OI: Tell us your What? Who? And Why? No proof needed here.

Majoring in History...this means that you have taken in an regurgitated someone else's opinion. History is what someone decided what they wanted you to know. The "Truth" is being there and interpreting it yourself. History tells us that Kennedy was killed by Oswald but do you accept that when the evidence point else ware? History tells us that the the Templar Knights were in league with Lucifer, but yet the action of the Crown and Monarchy paint a different picture.
That does explain a lot! :laughing7:

Majoring in History...this means that you have taken in an regurgitated someone else's opinion. History is what someone decided what they wanted you to know. The "Truth" is being there and interpreting it yourself. History tells us that Kennedy was killed by Oswald but do you accept that when the evidence point else ware? History tells us that the the Templar Knights were in league with Lucifer, but yet the action of the Crown and Monarchy paint a different picture.

So right. History tells us that Christopher Columbus came across the ocean without knowing where he was going yet his father in law had already charted these waters. He also had Knight's Templar crosses on his three ships sails. Wonder how they got there? When we are taught about the Pilgrims, the history books do not tell of us of the Adventurers Group that they were indebted to for seven years after they got here. They do not tell us about the other group with them called the "Strangers" The history books do not tell us they were 300 miles off course or four degrees of latitude where they landed? There is so much left out and there is a reason for these, the US Government only teaches us the basics it is left up to the individual to climb above the host at the bottom of the ladder. If not then we only become one of the millions of brain washed followers going no where but to the grave.

treasure1822. You sound like someone I would enjoy talking with. It seems we hold some similar beliefs. I am still learning every day and I hope to continue to learn but it gets annoying when you have no one to share all these discoveries with?

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The Scottish Rite in the United States was formed by a 1801 creation of the Supreme Council in Charleston, South Carolina, Revolutionary hero, Col John Mitchell, as first Sovereign Commander.
DO you know the date when the first Scottish Lodge was established in Washington DC?

Please tell me why it is called the "Scottish Rite"...That is the question, not were it was formed or by whom...

What is the effective depth of Side Scan Sonar in Glacial sediment?

A couple feet. Works better in water.

Ground penetrating radar - maybe 45 ft, to just a foot in silt or high-metalic mineral soil. But to "side-scan" it has to be at about the same depth.

Tectonic sonar - right down to the core in solid rock. Less in clay or silt. That requires a concussion like a pile-driver or explosive charge.

You have an answer for everything but it is only made up stories...
...and you have not filled in the blanks with stories?
I remember a certain CD book that was "fiction based on 99% fact".
I reckon that qualifies as a "made up story", don't you?

Please tell me why it is called the "Scottish Rite"...That is the question, not were it was formed or by whom...
I would, but then you would claim it was just a "regurgitated someone else's opinion", and "history is what someone decided what they wanted you to know". :laughing7:
So please take the role of "someone else" and tell us what you decided what you want us to know.
You do want to go down that road, really! :thumbsup:

... History tells us that Christopher Columbus came across the ocean without knowing where he was going yet his father in law had already charted these waters.
He also had Knight's Templar crosses on his three ships sails.
Wonder how they got there?...
Columbus sailed for Spain financed by Isabella I, Queen Regent of Castile and Ferdinand II, of Aragon, whose armies had finally driven the Moors from the Iberian peninsula.
Being a Christian nation that was supported by the Pope, ALL Spanish ships bore the Holy Cross on their sails, and continued to do so for the next 300 years, AND, had nothing to do with the Knights Templar.
Thank you, Franklin, for providing an example of utilizing actual facts to fabricate a connection to fit one's pet theory.

I love your facts too. It tells me that all you know comes straight off of wikepedia or worn out history books taught by teachers that do not know any better. Blind leading the blind.

Yes as you say a Holy Cross but I say more than a Holy Cross, a Holy Cross that represents the Tree of Life and the Knight's Templar for hundreds of years.

So right. History tells us that Christopher Columbus came across the ocean without knowing where he was going yet his father in law had already charted these waters. He also had Knight's Templar crosses on his three ships sails. Wonder how they got there?

Ive always thought that the crosses on the sails were for insurance .. if they encountered indigenous peoples that had contact with the Templars, they would recognize them as "friends"

I would, but then you would claim it was just a "regurgitated someone else's opinion", and "history is what someone decided what they wanted you to know". :laughing7:
So please take the role of "someone else" and tell us what you decided what you want us to know.
You do want to go down that road, really! :thumbsup:

But the question at hand is it "true"? Oh don't let what I think stop you from saying what's on your mind, you haven't so far. Go ahead and spew out what you have learned in history class on the Scottish Rite Masons.

