Obama to Sign U.N. Firearms Treaty Rejected by Senate

Stock, get off the attack on NRA....
He won't get off the NRA. You want to know why? Because all ObamaSheep have been educated to deflect everything and anything that reflects poorly on President Obama. What Stock is doing is getting us to defend the NRA and therefore get us off of the true problem - President Obama and his dislike for everything the USA stood for before his election.

Typical liberal tactic, shout louder and longer, and then people will finally quit arguing with you.....

Typical liberal tactic, shout louder and longer, and then people will finally quit arguing with you.....

Funny and what would you say about the tactic of just discussing the person instead of the issues. If the discussion turns against you just call someone a liberal or an insult and try and stop the conversation. Does that make these "conservative" tactics???

He won't get off the NRA. You want to know why? Because all ObamaSheep have been educated to deflect everything and anything that reflects poorly on President Obama. What Stock is doing is getting us to defend the NRA and therefore get us off of the true problem - President Obama and his dislike for everything the USA stood for before his election.

The topic of the thread is the arms treaty. My argument that the arms treaty would in no way impact us gun owners rights. Do you want to discuss the issue or not. The ABA did a massive study on the bill and arrived at the same conclusion. All countries of the world save North Korea, Iran, china, Syria, etc sign the treaty. Lets discuss, please by all means.

Nothing to discuss, many of the countries in the UN are openly hostile to the USA, I am completely and totally against the arms treaty and against the UN...... America does not and never should cede any power to power to the UN period.

Article V of the mandates an INTERNATIONAL gun registry imposing new regulations on everything from rifles to handguns to even ammunition!

Article 12 states the registry must include "the quantity, value, model/type, authorized international transfers of conventional arms" and the identity of the "end user."
Iit's not just our federal government that would get a copy. International bureaucrats at the United Nations and foreign governments would have access to the registry as well...

The treaty would violate our rights under our our Bill of Rights......................The treaty is NOT in the best interest of AMERICA or American Citizens!

This is an back door run by Obama and the Democracts on gun control trying to go around the Constiitution and our Bill of Rights to force gun control on America.....

Well they are only fooling theirselves if they think we don't see this for what it really is.....

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Sorry, as an American Patriot I am not ready, willing or able nor will I ever be ready, willing or able to cede my rights under our Constitution and bill of Rights to the UN, nor cede our sovereignty to the UN... There is not a single guarantee spelled out in the Treaty that protects our rights under our Constitution and Bill of Rights

As fas as the ABA, your nuts if you think I will ever buy what they are telling me about the treaty........

Sign this treaty, force our country to be under any UN mandate or UN control and you are calling for a war....

4. National implementation​
Under Article 5, the Arms Trade Treaty requires that Statesparties take measures to implement its provisions and designatecompetent national authorities in order to have an effective andtransparent national control system. This includes taking appropriatemeasures to enforce national laws and regulations that implement​
the provisions of the Treaty.

Article 2
- A. Covered Items
- 1. This Treaty shall apply to all conventional arms within the following categories:
- a. Battle Tanks
- b. Armored combat vehicles
- c. Large-caliber Artillery systems
- d. Combat aircraft
- e. Attack helicopters
- f. Warships
- g. Missiles and missile launchers
- h. Small Arms and Light Weapons

- 2. Each State Party Shall establish and Maintain a national control system to regulate the export of munitions to the extent necessary to ensure that national controls on the export of the conventional arms covered by Paragraph a1 (a)-(h) are not circumvented by the export of munitions for those conventional arms.

- 3. Each State Party shall establish and maintain a national control system to regulate the export of parts and components to the extent necessary to ensure that national controls on the export of the conventional arms covered by Paragraph A1 are not circumvented by the export of parts and components of those items.

- 4. Each State Party shall establish or update, as appropriate, and maintain a national control list that shall include the items that fall within Paragraph 1 above, as defined on a national basis, based on relevant UN instruments at a minimum. Each State Party shall publish its control list to the extent permitted by national law.

