What should be obvious to everyone by now is the simple fact that you have someone who has claimed to have already solved the mystery, yet this same person is, and has been, actively pursuing recruits to help him solve the mystery. Too funny....:laughing7:

Look, theories are a great thing, but when theories turn into premature solves then they only introduce more of the same type of speculation and clutter that serve to hide what few facts there really are. They become a detriment in the search for the truth, not a credible remedy.

What should be obvious to everyone by now is the simple fact that you have someone who has claimed to have already solved the mystery, yet this same person is, and has been, actively pursuing recruits to help him solve the mystery. Too funny....:laughing7:

Look, theories are a great thing, but when theories turn into premature solves then they only introduce more of the same type of speculation and clutter that serve to hide what few facts there really are. They become a detriment in the search for the truth, not a credible remedy.
"Theories"...? Even YOU did THAT! After 25 + years, YOU had LOTS of "theories"; "French Connections" was a WHOPPER!

"Theories"...? Even YOU did THAT! After 25 + years, YOU had LOTS of "theories"; "French Connections" was a WHOPPER!
That's true Reb, differences is,
A) "I learned from those experiences." That's why they remain just, "theories."
B) I never claimed to have accurately solved the ciphers even after having "generated/manufactured" solutions.
C) I understand the illusion factor and just how easy it is to start believing in those self-inflicted illusions.

Like I said, nothing wrong with theories, "theories" are a great thing. But one must remember that they're just theories and not accurate solves. Big difference! :thumbsup:

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... Here's further substantiation, the post with the hidden narrative within the first three Sonnets. Your cadre spoke not one mention of this clear and present "provenance" of a Shakespeare Code...
What about the codes hidden in Chaucer's "CANTERBURY TALES" that reveal the locations of the Knights Templar treasure by way of a pilgrimage?
"The Franklin's Tale" and "The Wife of Bath's Tale" is said to contain a code that provides an inventory, while "The Knight's Tale" provides star reading directions, and it is claimed that "The Miller's Tale" will at first turn a face just ghostly turn a whiter shade of pale. :icon_pale:

What about the codes hidden in Chaucer's "CANTERBURY TALES" that reveal the locations of the Knights Templar treasure by way of a pilgrimage?
"The Franklin's Tale" and "The Wife of Bath's Tale" is said to contain a code that provides an inventory, while "The Knight's Tale" provides star reading directions, and it is claimed that "The Miller's Tale" will at first turn a face just ghostly turn a whiter shade of pale. :icon_pale:

Legrand, I can see where you could be on to something really wonderful. But, as I PM'd you, your research will depend on some other circumstances that have not been proven yet. At least I know I have not proven anything yet. Who really knows, Justintime, may be on to something great also. We all three seem to be traveling down the same road. I can see you and Justintime just perceptible in the far distance ahead of me but I tend to catch up quickly. Maybe we three will have to work together to solve this mystery?

Wonderful post, Franklin. Your expertise is very valuable and recognizing the validity in Amundsen's work is brilliant. You can be on my team any day. Which leads me to this: "we" do not work together to "solve this mystery"...the mystery is solved. What "we" are doing is corroborating together to establish the facts, compartmentalize, analyze and study these facts for further "announcement" outside of our group. The "Bigscoop" will say there is no "factual solve"...but he does not know this, and won't know this, as he is not privy to Truth...he is not a judge of any Beale solve. He is not a judge of you nor I.

This post is still active and unanswered:

Originally Posted by legrand

An individual writing what you did is perfect example of a person who is disgruntled at a present situation. "Because it never existed..."? Bigscoop, you do not know this to be fact. You do not know what I have not revealed yet; however, you continue (with your sidekick) to, I can't think of a better word, desperately try to dismantle what you do not know. This reeks of agenda that is as diabolical as, well...I won't say. You don't make a joke out of what I've written; the joke is on you. "Stalled" is not the best word..."waiting" is the best word. Franklin is a good example here, he, on his own volition, saw the value in what is happening on this thread. He is a gentleman and a scholar. You're losing ground, man. Here's further substantiation, the post with the hidden narrative within the first three Sonnets. Your cadre spoke not one mention of this clear and present "provenance" of a Shakespeare Code. Back atcha.

We're not talking about any coded text except the first three Sonnets. Write a short paragraph of what the alternate text means; show the readers here that you address issues.

I don't mind ping pong, Bigscoop. You'll always have the last (non) word. You're like a bot. Won't keep up with that.

