Obama to Sign U.N. Firearms Treaty Rejected by Senate

People who constantly brag about having something usually dont.:sign10:

Red, say whatever makes you feel better about yourself and your situation. Doesn't bother me in the least. Again do you have the ability to discuss issues or do you just want to stick with personal comments and attacks? It's totally your choice. If you can't discuss on topic you might just want to ignore because constant personal attacks just show poorly on you and no one else. Even my 6 year old knows this?

What does the term "deflecting" mean...
DEFLECTION! 0121stockpicker - I am prepared to play your game (I must admit - I am having fun). So, in an effort to keep this going (you with the same DEFLECTION and me with the same response) I have my "cut-and-paste" ready to be pasted - so, keep it coming!

Hey picker is copying and pasting your own posts part the script you read by.Ive noticed you do that quite often,pretty hilarious if you ask me.:sign10:Me thinks your subconscious is trying to tell you something.

Hey picker is copying and pasting your own posts part the script you read by.Ive noticed you do that quite often,pretty hilarious if you ask me.:sign10:Me thinks your subconscious is trying to tell you something.

Red do you want to discuss issues or just make personal attacks? No of fence but you are the only one that looks bad and uneducated when you do it. Do you realize that or not?

Actually it doesnt make me look bad,it makes you look ridiculous.Think about it.

Stocky I'v just read 4 articles on the U.N treaty and not one mention of the N.R A. So were are you getting your info from ? Onion? In your mind you may be right it has nothing to do with our gun rights But you must be living under a rock or that guy on the old Gico commercials. To think this Administration won't try to do it with one word changed in that treaty. Just because they already admitted they don't (And expect anyone else) to read it. Ask Nancy. Nice try on the frustration thing it doesn't work.

Actually it doesnt make me look bad,it makes you look ridiculous.Think about it.

No, when you insult someone it only make the person doing the insulting look bad. Even my 6 year old knows that one. But then again you prob never learned. Dude, do whatever makes you feel better about yourself. That the important thing. The rest of us will discuss issues. Best to you.

Stocky I'v just read 4 articles on the U.N treaty and not one mention of the N.R A. So were are you getting your info from ? Onion? In your mind you may be right it has nothing to do with our gun rights But you must be living under a rock or that guy on the old Gico commercials. To think this Administration won't try to do it with one word changed in that treaty. Just because they already admitted they don't (And expect anyone else) to read it. Ask Nancy. Nice try on the frustration thing it doesn't work.

So the treaty is not bad but somehow the government will use a global treaty that has nothing to do with domestic individual gun ownership to somehow take away your gun rights.

If this treaty doesn't hurt individuals right who do you think might be hurt by a treaty trying to lessen the global arms trade? The gun manufacturers maybe? Who is the main lobbying group for gun manufacturers.

So the treaty is not bad but somehow the government will use a global treaty that has nothing to do with domestic individual gun ownership to somehow take away your gun rights.

If this treaty doesn't hurt individuals right who do you think might be hurt by a treaty trying to lessen the global arms trade? The gun manufacturers maybe? Who is the main lobbying group for gun manufacturers.

And you might just want to try your google again. Type in UN arms treaty NRA and let us know how many hits you get. And guess what the first few are from the NRA's own website. I'm not critiquing the NRA, they are just doing their job.

Stocky I'v just read 4 articles on the U.N treaty and not one mention of the N.R A. So were are you getting your info from ? Onion? In your mind you may be right it has nothing to do with our gun rights But you must be living under a rock or that guy on the old Gico commercials. To think this Administration won't try to do it with one word changed in that treaty. Just because they already admitted they don't (And expect anyone else) to read it. Ask Nancy. Nice try on the frustration thing it doesn't work.

And hopefully you don't get frustrated and can just carry on a normal conversation. No one is forcing anyone to post, respond etc, etc.

No, when you insult someone it only make the person doing the insulting look bad. Even my 6 year old knows that one. But then again you prob never learned. Dude, do whatever makes you feel better about yourself. That the important thing. The rest of us will discuss issues. Best to you.