- B. Covered Activities
- 1. This Treaty shall apply to those activities of the international trade in conventional arms covered in paragraph a1 above, and set out in Articles 6-10, hereafter referred to as “transfer.”
- 2. This Treaty shall not apply to the international movement of conventional arms by a State Party or its agents for its armed forces or law enforcement authorities operating outside its national territories, provided they remain under the State Party’s ownership.

Article 5
Additional Obligations
Each State Party, when authorizing an export, shall consider taking feasible measures, including joint actions with other States involved in the transfer, to avoid the transferred arms:
being diverted to the illicit market;
be used to commit or facilitate gender-based violence or violence against children;
become subject to corrupt practices; or
adversely impact the development of the recipient State.

Each State Party shall adopt national legislation or other appropriate national measures regulations and policies as may be necessary to implement the obligations of this Treaty.


Sorry, as an American Patriot I am not ready, willing or able nor will I ever be ready, willing or able to cede my rights under our Constitution and bill of Rights to the UN, nor cede our sovereignty to the UN... There is not a single guarantee spelled out in the Treaty that protects our rights under our Constitution and Bill of Rights

As fas as the ABA, your nuts if you think I will ever buy what they are telling me about the treaty........

Sign this treaty, force our country to be under any UN mandate or UN control and you are calling for a war....

4. National implementation
Under Article 5, the Arms Trade Treaty requires that Statesparties take measures to implement its provisions and designatecompetent national authorities in order to have an effective andtransparent national control system. This includes taking appropriatemeasures to enforce national laws and regulations that implement
the provisions of the Treaty.

Article 2
- A. Covered Items
- 1. This Treaty shall apply to all conventional arms within the following categories:
- a. Battle Tanks
- b. Armored combat vehicles
- c. Large-caliber Artillery systems
- d. Combat aircraft
- e. Attack helicopters
- f. Warships
- g. Missiles and missile launchers
- h. Small Arms and Light Weapons

- 2. Each State Party Shall establish and Maintain a national control system to regulate the export of munitions to the extent necessary to ensure that national controls on the export of the conventional arms covered by Paragraph a1 (a)-(h) are not circumvented by the export of munitions for those conventional arms.

- 3. Each State Party shall establish and maintain a national control system to regulate the export of parts and components to the extent necessary to ensure that national controls on the export of the conventional arms covered by Paragraph A1 are not circumvented by the export of parts and components of those items.

- 4. Each State Party shall establish or update, as appropriate, and maintain a national control list that shall include the items that fall within Paragraph 1 above, as defined on a national basis, based on relevant UN instruments at a minimum. Each State Party shall publish its control list to the extent permitted by national law.

- B. Covered Activities
- 1. This Treaty shall apply to those activities of the international trade in conventional arms covered in paragraph a1 above, and set out in Articles 6-10, hereafter referred to as “transfer.”
- 2. This Treaty shall not apply to the international movement of conventional arms by a State Party or its agents for its armed forces or law enforcement authorities operating outside its national territories, provided they remain under the State Party’s ownership.

Article 5
Additional Obligations
Each State Party, when authorizing an export, shall consider taking feasible measures, including joint actions with other States involved in the transfer, to avoid the transferred arms:
being diverted to the illicit market;
be used to commit or facilitate gender-based violence or violence against children;
become subject to corrupt practices; or
adversely impact the development of the recipient State.

Each State Party shall adopt national legislation or other appropriate national measures regulations and policies as may be necessary to implement the obligations of this Treaty.

American bar association?? What agenda would they have. Who do you think are better able to determine the legal ramifications of something ? What better source would you use?

As stated I am adamantly opposed to the UN Small Arms Treaty and for the reasons I stated........ It is an attack on our Constitution, it's Bill of Rights and on the Sovereignty of The United States of America.... We don't surrender our rights or sovereignty under ANY source......

As stated I am adamantly opposed to the UN Small Arms Treaty and for the reasons I stated........ It is an attack on our Constitution, it's Bill of Rights and on the Sovereignty of The United States of America.... We don't surrender our rights or sovereignty under ANY source......

