NSA Declassified Documents Beale Papers


Thanks for sharing links for the NSA documents. I have largely ignored the Beal Cypher Study Committee proceedings, believing it to be only focused on solving the Beale ciphers, which was well beyond my interest.

I was impressed with the research of the “Beale Story” by Carl W. Nelson, although I’m sure that for many of you, it was commonly known information, but much of it was new to me.

Some of these documents may have been shared but, if so, I missed them. I don’t have answers yet but I do have questions that I hope some of you can provide actual documentation.:)

Carl noted several Newspaper articles in the Lynchburg Press and he provided an overview. While very helpful some items leave a lot of questions for me. My initial focus has been Robert and Sarah Morriss and one of the things I’m trying to get my arms around is how he gained and lost most of his wealth.

22 Feb 1819 John M. Otey announces purchase of Robert Morriss’ partnership with William Mitchell Jr.

29 Apr 1819 First evidence of Morriss’ financial problems are revealed in a sale of a Deed of Trust.

7 Sep 1819 10,000 Acres of Morriss’ land had been advertised ending with the sale of Morriss’ personal servants to satisfy a Deed of Trust to John M. Otey.

31 Mar 1820 Robert and Sarah Morriss’ sale of property to satisfy a Deed of Trust to William Mitchell, Jr.

Who is John M Otey?

Who is William Mitchell Jr.

How did Robert Morriss acquire his wealth?

Where was the 10,000 acres of land owned by Morriss? When did he purchase it?

Where would the Deeds for this land reside? Several Counties?

Just one more piece of the puzzle I would like to understand and I would appreciate any help.

Thanks in Advance,


Hi Garry, Glad to see you are back posting. I can answer some of your questions. I think you may have some of the answers all ready. John M. Otey and Lucy had seven sons that served in the Confederate Army, five were killed or severely wounded during the war. Lucy was appointed a Captain over the hospitals in all the Confederacy. Her efforts saved hundreds of the wounded lives.

1, John M. Otey came to Lynchburg, Va at an early age and married Lucy Wilhelminia Norvell, daughter of Capt. William Norvell. John was a Bookkeeper, Teller and Cashier at the Bank of Virginia. He became a partner to Robert Morris after buying out William Mitchell Jr.

2. William Mitchell, Jr. was none other than Sarah Mitchell's brother and therefore Robert Morris' brother in law making William Mitchell, Sr. the father of Sarah Mitchell and Robert Morris' father in law. William Mitchell, Jr. and Robert Morris were both on the board of the Farmer's Bank of Virginia. Both the Farmer's Bank and the Bank of Virginia were branch banks of the banks in Richmond, Va.

3. Robert Morris acquired some of his wealth from his half uncle Robert Morris that signed the Declaration of Independence. He received five thousand pounds in Robert Morris' Will through and by a Samuel Morris (and I don't know who he is) Robert Morris' mother married into another wealthy family and some of the the fortune could have came from their Wills. He also was a businessman in Baltimore, Md. before 1809 and removed their store to Lynchburg in 1809. The first couple of years he purchased prime properties from the Lynch Family and others. He spent over $50,000 before 1813. In all he purchased over 35 properties from 1809 to 1822.

I must say here for the record, I admire Robert Morris more than any of the fore-fathers of our great country. He spent in today's dollars over $84 Billion Dollars of his own fortune. The only reason he went to Debtor's Prison was because of a Frenchman that reneged on a seven million acre land deal. The greatest man I ever have read about other than Jesus Christ. In today's dollars all of the people of all thirteen colonies combined came up with only $1 Billion Dollars. So Robert Morris spent over 75 to 84 times more than all the other people put together. Amazing but true.

4. As for the 10000 acres he sold I do not recall any tracts of land over 750 acres. All though I am quite sure he leased tens of thousands of acres for growing tobacco. The NSA most likely exaggerated on that being the amount of his properties sold?

5. Most of the deeds are found in the County Seat Courthouse in Rustburg, Va. I would advise on not going there unless you want to camp out for a week or two. The deeds are not filed in the best of orders and are very difficult to locate.

I hope this helps you. My gift to everyone.

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TY, franklin... you have done VERY well, in your R & I. Was THIS Robert Morris, MAYOR of Lynchburg, Va. in 1813...? Did he have a family...? Know of his burial site...? Inquiring minds wanna KNOW!

TY, franklin... you have done VERY well, in your R & I. Was THIS Robert Morris, MAYOR of Lynchburg, Va. in 1813...? Did he have a family...? Know of his burial site...? Inquiring minds wanna KNOW!

