Nugent nails it

Ted Rocks! I totally agree with everything he said. I personally, am sick to death of the tolerance we, as a nation, give to criminals. These people do nothing but prey on the innocent.
I, for one, do not believe in a life sentence. If an animal has committed crimes that are heinous enough for this person to be deemed a threat to society, beyond redemption (which would equate to a life sentence in prison), then this person is worthless to society. He/She has no right to drain financial resources that should go to education, social security, or any number of other valuable services. There have been times in my past when I struggled to feed my kids, but my tax dollars got taken every payday to ensure that Lifers got three meals a day.
Back in the day, you got stretched for stealing a horse. We have moved way to far the the other way. My opinion... A box of bullets is cheap..No More Life Sentences.

And then I see and article like this one and I truly can't believe it.

This is from a news story in Ca. Oct.2012.

" A California man retaliated after an alleged burglar shot him in the head — and got sued for it.

Samuel Cutrufelli, 31, allegedly broke into 90-year-old Jay Leone's house and shot him in the jaw. Leone fired back at Cutrufelli, who is now bringing a lawsuit against Leone for shooting him "negligently."

Really????? It is unbelievable to me that we, as a society are moving down this path. What is happening?????

I believe that the 2nd Amendment is our license to protect our families, and you can bet that if anyone broke into my home, they would get up close and personal with my 2nd Amendment Rights.


Nominate Teddy as POSTER BOY for 2nd Amendment Rights "movement".

Ted Rocks! I totally agree with everything he said. I personally, am sick to death of the tolerance we, as a nation, give to criminals. These people do nothing but prey on the innocent.
I, for one, do not believe in a life sentence. If an animal has committed crimes that are heinous enough for this person to be deemed a threat to society, beyond redemption (which would equate to a life sentence in prison), then this person is worthless to society. He/She has no right to drain financial resources that should go to education, social security, or any number of other valuable services. There have been times in my past when I struggled to feed my kids, but my tax dollars got taken every payday to ensure that Lifers got three meals a day.
Back in the day, you got stretched for stealing a horse. We have moved way to far the the other way. My opinion... A box of bullets is cheap..No More Life Sentences.

And then I see and article like this one and I truly can't believe it.

This is from a news story in Ca. Oct.2012.

" A California man retaliated after an alleged burglar shot him in the head — and got sued for it.

Samuel Cutrufelli, 31, allegedly broke into 90-year-old Jay Leone's house and shot him in the jaw. Leone fired back at Cutrufelli, who is now bringing a lawsuit against Leone for shooting him "negligently."

Really????? It is unbelievable to me that we, as a society are moving down this path. What is happening?????

I believe that the 2nd Amendment is our license to protect our families, and you can bet that if anyone broke into my home, they would get up close and personal with my 2nd Amendment Rights.


Whats happening is the liberals are hijacking peoples free thoughts...

The "scared straight " programs have been shown to be effective, I think forcing juvenile delinquents and 1st time offenders to view the final result of the path they are on live as it were would convince some to choose a different path..

There is also the cost to the taxpayers to provide fee room and board and medical care to consider, although I will admit the chance someone was wrongly convicted is a strong argument for life sentences...

We had kids in our "Max", for Scared Straight... DID/DOES not work. Virginia concluded that EDUCATION was better... DUNNO.

You've got to love Uncle Ted.

Sorry we're getting off Topic of Gun control here,
but there used to be Public hangings,
& the fact there was more then one
Proves they don't stop crimes.

they stop the person who committed the crime from committing another,
but so would life in box

Not exactly!!! I remember in 1985 where an ecasped convicted murderer killed a NC State Trooper, now if he had been put to death he could not have escaped!!!!!!!!!!

And the Sheriff asked me why I shot him six times? I replied "because it klicked on number 7"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dieselram94 said:
Whats happening is the liberals are hijacking peoples free thoughts...

When the patriot act was enacted was that liberals highjacking your free thought?

The UN (which most gun owners despise) is using the recent Sandy Hook shooting as a springboard for a reintroduction of their failed international Small Arms Treaty:

"European and other U.N. delegates who support the arms trade treaty told Reuters on condition of anonymity they hoped Newtown would boost support for the convention in the United States, where gun control is an explosive political issue."

"Newtown has opened the debate within the United States on weapons controls in ways that it has not been opened in the past," Abramson said, adding that "the conversation within the U.S. will give the (Obama) administration more leeway."

The UN has always claimed that their small arms treaty would NOT restrict private gun ownership in the U.S., and that it only deals with the international trade of illicit arms. Yet, they try to use gun control actions in the face of Sandy Hook as a rationale for reopening negotiations? They can't have it both ways. Either they are trying to tie the treaty to domestic gun ownership in the U.S, or they aren't. Will our government sign on to an international agreement to restrict private gun ownership on top of Feinstein's gun grab bill?
To put this in the most basic terms: registration and restriction equals revolution. Count on it. It is not a matter of what we "want", it is a matter of what is necessary. Without a citizenry armed with weapons of military application, we lose our last deterrent to tyranny, and thus, we lose everything. When backed into a corner, a victim has two options: he can lie down and die, or, he can fight regardless of the odds. Sadly, this is where we are in America; fear, servitude, subservience, or civil war.

