NSA Declassified Documents Beale Papers

THOMAS Morris...?

Thomas Morris is the father of Robert Morris of Lynchburg. He died while doing work for the Continental Congress at an early age about 29, I believe. And yes he was one half brother to Robert Morris that signed the DOI as they had the same father but different mothers. I have all of this as documented proof. So you can look it all up if you want to but I know it is the truth.

They never intended for anyone to find it and give it to the families....

They intended for somebody to return to VA to claim the trove and fuel the second civil war

Taking it to pay for mercenary forces under Military command to move into the Black Hills.

Red Knee......Wounded Knee.....

This is where your timeline of American History never matches up to the affairs of the OAK and KGC.....they did what they wanted, and they were the creators of the plans, had the original "Black Budget" funds, created the fronts and motives and brainwashed their operatives, with hopes of gold and jewels, ready and hell bent on taking over America for their own affairs.

Now you think the Confederate Flag fell because of a nutjob kid who killed off members of his own Congregation?

Seems that we need a parallel comparison of the timelines of actual affairs to see if MAYBE, POSSIBLY, and WHAT IF..........there was and still is a major operation going on.

Bet you a nickel there is.


Thomas Morris is the father of Robert Morris of Lynchburg. He died while doing work for the Continental Congress at an early age about 29, I believe. And yes he was one half brother to Robert Morris that signed the DOI as they had the same father but different mothers. I have all of this as documented proof. So you can look it all up if you want to but I know it is the truth.

The "History" is the illusion......which you are usin
Of course it is, Eldo, if you say so.
Like Strawberry Fields, where nothing is real,
...and nothing to get hung about. 8-)

Of course it is, Eldo, if you say so.
Like Strawberry Fields, where nothing is real,
...and nothing to get hung about. 8-)

You wanna describe your fears about why you wouldn't invest a dime in it?

The Apache Nation are as is the Spanish Embassy, and the Goldfield Ghost Town will gladly accept the tours to the fabled Lost Dutchman......a high saddle that only real Cowboy's know about.....

Left for a Dark Skinned man......who wont be worried about being hung, thanks.....

You would put down 1.00 back then I'm sure,

'A sucker born every minute' is more of a phrase I attribute to the Gold Bug going on here.....

Got that itch and gonna scratch it....

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In the past couple of days I have posted the parents of Sarah Mitchell and her brother. I have posted the parents of Robert Morris. No other researcher has posted or even found this information. That is the kind of post we need on this forum information that is real and is not spoken in parables or riddles. That is the only way this mystery is going to be solved. Riddles we have plenty of documented facts is what we need.

In the past couple of days I have posted the parents of Sarah Mitchell and her brother. I have posted the parents of Robert Morris. No other researcher has posted or even found this information. That is the kind of post we need on this forum information that is real and is not spoken in parables or riddles. That is the only way this mystery is going to be solved. Riddles we have plenty of documented facts is what we need.

I also found that info on the family of Robert Morriss, but I didn't know about Sarah's parents.

Who wants MORE facts...? FACTS: wife & I went to Bedford City/County Museum in the old Masonic Lodge Hall, next to the courthouse, YESTERDAY! FACTS: NOTHING found on "JB" Risque or his Hunter's Hill Plantation; NOTHING found on "JB" Ward & family (burial sire, etc.); NOTHING found on Sarah Mitchell or Family Cemetery, nor Robert Morris/Morriss. Campbell County MAY be next... dunno. Rustburg, Va.; LOL!

I also found that info on the family of Robert Morriss, but I didn't know about Sarah's parents.

Did you also find the names of the three sisters and half sister and mother of Robert Morris? Have you found all the nieces and nephews of Robert Morris and the connection of Robert Morris to the Piggly Wiggly Food Chain that someone mentioned there was no connection to the JBW Family therefore no connection to Robert Morris. Did you find that connection to calm the waves of skepticism.

Who wants MORE facts...? FACTS: wife & I went to Bedford City/County Museum in the old Masonic Lodge Hall, next to the courthouse, YESTERDAY! FACTS: NOTHING found on "JB" Risque or his Hunter's Hill Plantation; NOTHING found on "JB" Ward & family (burial sire, etc.); NOTHING found on Sarah Mitchell or Family Cemetery, nor Robert Morris/Morriss. Campbell County MAY be next... dunno. Rustburg, Va.; LOL!