Yes Robert Morris was Mayor of Lynchburg, Va in 1813. His brother in law was the first Mayor of Lynchburg. Robert Morris was the only son. He had three sisters. His mother was expecting Robert Morris when his father died at a very young age. His father was Thomas Morris,half brother to Robert Morris of the DOI. Thomas Morris' mother was expecting Thomas when his father was killed from a wading from a cannon salute. So both Robert Morris of Lynchburg and his father were in the womb when their fathers were either killed or died. I have not found either Sarah Mitchell or Robert Morris' burial site, although I believe both are buried on the James Beverly Risque Plantation if I only knew where that was?

I forgot to mention that Robert Morris had an older half sister. She died around 1836. Robert's oldest sister died about the time Robert Morris was supposed to have opened the ironbox of TJB's and finding the Code Papers and letters. One letter one closure mentions that he was sick and about died at about the time he opened the ironbox. This was the reason for his sickness, his oldest sister died, not that he was sick of some disease.

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James Beverly Ward's mother, Adeline Risqué Ward inherited the Risqué Plantation from her father, and it was claimed that was near Lynchburg and would be in both Bedford and Campbell counties.
Ward returned from St Louis to help run the Plantation for his mother.
There must be deed records that can confirm the location.

I have some of the deeds but they do not confirm an exact spot. You can not find much from sassafras trees, white oaks or sycamore trees. No adjacent property owners. I have even went from door to door and asked people but no one knows. Now that is a real mystery?

BOTH are MYSTERIES that I am also looking into; and about "JB" Ward & family. I read once that RM & SM are buried in Maryland in his parent's cemetery, or the MITCHELL Cemetery in Bedford County, Va. Soon in April, wife & I MAY "over-nite" in Bedford, Va.; wanna do some R & I in the Bedford City/County Historical Museum in the old Masonic Lodge there, on these "subjects"; MAYBE stay at the Peaks of Otter, which opens "full-time" Mid-March, 2017.

Hi Garry, Glad to see you are back posting. I can answer some of your questions. I think you may have some of the answers all ready. John M. Otey and Lucy had seven sons that served in the Confederate Army, five were killed or severely wounded during the war. Lucy was appointed a Captain over the hospitals in all the Confederacy. Her efforts saved hundreds of the wounded lives.

1, John M. Otey came to Lynchburg, Va at an early age and married Lucy Wilhelminia Norvell, daughter of Capt. William Norvell. John was a Bookkeeper, Teller and Cashier at the Bank of Virginia. He became a partner to Robert Morris after buying out William Mitchell Jr.

2. William Mitchell, Jr. was none other than Sarah Mitchell's brother and therefore Robert Morris' brother in law making William Mitchell, Sr. the father of Sarah Mitchell and Robert Morris' father in law. William Mitchell, Jr. and Robert Morris were both on the board of the Farmer's Bank of Virginia. Both the Farmer's Bank and the Bank of Virginia were branch banks of the banks in Richmond, Va.

3. Robert Morris acquired some of his wealth from his half uncle Robert Morris that signed the Declaration of Independence. He received five thousand pounds in Robert Morris' Will through and by a Samuel Morris (and I don't know who he is) Robert Morris' mother married into another wealthy family and some of the the fortune could have came from their Wills. He also was a businessman in Baltimore, Md. before 1809 and removed their store to Lynchburg in 1809. The first couple of years he purchased prime properties from the Lynch Family and others. He spent over $50,000 before 1813. In all he purchased over 35 properties from 1809 to 1822.

I must say here for the record, I admire Robert Morris more than any of the fore-fathers of our great country. He spent in today's dollars over $84 Billion Dollars of his own fortune. The only reason he went to Debtor's Prison was because of a Frenchman that reneged on a seven million acre land deal. The greatest man I ever have read about other than Jesus Christ. In today's dollars all of the people of all thirteen colonies combined came up with only $1 Billion Dollars. So Robert Morris spent over 75 to 84 times more than all the other people put together. Amazing but true.

4. As for the 10000 acres he sold I do not recall any tracts of land over 750 acres. All though I am quite sure he leased tens of thousands of acres for growing tobacco. The NSA most likely exaggerated on that being the amount of his properties sold?

5. Most of the deeds are found in the County Seat Courthouse in Rustburg, Va. I would advise on not going there unless you want to camp out for a week or two. The deeds are not filed in the best of orders and are very difficult to locate.

I hope this helps you. My gift to everyone.