But the ABA says your argument is incorrect and no offense but I think they know a little bit more about laws and rights than you do. You can believe anything you want but that doesn't make it true. Lots of folks believe in little green men too.

The topic of the thread is the arms treaty...
Well - like I said before - President Obama went right along with the UN - why you insist on bringing up the NRA is just a deflection - the problem is President Obama willing to give up our rights (regardless of how small YOU feel they are). OK - shoot back with this and that and NRA and this and that - keep deflecting.

Well - like I said before - President Obama went right along with the UN - why you insist on bringing up the NRA is just a deflection - the problem is President Obama willing to give up our rights (regardless of how small YOU feel they are). OK - shoot back with this and that and NRA and this and that - keep deflecting.

"Deflecting"? Not sure what you mean by that. What does the arms treaty have to do with AMERICAN rights? You have the American legal trade group coming right out and saying that it is not the case?


'Life isn't like a bowl
of cherries or peaches,
it's more like a jar of Jalapenos--
what you say today,
might burn your ass tomorrow......'


Actually I think life is pretty good, I'm sorry if it has not been for you. Not sure what your comment has to do with an arms treaty - but best of luck to you.

Actually I think life is pretty good, I'm sorry if it has not been for you. Not sure what your comment has to do with an arms treaty - but best of luck to you.

You really believe the word Treaty and U.S Government together can be trusted? Read a little history or are you one of those Ivy league rs who never played Cowboy and INDIANS.

I see by this thread and others you base us middle class people by the amount of wealth we have. Bragging about your $$$ has no impression on me.

You really believe the word Treaty and U.S Government together can be trusted? Read a little history or are you one of those Ivy league rs who never played Cowboy and INDIANS.

I see by this thread and others you base us middle class people by the amount of wealth we have. Bragging about your $$$ has no impression on me.

Not sure who I am, how much money I have or where I was educated has anything to do with the topic? Would you like to ask me a bunch of personal questions - feel free. Maybe you can start up an ask picker thread. In a discussion points stand on there own regardless if who is saying or asking.

And yes if you would like a long extensive list of bi or multilateral treaties which have been very successful I'm more than happy to provide.

So is your point that you can't articulate anything specific on why this is bad, you just know that all treaties are bad?

You really believe the word Treaty and U.S Government together can be trusted? Read a little history or are you one of those Ivy league rs who never played Cowboy and INDIANS.

I see by this thread and others you base us middle class people by the amount of wealth we have. Bragging about your $$$ has no impression on me.

When people get frustrated in conversation they quickly resort to name calling, personal attacks, etc, etc. it's human nature I guess.

"Deflecting"? Not sure what you mean by that. What does the arms treaty have to do with AMERICAN rights? You have the American legal trade group coming right out and saying that it is not the case?
DEFLECTION! It never ends with you! Now, start another thread that supports the Obama Administration.

DEFLECTION! It never ends with you! Now, start another thread that supports the Obama Administration.

What does the term "deflecting" mean. A little something you made up so you never have to actually made a point?

I stated that the UN arms treaty has nothing to do with domestic gun rights.

You were going to provide proof that it did in fact impact gun owners rights.

Pure and simple.

I see by this thread and others you base us middle class people by the amount of wealth we have. Bragging about your $$$ has no impression on me.

People who constantly brag about having something usually dont.:sign10:

Not sure who I am, how much money I have or where I was educated has anything to do with the topic? Would you like to ask me a bunch of personal questions - feel free. Maybe you can start up an ask picker thread. In a discussion points stand on there own regardless if who is saying or asking.

And yes if you would like a long extensive list of bi or multilateral treaties which have been very successful I'm more than happy to provide.

So is your point that you can't articulate anything specific on why this is bad, you just know that all treaties are bad?

Ok stock I'll play, give me the list but compare it to the ones that failed . And lets just include the ones our Government signed leave out the other players. And please don't give it twice. Thank you.

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