If you go back and read pages 1 and 2, you will see that Odyssey suspected and alleged that the unknown Salvor (which was likely Swire's Seabed Worker) salvaged the Silver from the Mantola some time between May and September of 2015. However, Odyssey's Salvage Contract with the DfT did not expire until September 15 of 2015. On page 2, information shows that Odyssey found clear proof through AIS that the Swire's Seabed Worker was anchored over the Mantola during this time period (May - Sept. 2015) before Odyssey's contract expired and another Swire Ship visited the area briefly in April 2017 before heading to England.
So April 2017, Swire visited the wreck, and after this, the recovery was brought to the RoW. Isnt June of 2017 quite a while after September 2015? Swire is a very reputable company, and does not need a few dollars from this type of recovery to taint their reputation. Did Odyssey ask Swire for information, or file a contract dispute with Swire on the issue?
Exactly my point. Odyssey suspected there was salvage, so filed an Admiralty Arrest. (after over 6 years of not working the wreck) My opinion, as well as DfT, was that the Arrest was filed as a fishing attempt to gain information, rather than to go to the UK RoW, DfT, or the UK Courts on the contract issue.
How was any of this supposed to be resolved in a US Court on an Admiralty Arrest? Oh, we are filing an arrest on this date, (not giving you all the details) but we want you to figure out what happened over the last 5 years and also, well, a settle a contract dispute....Again, why wasnt this filed in a UK Civil Court as a contract issue?
"The Court finds the law of salvage--to the exclusion of the law of finds--applicable here. The law of finds is inappropriate here because, as discussed above, the property at issue--the Mantola and it's cargo-- is clearly not abandoned."
Didnt Odyssey file the Arrest, stating it had been abandoned? This statement by the Court is interesting, as the Law of Finds does not relate to property that has been abandoned, it is property that one has found, where the owner has NOT abandoned it. (ie, I found your property, and am claiming a salvage fee) If it were abandoned, the Law of Finds is not applicable. The Court statement is not correct.
How did Odyssey maintain continuous possession, when they never had possession in the first place?
I mention the Law of Finds, as it relates to the Contract with the UK Govt. Odyssey was never 'salvor in possession', and simply had contract to claim a salvage fee for whatever they found, hence the Law of Finds. They also had to bring the recovery to the RoW for adjudication, because there is cargo on the vessel that was not covered by War Insurance, again, the Law of Finds.
IF Odyssey had a claim, why not go to the RoW, the DfT, or file a contract dispute with the UK Court system? It is very clear to me why Odyssey did NOT file a claim with the RoW, the DfT, Sire, nor a UK Court.
Instead, they file an Arrest in the US Court and veil the circumstances and known information on the wreck and the recovery. They got what they asked for, they have an Admiralty Arrest on the Mantola, and a letter to the UK Court.
As the contract dispute and circumstances of the recovery have nothing to do with a US Admiralty Arrest, I am certain the UK Court will respond with a simple response, file in the UK Court system.
Ask yourself why, after all of the experience in shipwrecks and Admiralty Arrests, Odyssey chose to file not in a Florida Court, but in different Court...perhaps one that was oblivious to their antics? Again, circumstantial, or just another abuse of the judicial system by Odyssey Marine.
After what Odyssey did to Swire and Deep6, I really, really hope it was that team that did it.