Old Time Sayings

From an older(he was old, I mean old, like 40 or something:laughing7:) guy when I was young.....
I'll have to change the words but you'll get the point.

"If you spend your time chasing cats, you won't have any money! If you spend your time chasing/making money the cats will follow!" Or something like that.

The only thing I can figure? He must have owned a cat food factory! Whatever did he mean? :laughing7:

Also grandparents use to say..."simmer down!!!" "Don't make me cut a switch off the tree."

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"Nighty night , don't let the bedbugs bite!"

"The faster I go , the behinder I get!"

I'm Pensilvania Dutch. Lots more sayings I have!

Boy ! I'll kick your azz so hard you will look like you are wearing a turtle neck sweater with TWO cheeks !

Thanks, this thread has brought back memories. I haven’t heard these in years.
I remember the majority of those already posted . Here are a few more that I think you will remember. Some may not be considered ‘sayings’ they may just be adjective phrases, similes, and metaphors and they may not all be word for word correct because… I am older than dirt…

Knock you into next week…..Dumber than a door knob…. Let it go like water off a duck’s back…I’ll be on you like white on rice….Raining cats and dogs…Nervous as a whore in church…One bird in the hand beats two in the bush….Penny wise Pound foolish….Out of the frying pan into the fire…The pot calling the kettle black…Beggars can’t be choosers…..As pure as the driven snow….As fast as greased lightning….Shaking like a leaf on a tree….Old as Methuselah…..Old as the hills….A fool and his money are soon parted….One foot in the grave and the other one dragging….For crying out loud…Straight from the horse's mouth….Bull in a china cabinet….Grinning like the cat that ate the canary…..Quiet as a church mouse….Running around like a chicken with its head cut off….Curiosity killed the cat….Hot as a fire cracker….Knock on wood….Squeakiest wheel gets the grease….He is smart poor and stupid rich…You would poke a sleeping bear…Faster than sh*t thru a goose….Green as grass….Green as a gourd….Green as chicken s**t….Your *ss is grass and I am the mower….Beat like a red headed step child…Meaner than a junk yard dog…Useless as tits on a boar hog…Wolf in sheep’s clothing…Like talking to a brick wall….When hell freezes over and pigs fly….Waste not want not…Pretty as a picture…Purring like a kitten…Naked as a J bird

Thanks for putting up me!! I was on a roll!!

"Don't stick that fork in the toaster boy, you'll 'electrocute yourself."
LAWL! :laughing7:

I knew there was a Chris Titus/Stacey Keach joke in there, somewhere. :laughing7:

and something about a picket fence, ear of corn, and a piney wood rooter :tongue3:
but, I'm from the south, whaddaiknow....... :dontknow: :laughing7:

My Mother used to say, "Don't let the door hit ya where the Lord split ya."

My dad would ALWAYS say about ppl/dogs "acting out"... "THEY NEED WORM MEDICINE!"... heh.

"Piss or git off the pot!"



"It is, what it is..." (looking at Big Foot scat, back in the OLD days in the NW...).

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No news is good news.....
Waste not, want not......
Goin' to hell in a hand basket........
Penny wise, dollar dumb.......
He/she was beaten with an ugly stick.........
Breath so bad it could start the windmills of a 16th century Dutch painting..........
Cold than a witches' tit in a brass bra............
Can't put lipstick on a pig.........
Have your cake and eat it, too........
They are like 2 peas in a pod......
Snug as a bug in a rug.........

This brought back memories and can recall a bunch more, but.......

It's time for me to bring home the bacon.............

My dad used to say he was so mad he could chew nails.......bet I caused him lots of teeth problems. Sorry pops...

"When the sh*t hits the fan, it's best to be in another room."
(Think about it for a minute....)



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