Let us hope our weapons are never needed --but do not forget what the common people knew when they demanded the Bill of Rights: An armed citizenry is the first defense, the best defense, and the final defense against tyranny. If guns are outlawed, only the government will have guns. Only the police, the secret police, the military, the hired servants of our rulers. Only the government -- and a few outlaws. I intend to be among the outlaws - Edward Abbey

Guest Post: Feinstein's Gun Control Bill Will Trigger The Next American Revolution | Zero Hedge

Fear mongering by BIG BIG gun and their toadies the NRA. This proposed treaty deals only with large scale international gun trade. Of which the us accounts for 40 percent so of course big gun opposes. Has absolutely nothing to do with individual citizens buying a gun. Look at the list of those who oppose the bill - they are all repressive government. Or big arms exporters.

More fear mongering equals more gun sales and more money to the NRA. Don't get used to line their wealthy pockets. Best.

"I have heard it argued that Americans are passive. We didn’t rise up against the last Assault Weapons Ban. We didn’t rise up against the Patriot Act. We didn’t rise up against TSA molestation. We didn’t rise up against warrantless wiretapping, the assassination of U.S. citizens, or even the NDAA. The people who make this point, though, are not looking at the larger issue. It is one thing for our government to pass legislation; the wider application of that legislation on our streets and at our doorsteps is another matter.

Feinstein’s bill is unprecedented in the history of this country, and requires widespread enforcement in every town and hamlet in order to be effective. The way in which it is designed makes a violent response from the public inevitable. It reaches far beyond the Assault Weapons Ban of the 1990’s, calling for the creation of a massive database of almost all gun owners in the United States. This database will require citizens to submit their EXISTING firearms to cataloging, and the owners to be filed and fingerprinted like criminals.

The bill will ban the outright the sale, manufacture, and transfer of at least 120 models of firearms (which have not yet been named). It will ban the manufacture and sale of most if not all semi-automatic rifles and the bill specifically targets handguns as well. Large capacity mags and mag fed weapons will essentially disappear from gun stores. Though, those guns designated as “hunting rifles” will be exempt (for now).

Feinstein has also openly agreed with NY Governor Andrew Cuomo that government buy back programs (forced selling of firearms at a reduced price) and even physical confiscations are on the table:"
Sen. Feinstein suggests national buyback of guns |
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Says Gun "Confiscation Could be an Option"

Guest Post: Feinstein's Gun Control Bill Will Trigger The Next American Revolution | Zero Hedge

"So, when a U.S. official says they won’t accept a UN small arms treaty that infringes on your right to bear arms, you should know that such a promise is meaningless, since they don’t think you have a right to keep any firearms unless they say you can, and according to their own magic criteria of what is acceptable or not. And certainly, they don’t see military pattern semi-automatic rifles as being covered by the Second Amendment at all. Nor do they see magazines over 10 rounds as being covered."
Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » UN Delegates Hope that Newtown Shooting Will Help them Pass Small Arms Treaty

"I have heard it argued that Americans are passive. We didn’t rise up against the last Assault Weapons Ban. We didn’t rise up against the Patriot Act. We didn’t rise up against TSA molestation. We didn’t rise up against warrantless wiretapping, the assassination of U.S. citizens, or even the NDAA. The people who make this point, though, are not looking at the larger issue. It is one thing for our government to pass legislation; the wider application of that legislation on our streets and at our doorsteps is another matter.

Feinstein’s bill is unprecedented in the history of this country, and requires widespread enforcement in every town and hamlet in order to be effective. The way in which it is designed makes a violent response from the public inevitable. It reaches far beyond the Assault Weapons Ban of the 1990’s, calling for the creation of a massive database of almost all gun owners in the United States. This database will require citizens to submit their EXISTING firearms to cataloging, and the owners to be filed and fingerprinted like criminals.

The bill will ban the outright the sale, manufacture, and transfer of at least 120 models of firearms (which have not yet been named). It will ban the manufacture and sale of most if not all semi-automatic rifles and the bill specifically targets handguns as well. Large capacity mags and mag fed weapons will essentially disappear from gun stores. Though, those guns designated as “hunting rifles” will be exempt (for now).

Feinstein has also openly agreed with NY Governor Andrew Cuomo that government buy back programs (forced selling of firearms at a reduced price) and even physical confiscations are on the table:"
Sen. Feinstein suggests national buyback of guns |
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Says Gun "Confiscation Could be an Option"

Guest Post: Feinstein's Gun Control Bill Will Trigger The Next American Revolution | Zero Hedge

"So, when a U.S. official says they won’t accept a UN small arms treaty that infringes on your right to bear arms, you should know that such a promise is meaningless, since they don’t think you have a right to keep any firearms unless they say you can, and according to their own magic criteria of what is acceptable or not. And certainly, they don’t see military pattern semi-automatic rifles as being covered by the Second Amendment at all. Nor do they see magazines over 10 rounds as being covered."
Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » UN Delegates Hope that Newtown Shooting Will Help them Pass Small Arms Treaty

I'd like to see her come to my door to "buy" my guns!!!

Is Teddy a LIBERAL...? NOPE;

HE sezs he is a MODERATE; screams like CONSERVATIVE. On board of NRA... HA! A former "ROCKER"...? Cat Scratch Fever... WONDERFUL song.

Yes and what a lot of people don't know an alcohol and drug free ROCKER all his life, In fact he has been a SWORN LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER most of his life!!! Rock On My Bloodbrother!!!!

Yes and what a lot of people don't know an alcohol and drug free ROCKER all his life, In fact he has been a SWORN LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER most of his life!!! Rock On My Bloodbrother!!!!

Your correct Sackett, people think he is a druggie, but Teddy is drug free his whole life which is good because he was wild enough to shoot at in his early carieer.........

LIBERALS, LIBERALS, LIBERALS! Founding Fathers were LIBERALS according to the Royal Government (aka BRITS).

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