Maybe you should of thought (of your words above)of that when you first drew down on me quite a while ago.I very rarely forgive,I never forget.To each his own if you want to take the truth about yourself as an insult.

And yes if you would like a long extensive list of bi or multilateral treaties which have been very successful I'm more than happy to provide.

So is your point that you can't articulate anything specific on why this is bad, you just know that all treaties are bad?

How successful for the American indians were the hundreds of treaties that were negotiated between the American government and the American Indians...... How well did those people fare under the treaties that were to protect their land......?

American bar association?? What agenda would they have. Who do you think are better able to determine the legal ramifications of something ? What better source would you use?

When it affects my rights and freedoms I will not trust the ABA with it.... Anyone who has ever been through divorce knows how much you can trust lawyers........

Maybe you should of thought (of your words above)of that when you first drew down on me quite a while ago.I very rarely forgive,I never forget.To each his own if you want to take the truth about yourself as an insult.

Red, you dont get it. Again, I don't care what you say and do it has absolutely no impact on me what so ever. Its actually kind of funny because you actually think its hurtful or something. Dude this is a chat board!! If you can't or don't know how to hold an intelligent adult conversation than that is fine. It is no skin off my back what so ever. Your like a little kid in the playground getting frustrated because you can't keep up with the bigger kids. So you lash out with name calling etc. im sure if we were face to face you would prob get frustrated and lash out physically like a young child. So whatever you need to do to feel ok about yourself. It's ok by me.

Qver 500 treaties were made with Native American.Over 500 treaties were broken by the U.S gooberment.

Red, you dont get it. Again, I don't care what you say and do it has absolutely no impact on me what so ever. Its actually kind of funny because you actually think its hurtful or something. Dude this is a chat board!! If you can't or don't know how to hold an intelligent adult conversation than that is fine. It is no skin off my back what so ever. Your like a little kid in the playground getting frustrated because you can't keep up with the bigger kids. So you lash out with name calling etc. im sure if we were face to face you would prob get frustrated and lash out physically like a young child. So whatever you need to do to feel ok about yourself. It's ok by me.


When I get my coffee in the morning - I am going to pull this thread up - FANTASTIC READING!
And, the best thing is - we are all friends regardless of our political leaning...

Explain how this does not affect American citizens?

Each State Party Shall establish and Maintain a national control system to regulate the export of munitions to the extent necessary to ensure that national controls on the export of the conventional arms covered by Paragraph a1 (a)-(h) are not circumvented by the export of munitions for those conventional arms.

Each State Party shall establish and maintain a national control system

Each State Party shall establish or update, as appropriate, and maintain a national control list that shall include the items that fall within Paragraph 1 above, as defined on a national basis, based on relevant UN instruments at a minimum. Each State Party shall publish its control list to the extent permitted by national law.

Each State Party shall adopt national legislation or other appropriate national measures regulations and policies as may be necessary to implement the obligations of this Treaty.


This is pure and simple gun control ran by UN it does not recognize individual persons inherent right to keep and bear arms as recognized and enumerated in the United States’ Bill of Rights. If we are against national gun control why do you find it hard to believe we would be opposed to national gun control administered on us by the UN...

No where in the treaty does it recognize the individual persons inherent right to keep and bear arms as recognized and enumerated in the United States Bill of Rights.

Nowhere in the treaty does it guarantee the "individuals right to keep and bear arms", as does our Bill of Rights, only the "states rights (country)" it puts the states above the "individual".... It only recognizes the inherent right of States to “individual and collective” self-defense, that is not the same as our Constitution and Bill of Rights, it places the UN treaty above our Constitution, this want fly with me or any American patriot.....


I am not for surrendering our rights and freedoms guaranteed to us under our Constitution and Bill of Rights to UN control, not sure why that is so hard for you to understand.:dontknow:

You want to surrender your rights and be under UN gun control feel free to pick any of the countries signing the treaty and move there, but don't expect us to blindly follow you....

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Its actually kind of funny as you answered the question yourself. No treaty trumps the constitution or bill of rights?? Never has, never will. Any more questions?

So than who benefits when a treaty which is trying to lessen the number of arms on the global market?

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