Olber Manifest, and other fables of fantasy

What about me?
Joe, I consider Matthew a friend. I offered my hand in friendship, he took it, and I am not one to easily dissolve a friendship. With that said, I was not around when all this happened and was not hurt by him or the things that passed thru his, Helen's, and the publishers hands. If I were, I certainly would not use TNet as a means to hound or malign a one time friend. I might work to correct posted errors, intentional or not, but that is where it would end, publicly.

Regarding Peter, I don't know the man. I also don't see where there are people attacking you and I have not been contacted in anyway by anyone on Matthew's behalf. I am also not looking to pull you into an argument or to embarrass you among your circle of friends. I have legitimate questions about the document in Helen's book because of the confusion it caused. You were effected by it and I should think that you would want to know what it is that we are looking at. You obviously don't as you now have shared. I don't know either and Helen is not with us to ask so, that leaves the publisher.

I don't know Tom or Bob and have no reason to question their "honesty". I will say that I have found several errors in Tom's work but, since he is repeating (preserving) narratives as they come to him, errors have to be expected. Corrections should also be expected, if not appreciated.


You don't know the personal history involved here. That's to be understood. Nothing wrong with sticking with/by your friends.

Originally Posted by cactusjumper Roy,

It's been said here that Dutchman ore has never been offered for sale and never will be. That may be so, but ore purporting to be from Waltz's mine (box under his bed) has been offered for sale. A necklace said to be made with nuggets from the LDM, and with a good source as it's owner, was offered to me. I have it in writing, and believe the price was $25,000. I would have to look up the letter to confirm that price.

Yet ANOTHER misleading statement. Since several people were known to have possession of Dutchman ore, (gold ore which came from beneath Jacob Waltz's bed when he died), no one person can speak for ALL that ore.
In the context which that statement was made, we were talking specifically of the part of that ore that the "Ring" was made from and only that part of the ore.

The "necklace ore" owned by a lady near Young Arizona, I believe to be authentic Dutchman ore which came from the gold ore James Douglas bought from the Goldman's after they acquired it from Dick Holmes.
That is just my personal opinion.

Matthew K. Roberts

If the statement I made was "misleading", at least it was not a lie. It was also not purposely misleading, as many people do on forums like this.

The accounts of my own involvement in searching for treasure in the Superstition Mountains and my personal history, back to when I was 13-years old is all true. I did serve in Viet Nam for 1-year. There are some things you just don't lie about, and that is especially true with people you profess to be friends with.

I have often mentioned your name in my posts. Some of them good, some not so much. I was ready to leave this all behind me until you posted your crap over on DUSA.....without the backbone to call me by name, same as here. If you want to keep the fire burning, I will post every bit of evidence about you over on the First Amendment Forum.

It's all the same stuff I sent to you and asked you for an explanation. All of it comes from public records. As I told you, I did not want to believe it at first. I looked for other explanations. None are out there, and none are forthcoming from you.

I would prefer to just let it rest. You don't need to correct every post of mine, and I don't need to correct yours either.

Joe Ribaudo

That probably says it all, maybe too much.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

are you kidding hal?....you are the most entertaining clown on here...thanks for the many laughs....you should be on tv

You are welcome and thank you I guess.

So, perhaps now you will return the favor and humor me. Have you ever seen the surveillance video of the Pit Mine being worked? I know that you are connected to just about everyone under the sun out there and thought you might provide some insight. Does it really exist or is it more b.s.? Why was it taken and what became of it?

And the most entertaining question, who shot it?

I got the story second hand from a questionable source with only a first name attached so, I am skeptical.
I read quite a bit about the Pit Mine on TNet but found nothing mentioning a video.

More nonsense?
Thanks Dave.

You are welcome and thank you I guess.

So, perhaps now you will return the favor and humor me. Have you ever seen the surveillance video of the Pit Mine being worked? I know that you are connected to just about everyone under the sun out there and thought you might provide some insight. Does it really exist or is it more b.s.? Why was it taken and what became of it?

And the most entertaining question, who shot it?

I got the story second hand from a questionable source with only a first name attached so, I am skeptical.
I read quite a bit about the Pit Mine on TNet but found nothing mentioning a video.

More nonsense?
Thanks Dave.

hal..if there is such a video nobody around here has heard of it....i'm not saying there isnt one..i just havent heard of one....

You are welcome and thank you I guess.

So, perhaps now you will return the favor and humor me. Have you ever seen the surveillance video of the Pit Mine being worked? I know that you are connected to just about everyone under the sun out there and thought you might provide some insight. Does it really exist or is it more b.s.? Why was it taken and what became of it?