Thanks for all of the leads and ideas!

Damn Franklin, you scared me! I caught your post yesterday morning skimmed over it and stepped away and when I returned it was GONE! I racked my brain all day trying to remember the details of what you had written. The delay was well worth it though. Thanks for the gift.

BTW, I did have John Matthews Otey in my tree but he was only about 28 years old and the newspapers projected a wealthy mover and shaker, so I wasn't confident I had the correct Otey. His new wife Lucy Norvell may have had something to do with his affluence?

I’m a big fan of original documents and I wanted to know if anyone remembers someone posting an ad from the Lynchburg papers in which Robert Morriss was advertising his business as a commission agent (Something like that). It may be a false memory as I didn’t copy it and the details are vague. If anyone has seen and can point me to a document like this, I would be grateful.

One other thing, am I correct in believing the no one has been able to locate Robert and Sarah Morriss in the 1860 US census? This seems extremely strange. I keep speculating about their health and wondering where they might have been that the census taker might have missed them.


Census takers were mostly gun shy at that time so the census taken was not too well done. I have not heard about the ad you mentioned about a "commission" on Morris' business.

BOTH are MYSTERIES that I am also looking into; and about "JB" Ward & family. I read once that RM & SM are buried in Maryland in his parent's cemetery, or the MITCHELL Cemetery in Bedford County, Va. Soon in April, wife & I MAY "over-nite" in Bedford, Va.; wanna do some R & I in the Bedford City/County Historical Museum in the old Masonic Lodge there, on these "subjects"; MAYBE stay at the Peaks of Otter, which opens "full-time" Mid-March, 2017.

His parents are buried at the Ketochian Baptist Church or something like that? Thomas Morris died in France so I don't know where he is buried either?

One other thing, am I correct in believing the no one has been able to locate Robert and Sarah Morriss in the 1860 US census? This seems extremely strange. I keep speculating about their health and wondering where they might have been that the census taker might have missed them.


I have found Robert Morriss in 1800 (Maryland), 1810 (Maryland), 1820 (Lynchburg, VA.), 1830 (Lynchburg, VA.), 1840 (Lynchburg, VA.), and 1850 (Lynchburg, VA.) I haven't been able to find him in 1860. We know he was alive in 1860, but the records we all have looked at doesn't reflect that. I've seen this many times in researching my family tree. S
o much for people who say something isn't true because we haven't found a record of it. Also, Robert Morriss' last name was spelled differently in just about all those records, though it is for sure the same man. This I have also seen many times doing genealogical research. So much for people who use name spellings as proof against someone's existence.

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Have you looked in the 1860 Census for Lynchburg City instead of Campbell County. Also may need to look under the name of David Saunders?

Every time you claim to solve the ciphers......you are making the claim that you have the information concerning the surviving relatives, offering the 'crowds' another chance to forge their way into American History.....

Every time you pull up old records, you 'prove' a claimant's argument for confiscation of part of the trove, regardless if it was actually their relative, or if it was even a legal mine claim they worked.

Don't have the names and addresses, don't have anyone to deal with but the landowner and the 50/50 split mentioned in the law.....which seems to stem from the numerous Beale hunters throughout the years influencing the laws to be written.

Funny how the pamphlet speaks of splitting it the same way as the law states nowadays. :laughing7:

That many people hunting for Gold able to change the laws to their fitting, especially when each of them are geared at taking a piece of it for themselves......

The "History" is the illusion......which you are usin

Don't look at the history of the times is what the Beale talks about by showing ignorance in literary text....published text is always proofread even if its fiction......

Make sure to use correct punktuation...get it.....

As you wouldn't want any "False or Idle Punctillio" to interfere with the collection of your shares

Would You.....

They never intended for anyone to find it and give it to the families....

They intended for somebody to return to VA to claim the trove and fuel the second civil war

Taking it to pay for mercenary forces under Military command to move into the Black Hills.

Red Knee......Wounded Knee.....

This is where your timeline of American History never matches up to the affairs of the OAK and KGC.....they did what they wanted, and they were the creators of the plans, had the original "Black Budget" funds, created the fronts and motives and brainwashed their operatives, with hopes of gold and jewels, ready and hell bent on taking over America for their own affairs.

Now you think the Confederate Flag fell because of a nutjob kid who killed off members of his own Congregation?

Seems that we need a parallel comparison of the timelines of actual affairs to see if MAYBE, POSSIBLY, and WHAT IF..........there was and still is a major operation going on.

Bet you a nickel there is.


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