Please tell me why it is called the "Scottish Rite"...That is the question, not were it was formed or by whom...
Current SR:SJ WAS started in SC, with a 25 Degree(s) System, known as the Order 0f the Royal Secret; MAINLY of FRENCH descent. Some of those degrees WERE incorporated into the current SR:SJ 32 Degree(s); I KNOW, b/c I WAS a 32nd, and did R & I on ORS, for my local Masonic Research Lodge, (AMD - Allied Masonic Degrees); had to be RAM (Royal Arch Mason) to "belong". I was Sovereign Master... :icon_thumleft: :coffee2:

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He also had Knight's Templar crosses on his three ships sails. Wonder how they got there?

lol. OF COARSE they were Templar crosses! It's always the Templars with the pseudo crowd. Seeing that Columbus was Genoese, wouldn't it be more reasonable to assume that they were the Cross of St. George?

Also, I know that it's the Easter weekend, so you probably don't have time to post the photos of all the great finds you have made ... have you posted them elsewhere on this forum? I'd get a real kick out of seeing a photo of the real grail, especially on Easter.

Please tell me why it is called the "Scottish Rite"...That is the question, not were it was formed or by whom...
"Scottish" came from some Masons in England, who went BEYOND the 3rd Degree of the "Blue Lodge" (Master Mason), and called themselves Scotch Masons/Scots Master Mason (1730's); the TRUE facts are FRENCH KNIGHTS (Masons) sent ORS to SC via Stephen Morin, and it "expanded" from there. "Google" HISTORY of the Scottish Rite - Scottish Rite of Freemasonry... it had NOTHING to do with Scotland; It was a Grand Lodge of FRANCE "thing".

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lol. OF COARSE they were Templar crosses! It's always the Templars with the pseudo crowd. Seeing that Columbus was Genoese, wouldn't it be more reasonable to assume that they were the Cross of St. George?

Also, I know that it's the Easter weekend, so you probably don't have time to post the photos of all the great finds you have made ... have you posted them elsewhere on this forum? I'd get a real kick out of seeing a photo of the real grail, especially on Easter.
CC WAS a Knight, with the crosses on his ship sails "reflecting" KNIGHTS OF CHRIST "Order"...

Ive always thought that the crosses on the sails were for insurance .. if they encountered indigenous peoples that had contact with the Templars, they would recognize them as "friends"

"Scottish" came from some Masons in England, who went BEYOND the 3rd Degree of the "Blue Lodge" (Master Mason), and called themselves Scotch Masons/Scots Master Mason(1730's); the TRUE facts are FRENCH KNIGHTS (Masons) sent ORS to SC via Stephen Morin, and it "expanded" from there. "Google" HISTORY of the Scottish Rite - Scottish Rite of Freemasonry... it had NOTHING to do with Scotland; It was a Grand Lodge of FRANCE "thing".
MAYBE, these "High-Degrees" Masons DID love their SCOTCH!

I love your facts too. It tells me that all you know comes straight off of wikepedia or worn out history books taught by teachers that do not know any better. Blind leading the blind...
Worn out history books contain information that can be researched, documented, and confirmed, while not as beguiling as arcane secret conspiracies and esoteric speculation, it does shine illumination on all random facts thrown together used to establish false alternative gossamer histories that evaporate into vapor when confronted will real fact supported evidence.

As for the "blind leading the blind", those who have railed on these threads about teachers and "worn out history books" provide perfect examples of their rejection of real history and their acceptance of any and all tales unsupported by hard factual evidence for fantastic fantasy conspiracy are much more exciting than their perception of dry history...
AND, most importantly, by mixing random unrelated "facts" one can revel in claiming they know "secrets" that you don't.

CC WAS a Knight, with the crosses on his ship sails "reflecting" KNIGHTS OF CHRIST "Order"...
After expelling the Moors from Spain, on March 31, 1492 Ferdinand and Isabella proclaimed that all Jews would be expelled from Spain, giving them 4 months to leave- this was during the INQUISITION.
Many Spanish Jews converted to Christianity, becoming a "converso", or Sephardi Jew, as did Christopher Columbus.
In 12 of his 13 letters that he sent to Ferdinand and Isabella, the top of his letter had the Jewish symbol of greeting, b'erat Hasham "with God's help", and his personal letters were all written in LADINO, a Jewish version of Spanish.
The Spanish ships since the time of Ferdinand and Isabella for the next 300 years had the HOLY CROSS on their sails proclaiming it a Christian nation, and had nothing to do with Columbus being a knight.

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