And the most entertaining question, who shot it?

I got the story second hand from a questionable source with only a first name attached so, I am skeptical.
I read quite a bit about the Pit Mine on TNet but found nothing mentioning a video.

More nonsense?
Thanks Dave.


At a guess, the video is probably being confused with the ones of the Feldman's "HEAT" Treasure Trove dig in Roger's Canyon.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

hal..if there is such a video nobody around here has heard of it....i'm not saying there isnt one..i just havent heard of one....

It was an interesting but iffy story when I heard it.

Thanks Dave.

Since everyone's talking about Dutchman Ore, can anyone tell me if it's true the Dutchman said on his deathbed there were other older prospects in the vicinity of his lost mine?

Thanks in advance.


At a guess, the video is probably being confused with the ones of the Feldman's "HEAT" Treasure Trove dig in Roger's Canyon.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

Wasn't that a legitimate dig?

This is allegedly a surveillance video taken by someone documenting a theft.
I haven't seen it, don't trust the source, and I am skeptical.

But, the story is out there.
Honestly, I am not that interested in the Pit Mine but, if a video does exist, I would watch it.

Wasn't that a legitimate dig?

This is allegedly a surveillance video taken by someone documenting a theft.
I haven't seen it, don't trust the source, and I am skeptical.

But, the story is out there.
Honestly, I am not that interested in the Pit Mine but, if a video does exist, I would watch it.


I believe it's the only TT permit ever issued in the SWA, and I have been told it will be the last. No such permit will be issued for any gold mine.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

Quote: >>>I believe it's the only TT permit ever issued in the SWA, and I have been told it will be the last. No such permit will be issued for any gold mine.<<<< End quote

Two different issues. First, TT permit. Thats bagged gold/silver, bullion, coins, bars or any other form of processed valuables. This requires a TT permit.

Second part; gold mine = unprocessed raw gold minerals. This requires a mining claim. Different process.

But I'll make you a bet. If you find the caches I will get the TT permit. ;)

In keeping with the "fables and fantasy" topic.

Where/who is the first source to label Julia Thomas as a mulatto (or mixed race) individual. I have serious doubts that's accurate.


I doubt the video will ever be available for public viewing

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Actually, I was never a Dutch Hunter.....proper. As I have stated many times, I never searched for the LDM on my own. I did participate with my Uncle Chuck in his efforts, as well as Dale Howard, but never on my own. On the other hand, I did research the LDM as well as I could over the years. Now the cave of gold bars was another story altogether, but prior to that, I was a firm believer in Jesuit Treasure.

Too much contrary evidence, found by reading the history of Mexico and the Jesuits over the years to support that hobby. I consider the learning/reading of that history to be the real treasure.

Take care,


Too bad we did not meet twenty years earlier, when you were still actively hunting - of course it might have required looking in a different direction than the Superstitions but perhaps your views would be different now.

You should be living the life of Riley now Joe, heck most guys would kill to have free time to go out fishing, hunting, or just tooling around in your 4WD.

:coffee2: :coffee2:

Too bad we did not meet twenty years earlier, when you were still actively hunting - of course it might have required looking in a different direction than the Superstitions but perhaps your views would be different now.

You should be living the life of Riley now Joe, heck most guys would kill to have free time to go out fishing, hunting, or just tooling around in your 4WD.

:coffee2: :coffee2:


I to wish we had met earlier in life. I started running out of gas.....so to speak, around 2000 but continued my outdoor activities into 2004. I took my last quad ride a few years ago when we met our daughter and son-in-law in Williams and gave them our Toy Hauler Trailer and Quad. Hauled our Wave Runner IIIs back to OK, when my back could no longer take the abuse if the water got at all rough.
They get a lot of good times out of that stuff.

Take care friends, and have a Merry Christmas,

Joe & Carolyn

I found it Hal! Check it out.


Since everyone's talking about Dutchman Ore, can anyone tell me if it's true the Dutchman said on his deathbed there were other older prospects in the vicinity of his lost mine?

Thanks in advance.

I do not recall for certain but think this is not true. Would need to go back over the sources to be sure. :dontknow:

:coffee2: :coffee:

Since everyone's talking about Dutchman Ore, can anyone tell me if it's true the Dutchman said on his deathbed there were other older prospects in the vicinity of his lost mine?

Thanks in advance.

Never heard of that one before either.


The Forest Service does not willingly grant TT Permits in Wilderness Areas. You would have to drag in pictures and video, along with a notarized affidavit from the Pope along with his urine sample.................. or just pay off the right Forest Service Official!?!


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