little lead popped up suddenly one day while talking with one of my Uncles. He told me about an incident involving him, his Dad, and his Uncle back when he was about 12 years old. Up until fairly recently I'd thought of this story as an isolated hidden cache; probably hidden during the War of Northern Aggression. But, after doing a little more research concerning the KGC, JJ, and other stuff, I now wonder if maybe this cache might be a fringe cache of that illustrious group. I'd heard for years about JJ having relatives in the area and it's a fact that a large group of James' live in my county.

Just waiting for the winter weather to kill off the red bugs and mosquitoes and slow down the snakes before venturing into the thick woods.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Beale, I don't mean that at all - what I mean is that, from my research, the records were simply sealed. These records, I don't know what they contained - probably not much about the depositories however, as the depository records are suppose to be sealed inside the different large depositories on scrolls (some copper). I don't have the information in front of me, but I believe the records I spoke of were sealed around 1916 or in the 20's (again, I cannot remember the exact date without looking).

I don't know how you don't see the connection between these groups? The connection directly involves the higher ranking masons! As you well know, the masons claim to be linked to the Templars. The Sons of Liberty were the masons who helped found this great country and the higher ranking KGC members were all high ranking masons. Again, the "link" is their masonic link!

Shortstack - thanks for the compliments. However, I do disagree with you that I am a "professional" at this (I am just an overall wearing hillbilly in reality ;D :D!). TBH, I don't believe anyone truly knows everything about the KGC and their depositories today. I do listen well and read constantly and buy everything I can regarding this subject (including spending $180 for a copy of "Jesse James Was One of His Names" and many hundreds of dollars on other related books). One has to be a SPONGE - ingesting everything one can. If one closes his/her eyes to something b/c they don't believe part of it, they may very well be missing an intregal part of the puzzle! For instance, I KNOW that the theory of the location of Swift's Mines in the book by Prather is ludicrous to say the least. HOWEVER, he did some great research on Swift and his shipping/masonic links! If I would have been as simple minded as some naysayers here, I would have never read/studied Prather's good research, simply b/c I didn't believe his theory of the location of the mines!

IMHO, ANYONE claiming to be a "professional" or "expert" on the KGC is full of CRAP! Sure, some may very well know more than others. However, this "KGC" search is ALWAYS a WORK IN PROGRESS! You learn something new every day - especially in the field! There is definitely something "Larger" at work with the KGC and, from speaking with Jay L. and some other knowledgeable people, I believe we are all on to something that is very complicated and encompassing! These knowledgeable people regarding the KGC have their minds open and this helps them in their search for the truth. Although we might not ever know the FULL EXTENT of the truth about the organization and these depositories, if we keep our minds open, I believe we will get much closer to some answers! :thumbsup:

I can recommend one book that relates to many treasures and will help people in their searches however - The HOLY BIBLE! Plus, it will do you good to study the Bible as well for your Spiritual side. :wink:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

SWR said:
swiftsearcher said:
Although we might not ever know the FULL EXTENT of the truth about the organization and these depositories, if we keep our minds open, I believe we will get much closer to some answers! :thumbsup:

Why don't we know the full extent of the truth about this organization? There are scads of legitimate documentation detailing the intentions of the Knights of the Golden Circle. No big secrets there, my friend.

The answers that cannot be found, are those fabricated in tall tales, book and movie sales and of course...the extraordinary claims made on internet message boards. The only ones finding big money from the KGC are the ones selling books

Why don't you write a book yourself SWR :read2:- instead of being jealous of those whom have already written books and posting it over and over again? :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

:icon_thumleft: That is correct, beale... want you to "visualize" N. J., as it was in 1820's... 1885... 1915. :wink: 1915 is when KGC "records" were "sealed"; then "unsealed" in 1966, or so... will try to
find the "sources" of that info. :icon_thumleft: :read2: You ARE correct about the KGC; BUT! It goes back to Vice-Prez Aaron Burr, Thom. Jefferson, War with Mexico, Republic of Texas (LONE STAR state),
Sons of Liberty (TEXAS), Southern "culture" - (ie. slavery), STATE RIGHTS, PRE/POST War of Southern
Independence (aka CONFEDERATE WAR), $$$$$$$$$$$ used for "Southern States Development", up to 1915. ;D NOT gonna comment on Knight Templars, OR... FreeMasonic "conspiracy". :D :wink:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"


I am really glad that you said that you are not an expert. If you had claimed to be, I probably would stop reading your posts because I do not trust self-proclaimed "experts" in anything; any subject. I subscribe to the definition of expert given by Carl Sandburg. He said that "an expert is a fool who's a long way from home." We ALL learn new things all the time if we just stay open to it.

I downloaded a copy of that book on JJ a few months ago. I haven't read it word for word, but I did spot read and noticed he had a truckload of aliases to research.