Instead of going to Rustburg, I believe a visit to the City Records Office would be a most prudent move.

Did you also find the names of the three sisters and half sister and mother of Robert Morris? Have you found all the nieces and nephews of Robert Morris and the connection of Robert Morris to the Piggly Wiggly Food Chain that someone mentioned there was no connection to the JBW Family therefore no connection to Robert Morris. Did you find that connection to calm the waves of skepticism.

I have names of many of his family members, but what I was researching at the time was his relation to the Robert Morris who signed the DOI. Interesting family.

... Have you found all the nieces and nephews of Robert Morris and the connection of Robert Morris to the Piggly Wiggly Food Chain that someone mentioned there was no connection to the JBW Family therefore no connection to Robert Morris...
Does Clarence C Saunders and the Piggly Wiggly grocery chain have any bearing on the Beale Papers?
...or is this just another unrelated bit of information that has nothing to do with the Beale story or the creation, copyrighting, publishing , sale of the 1885 Beale papers?

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It has something to do with this forum when you come right out and said that they were not kin when they are and you just can't or won't look for the answers. i don't like anyone that keeps saying everyone is wrong, everyone has disinformation and the story is just a hoax. Just let us carry on with our research and talk. You have nothing to say about any thing as you already claim it is a dime novel, it is fiction, it is a story made up. So why don't you let us that are trying to find information and facts alone to our business.

It has something to do with this forum when you come right out and said that they were not kin when they are and you just can't or won't look for the answers...
You stated on February 17, 2017 ("the son of his niece that started Piggly Wiggly" referring to Ward), that Clarence C Saunders's mother was the niece of James Beverly Ward, but the above genealogy of Clarence C Saunders shows that Mary Gregory was his mother, and she was NOT the niece of J B Ward.
Now Ward's wife, Harriet's sister, Sarah Ann Otey, did marry Samuel Saunders, but if related to Clarence C Saunders or his father, Abram Warwick Saunders, it would be distant.
Now you are stating a connection to Robert Morriss of Ward's Beale story(whose niece do you mean)...
...but still, Saunders genealogy is NOT germane to anything related to the Beale Papers or ciphers.
In all reality, it adds nothing to the Beale discussion but a curious sidebar.

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You stated on February 17, 2017 ("the son of his niece that started Piggly Wiggly" referring to Ward), that Clarence C Saunders's mother was the niece of James Beverly Ward, but the above genealogy of Clarence C Saunders shows that Mary Gregory was his mother, and she was NOT the niece of J B Ward.
Now Ward's wife, Harriet's sister, Sarah Ann Otey, did marry Samuel Saunders, but if related to Clarence C Saunders or his father, Abram Warwick Saunders, it would be distant.
Now you are stating a connection to Robert Morriss of Ward's Beale story(whose niece do you mean)...
...but still, Saunders genealogy is NOT germane to anything related to the Beale Papers or ciphers.
In all reality, it adds nothing to the Beale discussion but a curious sidebar.

You need to check the paternal side of the family instead of the maternal you may find what you need. But according to you nothing pertains to the Beale Papers because you want out right proof. You are not going to find the proof until you check out all of the angles not just wanting to eat a whole cow at one time, first you have to chop it up into little bitty pieces.

On Old Silver's ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE thread #177 February 17, 2017, you stated it was the son of Ward's niece who started Piggly Wiggly, now its Robert Morriss's niece.
Please clarify and expound on how it relate to Beale Papers, you did, after all, introduce this information to the discussion.

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On Old Silver's ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE thread #177 February 17, 2017, you stated it was the son of Ward's niece who started Piggly Wiggly, now its Robert Morriss's niece.
Please clarify and expound on how it relate to Beale Papers, you did, after all, introduce this information to the discussion.

You are a confused man. If Sarah Mitchell Morris is the aunt of James Beverly Ward's wife and if Robert Morris' niece that he stayed with does that not make them first cousins to each other. Now if that niece has a son does not that make James Beverly Ward their uncle. And if James Beverly Ward is his nieces' son's uncle then would he not be a great uncle of Clarence that started Piggly Wiggly.

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