Now that the stone maps are out of the way, no movie/series....what's next?

Yes....SE corner of BCB, about where the first crevasse is that we climbed up through, on our way to the top one day about 12-13 years ago.
If the symbols were done with grease crayon or black paint, they're probably faded by now....maybe even removed by Storm after the shoot was in the can.

Sheesh Wayne - 12-13 years ago??? Has it really been that long? *sigh* That just bums me out!

Your object, if man-made, could be some kind of animal. Even if natural, it could still be seen as

Thanks Somehiker, I took it as a coyote or dog, to be aware I guess. It's high up on the Saint Guardian on the west and on the east,guardians it's looking at this.


To to keep your eye on the east side.


Didn't have time to dig too much into old photos but found these 2. One is from the top of Black Cross Butte to the west of Coronado Mesa near where the gate to the SRP Housing area is. The other is what I call the "brontosaurus" and I believe it can be seen in one of the scenes of "Lust For Gold." It's located along the southern/southwestern base of Black Cross Butte.

The "view from Black Cross Butte" just gives a feel for the area. To get closer to the "Lust For Gold" shot I would have had to take the shot more to the right. What you're seeing here is the edge of Coronado Mesa to the right and Horse Mesa on the E or left side of Fish Creek Canyon.

It was 11 years ago Wayne!! Man I hate how time flies.

view from top of Black Cross Butte.webp


This looks like a match to me - just from a slightly different angle I think.

lust for gold.webp

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The movie crew used a larger area SSE from BCB . In this image , the actor is little far south from BCB , and the Mesquite Flats area is recognized from above .


And a bit higher and behind the camera position is the arch that they used for the "moon" shot.

Also , the arch concept was a refference to the Dark Circle ( Aylor's arch ) from the Palomino Mt.
Like Not Peralta wrote , the Dark Circle was named after its using in the night time , to find a specific mine . Seems Barry Storm had some bits of info about that arch in Palomino , but the idea with the moon , was not an accurate one . The Grijalva's stone map , explains the way someone have to use the Dark Circle to find that mine , which of course is not the LDM , but the same rich .

Here's a shot from way up above.....

View attachment 1671157

Some of the scenes from the "Legends" series were shot down there and nearby, as well as the "village" scene in "The Bridge".
There is also a set of cart tracks deeply worn in solid rock and part way down the slope into FC Canyon. Problem is, no one is allowed past the gate across the road nowadays, so you can't hike down there to see them.

SH, are the cart tracks on BCB?

Also , the arch concept was a refference to the Dark Circle ( Aylor's arch ) from the Palomino Mt.
Like Not Peralta wrote , the Dark Circle was named after its using in the night time , to find a specific mine . Seems Barry Storm had some bits of info about that arch in Palomino , but the idea with the moon , was not an accurate one . The Grijalva's stone map , explains the way someone have to use the Dark Circle to find that mine , which of course is not the LDM , but the same rich .


Grijalva's explained dark circle is inaccurate as well. And as for the main topic too.


SH, are the cart tracks on BCB?

Just south of it, along the jeep road to Horse Mesa Dam, near where the locked gate is. It's down slope on the west side of Coronado Mesa.

Probably caused by carts servicing the building of the dam in 1924-27.


Grijalva's explained dark circle is inaccurate as well. And as for the main topic too.


And this is only your opinion , of course . If you believe all the maps are only for the LDM , then you are far away from what the real deal is .

SH, are the cart tracks on BCB?

Down below the gate, in the pass between BCB and Coronado Mesa......south side of Fish Creek Canyon.
Basically under the original path of the hydro lines.
I suspect they are from a wheeled winch or spool carrier used for stringing the wires from tower to tower.

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And this is only your opinion , of course . If you believe all the maps are only for the LDM , then you are far away from what the real deal is .

I've always claimed the maps are of different places, with a commom system in place to be decoded,
The real reason for understanding them is you can't place modern ideology on them, You must look at them with the old ideology, You see a Witch on the Stones, I see a Priest of the church long forgotten and only used in modern times now for blessings of a new church.



Its right on the map of the Priest I speak of, It's a dangerous Journey. The Priest is standing on his thrown to protect you on this journey if you follow the right path in God. You detract from that path all Hell awaits you.


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I've always claimed the maps are of different places, with a commom system in place to be decoded,
The real reason for understanding them is you can't place modern ideology on them, You must look at them with the old ideology, You see a Witch on the Stones, I see a Priest of the church long forgotten and only used in modern times now for blessings of a new church.


And some of us see something that makes perfect sense once you figure it out...I ain't spilling the beans as to what that may be at the'll admit it is church related mick...hehehe

Ed T:)


Its right on the map of the Priest I speak of, It's a dangerous Journey. The Priest is standing on his thrown to protect you on this journey if you follow the right path in God. You detract from that path all Hell awaits you.


It is a perilous journey, I'll admit that much...And I hated riding that darned mule...rofl...Maybe one day I'll get me a little trail bike...

Ed T;)

i have a rokon i'll sell you:occasion14:

I have my eye on a shiny new Italika...I don't think it will have a gps tracker on am a paranoid fool Dave...It is all part of my mental illness...hahaha

Ed T:)

i have a rokon i'll sell you:occasion14:

Those Rokon's buck just as bad as an old Mule! No suspension on the older ones. The new ones at least have a front suspension. I've been looking for one lately. I used to be a dealer for them back in 2002. I restored an old 1968 one and sold it. It's about the only thing besides a mule that can get you through those trails in the Supers. And out run the Green Weenies chasing after ya! I had um chasing me in a State Park once with my lady on the back! Hit a patch of sand and we both flipped over the bars! Laughed our asses off for about thirty seconds until we heard the Rangers coming!


Those Rokon's buck just as bad as an old Mule! No suspension on the older ones. The new ones at least have a front suspension. I've been looking for one lately. I used to be a dealer for them back in 2002. I restored an old 1968 one and sold it. It's about the only thing besides a mule that can get you through those trails in the Supers. And out run the Green Weenies chasing after ya! I had um chasing me in a State Park once with my lady on the back! Hit a patch of sand and we both flipped over the bars! Laughed our asses off for about thirty seconds until we heard the Rangers coming!

they have plenty of suspension..just let most of the air out of the tires...then they ride great..

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