I had a copy of the book on JJ that was published by the James family and they did not mention anything about there being several JWJ's. They seemed to concentrate mainly on the JJ shot by Bob Ford. There was a print of the most used portrait of JJ in the book and I remembered it for the sharp features and slicked over hair of the man. Flash forward to a few years ago, and 2 penciled portraits belonging to my Mother; one of a young man and the other of a young woman.....supposedly the man's wife. My Mom's mother gave the portraits to her about 55 years ago because she knew my Mom would take care of them. She told my mother who the 2 people were, but Mama's memory has slipped a little and she can't remember. WELLLLLLLL. The man has a mustache / goattee combination and slicked over hair. I swear to ..............................most anything that the man looks like JJ. I showed the book's print of JJ's portrait to my son and then that portrait belonging to Mama and HE said the samething. My mother doesn't like us telling her it's Jesse James, but the guy looks exactly like the drawing of JJ in the book; except for the mustache / goattee . Has there ever been a drawing / portrait of JJ's wife?

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

lamar said:
Dear Twisted Fork;
Now that you mention it, what is the fascination that the Mormons seem to have with the ancient Hebrews? The only thing I really know about them is that when they come knocking on my door, I consider them to be fair game for an old-fashioned down-home Roman Catholic style conversion. In fact, I keep a sort of *Roman Catholic conversion kit* right by the front door for those kids who actually have the temerity to think that they are about to *enlighten* me. It makes for a fun day all the way around. Could you please expound further on the Hebrew/Mormon connection for me, my friend? I am curious to learn more about this phenomenom.
Your friend;

Sure............Once upon a time, an Italian witch wrote a book and called it the Black Satanic Bible; you know that one? 200 years later, a young hillbilly who drooled over Georgie Washington and the Indian battles, made up his own fantasy book; they used the Black Bible he and his brother stole from the Masonic Palmyra Chapter 12 library, several dime circulation rags on Indian Battles and a known child molester ex/local school teacher and together they re-invented the 200 year old cult already know to Europeans as Modern "Mormonism." Joe the hillbilly told everyone in the forest that the Holy Ghost had left town and that it was all lost. "Now" he said, if you want to see Jesus when you die, you have to go through me cuse God and his Son showed themselves to me up thar on the o'l hill and so there." "And you have to have 7 1/2 wives too, or else." And "I'm going to be President in Wahington just like Georgie and ya know what? All of them savages out there (of Asian decent), well their really the lost tribes of Hebrew Israel" so give me 10 percent of everything you got and plan to get and I will be sure that you yoself will become Jesus on your very own planet and hell doesn't really exist and the Bible is a forgery, so get yo a copy of my new book and you will get laid every night clear into the hereafter; garunteed cause yo is a saint now sucker.

Beyond me why most of the Eastern United States rose up and nearly murder every last one of them. Go figure, son. Now the KGC is a real treasure backed by evidence.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Hey swift..what an exciting adventure. There is nothing like getting out exploring mysteries. The journey is the thing on my mind. Enjoy the search! Thank you for sharing.

I'm glad you took down your pics. And all involved decided on being very conservative in sharing info. There is no need to, and you do not need to prove anything to anybody.

Efforts to get you to prove or defend yourself and baiting and insults.. when no defense is needed and absolutely NO insults were given by you starting out..imho tend to be efforts to find out 1. new information that they can use or..2. find out what you know and location. 3. discourage you completely..or perhaps more importantly - delay you.

That is just my opinion and you know..if opinions were horses we would all be riding. Trust in yourself and your instincts.

Anyone knows that it would be foolish to post all your most important research and findings on a public forum. The crows are gathered. The very nature of the game and the parties involved make such a move questionable.

There is something new under the sun for you to discover..there always is.

So enjoy the journey and stay safe!


Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"


Since you brought it up I recommend a site that appeared on TNet last
March by gldhntr that explains the history of Mormonism. If you take the
time necessary to read the whole piece be prepared to be amazed. Please
do not just give it a just a look for the dirt and come back on here with your preconceptions realized. What is remarkable is the author's tenacity to dig up
every tawdry detail of the founder's young life in a manner that rings true.
Details of the author's background and purpose are freely given, so this is not
some anonymous mudslinger but was one of the writers of the Utah Writers
Project that started before WWII and continued under Roosevelt's WPA.
Look under Treasure Leads for the site.


Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Plausibility is used in fiction. Real life is stranger than fiction.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Cause it's nunya .
Kim ,
You are dead spot on ! Boots on the ground is the adventure . The ability to say "I been there and done that ." Like hunting wildlife . The thrill of the chase is balanced by the end of the hunt .
We have yet to see one poster show us his/her finds from over 4 grand worth(?) of posts , yet we still
get questioned by him/her .
TW ,
We've discussed this before in private . I need say no more .

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Don Jose ,
Did you get my lengthy PM ? I've had no response .

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

I sent one Too Don Jose.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

hehe truckinbutch..

I see you might be building some muscles on this venture too. Make sure you eat your cheerios!

Have fun!

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

I sent one too, Don Jose' ~ ~ ~ ~ ? ? ?

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Truckinbutch, Victorio, and Last leg: Gentlemen, I have been reformatting my computers. Your em's haven't shown up or were accidental deleted. Please send them again my friends. Apologies.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Don Jose':

Thank you but I seem to have forgotten what I asked for. Short-term
memory loss, y'know.

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