So, since the recovery went to the ROW, why didnt Odyssey go to the ROW with a claim? The DfT had nothing to do with it.
the Judge sent letters on September 21st to the ROW as well as the Dft asking for all information they had in this case. The Hague Convention sets terms for when foreign entities can be asked for information by the courts in their country for use in a civil or criminal proceeding in another country.
Now citing the Hague Convention, and the Judge sent letters...oooh ahhhh....that is a bit laughable, and basically the US Court telling Odyssey to get over it. (we sent a letter)
In this case, the Royal Courts of Justice in the UK can compel the ROW and the Dft to comply with the Judge's request for information. I would expect them to do this, but it may take another month or more.
Why on Earth would you expect them to comply, and on that timeframe? They may reply with, follow our process and contact the ROW per procedures set in place to determine ownership of recoveries, there is no need for a mandate, simply process.
As noted, the DfT is not a party in this, so has absolutely no reason to comply with any request for information, other than to state their ownership claim, and the Court determination that relinquishes ownership. One is certain that the DfT has already filed this in the appropriate places.
As the ROW is in charge of determining ownership of recoveries brought to them, it is very telling that Odyssey has done everything imaginable BUT go to the ROW.
Really, think about this, you have a contract to work a wreck from an owner. You stop working that wreck for 4 years and your contract expires. A year later, you file for ownership of that wreck, based on?
You find out someone else had worked the wreck, becuase a recovery was submitted to the ROW.
You compel the owner of the wreck, whos property you are trying to take away from them, to give details on anything to to with their property.
After a while, the owner wonders why these idiots are spending so much money and time, given the value, and simply say okay, good luck, keep your tin foil.