Now as I just read above you are well versed in definitions, however you put medicare and medicaid as the same. clearly they are not! I am one of the ones who receive Social Security benifits as I was a police officer was injuried in the line of duty! Now let me make it clear I WAS FORCED BY LAW TO PAY INTO SOCIAL SECURITY! Therefore when I can no longer work because I was PROTECTING YOU, well yes I'm due to receive BACK what I paid! Now for Medicare, yes I receive it, BUT I have to PAY FOR IT with options to have hospital or doctor or drug coverage or any of the above, but I pay! Now for MEDICAID it is given to people who have NEVER worked enough to receive Social Security and therefore medicare, and guess what....MEDICAID IS FREE!!!! DOCTOR, HOSPITAL, AND DRUGS ARE FREE!!! Then there is SSI, what is that you ask,,,well it is for the people who have NOT WORKED enough in their pitiful lives to receive SS, so the gov. gives them money from SS!!!It really ticks me off when people lump the two very different programs together...It's kinda like saying winter and summer are the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!