Legrand, I can see where you could be on to something really wonderful. But, as I PM'd you, your research will depend on some other circumstances that have not been proven yet. At least I know I have not proven anything yet. Who really knows, Justintime, may be on to something great also. We all three seem to be traveling down the same road. I can see you and Justintime just perceptible in the far distance ahead of me but I tend to catch up quickly. Maybe we three will have to work together to solve this mystery?

And yet it has already been solved....:laughing7:.....sure it has. It's always this way, isn't it. People looking for the truth without ever even making sure beforehand that that speculated truth really exist. Then those claims are always reduced to all of the language in bold above. Always! :laughing7: Talk about robots!

Everything is questionable and debative.
I still like their work and I will continue to study it...
Marie Bauer Hall and Petter Amundsen are pioneers in a new field of study...
...called the fabrication of history for profit.
Now that Legrand has brought Amundsen into the Beale perilous adventure treasure dime novel discussion, what does this, as well as Marie Bauer Hall, have to do with the Beale narrative text story, ciphers, or James Beverly Ward?

Look, there is obviously something wrong when someone goes onto public forum with a claim of accurate solve and solution and then he proceeds to only post quotes, unrelated pictures, and the works of others while trying to recruit followers to "help him figure it all out." Enough said. Game Over. Period! :icon_thumright: All else is just pointless and meaningless chatter.

We will see when we get further down the road.

I've watched the 3 Admunsen videos twice now, and thought they were very interesting to say the least. The last time I saw something this interesting was from "The Tomb of God" by Richard Andrews and Paul Schellenberger. Admunsen also correlates the sculpture of Et in Arcadia ego from a painting by Nicolas Poussin as did Richard Andrews and Paul Schellenberger. This lead both Richard and Paul to a mountain in France. Admunsen's masonic drawing shows the center as "G" and is "I am". "I am" is the Wain constellation, the Wain constellation is the Big Dipper, 7 stars. "I am" is the Big Dipper. Does this mean the Big Dipper goes by another name, such as the Cup of Christ, the Holy Grail, hidden in plain sight? I would like to know, on Earth, where "I am" is located.

I guess I will have to break down and get a star constellation globe, which will give lat and long of a star's physical location projected on Earth.

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It's wherever the producer of the theory and process and solution desires it to be.

The correlation to Oak Island can be found in the next bay Bedford Basin, where a series of two carvings were found, one that signified the identity of the Mikmaw Confederacy from the areas, and the other showing the underground tunnels on Oak Island that were made in the times of the creation of the Money Pit.

Bedford Mikmaw_Star.webp
Bedford Basin.webp

These were then used by later parties to be imprinted in terraformed shapes in the grounds of Bedford, VA, by a party that was savvy to the great mystery, and was holding ceremonies in this location.

It is a very simple observation that can be seen from the air, as one order crafted the first clues, (Champlain and Bacon), and the second being laid by the original Knights of the Golden Circle.

Beale Mapa.webp

This being a crafted order using the symbols of both the previous orders of Masons under Albert Pikes direction, and that of the many parts of their decoor of their "Castles" that were crafted from the few parts of the mystery that they were in the know about.

Honestly its so obvious I am surprised that you haven't noticed the Statues of the Confederates from the original separatists being brought down from the exposure of this info.


... Marie Bauer Hall and Petter Amundsen are pioneers in a new field of study.
I think I will plow that field for a spell and just see what grows?
I am sure that field has been well fertilized. :thumbsup:

YEP! Dickens Family has @ 10,000 descendants or more... started in England.

I and Stellarium...Have Already Done The Work For You!

I've watched the 3 Admunsen videos twice now, and thought they were very interesting to say the least. The last time I saw something this interesting was from "The Tomb of God" by Richard Andrews and Paul Schellenberger. Admunsen also correlates the sculpture of Et in Arcadia ego from a painting by Nicolas Poussin as did Richard Andrews and Paul Schellenberger. This lead both Richard and Paul to a mountain in France. Admunsen's masonic drawing shows the center as "G" and is "I am". "I am" is the Wain constellation, the Wain constellation is the Big Dipper, 7 stars. "I am" is the Big Dipper. Does this mean the Big Dipper goes by another name, such as the Cup of Christ, the Holy Grail, hidden in plain sight? I would like to know, on Earth, where "I am" is located.

I guess I will have to break down and get a star constellation globe, which will give lat and long of a star's physical location projected on Earth.

Freemason's Celestial Map March 2018.webp

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